Lean History. The history of Lean can be traced back to early 20th-century industrial prac ces, with its formal development taking place primarily in Japan at Toyota Motor Corpora on. The term "Lean" was coined much later, but the principles behind it have evolved over me. Here's a meline of key developments in the history of Lean:.
Jidoka (Autonoma on): Another important aspect of TPS, Jidoka refers to the concept of "automa on with a human touch," where machines are equipped to stop automa cally when a defect is detected. This allowed workers to iden fy and address problems immediately, improving quality and reducing rework..
the term Lean Manufacturing to describe the highly efficient, waste-reducing prac ces of the Toyota Produc on System. The book compared Lean produc on to tradi onal mass produc on, highligh ng the benefits of Lean principles like just-in- me produc on, waste elimina on, and con nuous improvement..
Today, Lean is a global philosophy, and its principles are applied across industries ranging from so ware development to educa on. Some modern developments in Lean include:.
Value: Defined from the customer’s perspec ve—what they are willing to pay for..
2. Map the Value Stream. Value Stream Mapping (VSM): Map out the en re produc on process from receiving raw materials (fabrics, trims) to cu ng, sewing, packaging, and shipping..
Use Kaizen principles to con nuously refine processes and find new ways to eliminate waste..
Problem: High defect rate in finished garments.. Lean Solu on: Use Poka-Yoke methods to prevent s tching mistakes, introduce quality checks at earlier stages (in-line inspec on), and engage workers in con nuous improvement efforts to iden fy defect causes..