Eluyera Oyinkansola Eunice seminar presentation Edit part 3

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Koller J Baumer U Kaup Y & Weser U (2005). Herodotus' and Pliny's embalming materials identified on ancient Egyptian mummies. *Archaeometry 47* 609-628. doi. Laskowski S (1886). *L'embaumement la conservation des sujets et les préparations anatomiques*. H Georg: Genève-Bâle-Lyon. [Google Scholar] Lee K Huang C Chuang S Huang C Tsai W & Hsieh C (2022). Energy Saving and Carbon Neutrality in the Funeral Industry. Energies. doi. Mazzarelli D Tambuzzi S Maderna E Caccia G Poppa P Merelli V Terzi M Rizzi A Trombino L Andreola S & Cattaneo C (2021). Look before washing and cleaning: A caveat to pathologists and anthropologists.. Journal of forensic and legal medicine 79 102137 . doi. Menezes R Bakhurji R AlGhuneem A Alabdullah H Al-Saleh N & Eskander M (2023). The current regulations in handling autopsy of COVID-19 corpses: A narrative review. *Forensic Science Review 35*(1) 47-57. nih Meyer J McAvoy K & Jiang J (2013). Rehydration capacities and rates for various porcine tissues after dehydration. *plos One 8*. doi..

Scene 2 (1m 42s)

[Audio] Nicholson T Gradl M Welte B Metzger M Pusch C & Albert K (2011). Enlightening the past: Analytical proof for the use of Pistacia exudates in ancient Egyptian embalming resins. *Journal of Separation Science 34*(23) 3364-3371. doi. Nikolaou P Papoutsis I Dona A Spiliopoulou C & Athanaselis S (2013). Toxicological analysis of formalin-fixed or embalmed tissues: A review. *Forensic Science International 233*(1-3) 312-319. doi. Noël G Dubé J & Venne G (2020). The unintentional effects on body donation programs of a competency‐based curriculum in postgraduate medical education. *Anatomical Sciences Education 14*. doi. Onyejike D Akukwu D Onyejike I Okeke S & Agulanna A (2022). Modern Method of Commercial Embalming of Poisoned Decomposing Carcasses in Nigeria. Asian Journal of Research in Zoology. doi. Pires A & Souza S (2010). Hypodermic needle without recipient paraffin block technique. *Methods in Molecular Biology 664* 53-61. doi..

Scene 3 (3m 11s)

[Audio] Podgorny I (2011). Modern embalming circulation of fluids and the voyage through the human arterial system: Carl L Barnes and the culture of immortality in America. *Nuncius 26*(1) 109-131. doi. Richins C A Roberts E C & Zeilmann J A (1963). Improved fluids for anatomical embalming and storage. *Anatomical Record 146* 241-243. [PubMed] [Google Scholar] Robinson G (2021). Dying to Go Green: The Introduction of Resomation in the United Kingdom. Religion 12 97. doi. Sa Z YunusEmre K Tania M & Ky G (2016). Techniques of Research in Anatomy. M-O-J Anatomy & Physiology 2. doi. Sadeesh T Prabavathy G & Ethiraj R (2020). Effects of high and low concentration formalin in embalming of cadavers. *International Journal of Current Research and Review 12* 52-55. doi. Satapathy B & Kar B (2023). Alternative natural and chemical substances to traditional formalin-based embalming fluid for cadaveric dissection: A review. Indian Journal of Clinical Anatomy and Physiology. doi. Schafer C (2007). Post-mortem personalization: pastoral power and the New Zealand funeral director. Mortality 12 4-21. doi..

Scene 4 (4m 57s)

[Audio] Schwarz C Münch N Müller-Salo J Kramer S Walz C & Germerott T (2021). The dignity of the human corpse in forensic medicine. International Journal of Legal Medicine 135 2073 2079. doi. Shen Z (1992). [Effect of surface cooling on free skin transplantation: experimental study and preliminary clinical application].. Zhonghua wai ke za zhi [Chinese journal of surgery] 30 5 267-9 316 . Shi K Shao S & Yin W (2011). An Improved Non-Formaldehyde Tissue Preservative. Advanced Materials Research 356-360 360 363. doi. Shian S Soenggono A & Pramod S (2016). Comparison of Tissue Preservation using Formalin and Ethanol as Preservative Formula. Althea Medical Journal 3 359-363. doi. Shrestha S Bhattarai S Mahat S Jha M & Amgain K (2019). Embalming – history to its recent advancements. *Europasian Journal of Medical Sciences*. doi. Smith J & Jones L (2018). Anatomy education and the role of embalming. *Journal of Medical Education*. doi.

Scene 5 (6m 32s)

[Audio] Souchon E (1911). The Preservation Of Anatomic Dissections With Permanent Color Of Muscles Vessels And Organs: A Supplementary Note. . Doi. Spain D (1973). Medicolegal investigation of death: Guidelines for the application of pathology to crime investigation. *JAMA 226* 1574-1574. doi. Sparey K (2012). Effectiveness adaptation and health risks of embalming fluids: Just what is the solution? *The faseb Journal 26*. doi. Stemper B Yoganandan N Stineman M Gennarelli T Baisden J & Pintar F (2007). Mechanics of fresh refrigerated and frozen arterial tissue.. The Journal of surgical research 139 2 236-42 . doi. Tang X Bai Y Duong A Smith M Li L & Zhang L (2009). Formaldehyde in China: Production consumption exposure levels and health effects. *Environment International 35*(8) 1210-1224. doi. Tomalty D Pang S & Ellis R (2018). Preservation of neural tissue with a formaldehyde‐free phenol‐based embalming protocol. Clinical Anatomy 32. doi..

Scene 6 (8m 7s)

[Audio] Uy B Swift S Casu F Mahuika D Curtis M & Prendergast D (2022). Dealing with hidden threats: The antimicrobial effect of the embalming process. *Microorganisms 10*. doi. White C Ramee S Collins T Jenkins J Reilly J & Patel R (2013). Carotid artery stenting. *Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 82*. doi. World Health Organization. (2021). Guidelines on embalming and public health safety. Yefimovich M Ninelievna C Kizi S & Oglu S (2020). The Egyptian Period in the History of Embalming. 6 17. doi. Zhang S McLeod G Sadler A Xia C & Huang Z (2021). Needle insertion forces and fluid injection pressures during targeting of nerves in a soft embalmed cadaver model. Journal of Clinical Monitoring and Computing. doi. Please put references where necessary use Times New romans Line spacing 2.0 arrange your references in A-P-A format..