Year 8 Media Film Poster Analysis  

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Virtual Presenter] Hello and welcome to my year 8 Media presentation. My name is Delinda and today I will be analysing and evaluating how two different film posters use Media codes and conventions to represent ideas and show genre..

Scene 2 (16s)

[Audio] Today I will be compering and analyzing the tow movie poster Harry Potter and Mean girls.

Scene 3 (25s)

Conventions of Harry Potter poster. A picture containing text, picture frame Description automatically generated.

Scene 4 (38s)

A picture containing text, picture frame Description automatically generated.

Scene 5 (1m 21s)

Analysis of the movie poster Harry potter. A picture containing text, picture frame Description automatically generated.

Scene 6 (1m 41s)

[Audio] Harry Potter is a 2004 American film about a place called Hogwarts and all about fighting and house and this little game.

Scene 7 (2m 6s)

[Audio] Mean girls is an 2004 American film about bulling and school and a girl who joins the group of mean gift ls and loosers al of her friends then tries to get back on the main girl in the group.

Scene 8 (2m 19s)

[Audio] This slide shows an in depth analysis of each convention of the poster. I have spoken about the actress layout and the tag line.

Scene 9 (2m 49s)

[Audio] This is my analysis of one of the posters mean girls here I talk about the overall layout of the movie poster.

Scene 10 (3m 13s)

[Audio] This slide shows my evaluation of The movie poster mean girl where I talk about what audience this movie would reach.

Scene 11 (3m 35s)

[Audio] What you see here is my evaluation and comparison of both posters. I made a final judgement here..