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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Good morning everyone. Project update as of August 9 2024..

Scene 2 (9s)

[Audio] Breakdown and Remaining Percentage of our project..

Scene 3 (21s)

[Audio] Based on the accomplishment our project is ahead by 4 days..

Scene 4 (40s)

[Audio] As of today 270 days have elapsed since the start of the project. We have 155 days remaining to complete the project. As of the latest update the project has achieved 60.43% of the planned milestones and objectives surpassing the projected accomplishment of 59.55%. This represents a positive advancement of 4 days ahead of the planned schedule..

Scene 5 (1m 8s)

5. [image].

Scene 6 (1m 14s)

[Audio] Accomplishment photos for Structural Works.

Scene 7 (1m 20s)

[Audio] Stripping Of Form Enclosure At Second Floor Stair-1 Stiffener Columns. Form Enclosure At Second Floor Stair-1 Lintel Beams..

Scene 8 (1m 35s)

[Audio] Field Density Test For S O G. Accomplishment Report.

Scene 9 (1m 44s)

[Audio] Installation Of Formworks For Second Floor Dust Collector Exterior Wall. Installation Of Rebars For Vault Room..

Scene 10 (1m 55s)

[Audio] Soil Poisoning For S O G Phase 3.. Accomplishment Report.

Scene 11 (2m 3s)

[Audio] Gravel Bedding At S O G Area 3 And Production Hallway. Installation Of Rebar Mesh For S O G Area-2 Phase 2..

Scene 12 (2m 15s)

[Audio] Accomplishment Report For Architectural Works..

Scene 13 (2m 21s)

[Audio] Masonry Works.. MASONRY WORKS. 13.

Scene 14 (2m 27s)

[Audio] Concrete Topping For Zocalo At Mixing Room 4 5 AND 6..

Scene 15 (2m 42s)

[Audio] Plastering Of Interior Wall At Staff Dorms..

Scene 16 (2m 54s)

[Audio] Formblocks Laying At Second Floor Elevator Walls. Chb Laying At Stair-4 Wall Partition..

Scene 17 (3m 6s)

[Audio] Concrete Pouring Of Stiffener Beam For Stair-1 Enclosure. Backfilling At Ground Floor S O G Phase 4..

Scene 18 (3m 16s)

[Audio] Plastering At Front Exterior Wall. Installation Of Groove Joints..

Scene 19 (3m 27s)

[Audio] Plastering At Front Exterior Wall. Chb Laying At Second Floor Perimeter Wall..

Scene 20 (3m 39s)

[Audio] Formblocks Laying At Second Floor Elevator Area. Zocalo For Warehouse Ramp And Stair..

Scene 21 (3m 52s)

[Audio] Clearing And Canting At Mezzanine Mixing Room 5 6 AND 7. Zocalo For Warehouse Ramp And Stair..

Scene 22 (4m 3s)

[Audio] Installation Of Formblocks For Second Floor Elevator Wall. Concrete Pouring Of Zocalo For Warehouse Ramp..

Scene 23 (4m 16s)

[Audio] Plastering Of Wall For Stair-4 Enclosure. Plastering Of Wall For Ground Floor Hallway..

Scene 24 (4m 27s)

[Audio] Mock-up For Goods Slide. Chb Laying At Second Floor Rear Perimeter Along Gl: A-b/7.

Scene 25 (4m 38s)

[Audio] Plastering Of Wall Enclosure At Second Floor Stair-1. Form Enclosure For Lintel Beams At Elevator Walls..

Scene 26 (4m 50s)

[Audio] Left Side View. Rear Side View.. Accomplishment Report.

Scene 27 (4m 59s)

[Audio] Right Side View. Front View.. Accomplishment Report.

Scene 28 (5m 7s)

[Audio] Aluminum Doors And Windows.. ALUMINUM DOORS AND WINDOWS.

Scene 29 (5m 14s)

[Audio] Installation Of Window Glass Frame At Mezzanine Mixing Room 4..

Scene 30 (5m 24s)

[Audio] Miscellaneous Steel Works. MISCELLANEOUS STEEL WORKS.

Scene 31 (5m 31s)

[Audio] Installation Of Rafters And Purlins.. Accomplishment Report.

Scene 32 (5m 42s)

[Audio] Installation Of Rafters For Roof Framing..

Scene 33 (5m 53s)

[Audio] Roof Framing Status As Of August 9 2024..

Scene 34 (6m 3s)

[Audio] Installation Of G I Pipes For Warehouse Ramp And Stair Railings..

Scene 35 (6m 12s)

[Audio] Installation Of Stainless Steel Railings At Stair-2..

Scene 36 (6m 23s)

[Audio] Painting Works.. PAINTING WORKS. 36.

Scene 37 (6m 29s)

[Audio] Application Of Latex Paint At Storage High Ceiling Along Gl: F-g/7-5. Skim Coating At Second Floor Perimeter Wall Along Gl: F-g/7..

Scene 38 (6m 44s)

[Audio] Skim Coating At Ground Floor Warehouse Area. Skim Coating Of Wall And Columns At Ground Floor Warehouse Area..

Scene 39 (6m 55s)

[Audio] Skim Coating At Ground Floor Warehouse Area. Painting At Ramp Railings At Ground Floor..

Scene 40 (7m 4s)

[Audio] Skim Coating At Second Floor Warehouse Area. Skim Coating Of Roof Beams..

Scene 41 (7m 13s)

[Audio] Application Of Primer Paint For Second Floor Underslab. Skim Coating Of Walls And Ceiling At Ground Floor Area Along Gl: E-g/7-3..

Scene 42 (7m 28s)

[Audio] Skim Coating Of Wall And Beams At Ground Floor Warehouse Area. Skim Coating Of Beams And Ceiling At Storage Area Along Gl: F-g/7-3..

Scene 43 (7m 43s)

[Audio] Painting Works Schedule. 43. A PROPOSED TWO STOREY FACTORY AND WAREHOUSE BUILDING PROJECT 41 uilarStB _Bu LOCATION 7 Quezon PAINTING WORKS SCHEDULE JEROMIAH INCORPORATED OWNER AR NEIL JOHN CLARENCE E- ESTEVES UAP CHITECT NUMBER OF DAYS Storage Area Material Recove" LÖiy. Ki*en Room Room Cold Stora# Rmm Room Pack" Azom 2 Nzom 3 Room 4 Packhg Naom 5 Packhg Room 6 R',om 7 Haeny at Area Washhg and Area Fernak T Vale Changhg Room Y Shower and Toilet Secw$ Skep" kea STP control Room Room Pump Rcom and Storage Pres&fs Che and StorageEE Rcom Halway at Azea vaing Rcoms 01 02 Vaing Rcoms 03 Miing Vaing Rcoms 05 Vaing Rcoms 06 Rucoms 07 18 18.

Scene 44 (8m 3s)


Scene 45 (8m 34s)

[Audio] Waterproofing Works.. WATERPROOFING WORKS.

Scene 46 (8m 40s)

[Audio] Application Of Waterproofing Membrane At Mixing Room 1..

Scene 47 (8m 49s)

[Audio] Jeromiah Procurement Status As Of August 9 2024..

Scene 48 (9m 31s)

[Audio] Masonry And Plastering Schedule For The Month Of August.