[Audio] Hello! Welcome to my documentary for the interdisciplinary project. This project is about the September 11th incident. Let's start!.
[Audio] History. This is the history of the world trade center which was also known as the twin towers. Pause the video to read more about it!.
[Audio] The main subject for this project is the aftermath of 9/11 which caused tremendous problems globally. Firstly the USA and the country Afghanistan has clashed in war terms. Due to that many things have changed over the past years after the incident. Let's know more about it in the next slide!.
[Audio] How the 9/11 incident changed the world. Let's look through some points..
[Audio] There's continued military presence in Afghanistan..
[Audio] Airport security has gotten a lot stricter..
[Audio] The department of Homeland security was created..
[Audio] There was an increase in pervasive racism and religious bias against Muslims..
A Camera On Every Corner? The Surveillance Debate After Boston ....
[Audio] It changed the way we get our news.. 6. It changed the way we get our news..
[Audio] There was an increase in patriotism.. Why American Patriotism is Peculiar - Jack Miller Center.
[Audio] Thank you for watching this documentary!.