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FAST START STEP UP BONUS Earn Cash as You Grow We want to reward you as you launch and grow your NeoLife Business. When you get off to a fast start by stepping up and personally starting new Distributors, you’ll earn these exciting bonuses. WEST AFRICA * Amounts in local currency for Benin Republic, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire and Togo New Distributors earn Bonuses for stepping up and personal starts Step Up to Manager and Personally Sponsor 2 New Starts with 100 PPV Step Up to Senior Manager and Personally Sponsor 3 New Starts with 100 PPV Step Up to Executive Manager and Personally Sponsor 6 New Starts with 100 PPV C70 / N4,500 / FCFA5,000* C140 / N9,000 / FCFA11,000* C280 / N18,000 / FCFA22,000* Your First 3 Full Months Your First 5 Full Months © 2024. NeoLife International. All rights reserved. 01/24 **All Personal Distributor starts must have 100+PV to count towards this incentive. You must be an Active Distributor with a minimum of 100 Personal PV to earn bonuses. Distributor starts are cumulative over the 5-month period. You must be qualified at the title for the bonus you are receiving in that month. Ex. You must be a Qualified Senior Manager in the month you earn the Senior Manager level bonus. STEP UP WITH PERSONAL STARTS** BONUS AMOUNT • Think BIG and start fast! Achieve all three steps within your first 3 months and earn ALL three Bonuses — Manager Bonus = C70 / N4,500 / FCFA5,000* — Senior Manager Bonus = C140 / N9,000 / FCFA11,000* — Executive Manager Bonus = C280 / N18,000 / FCFA22,000* Total = C490 / N31,500 / FCFA38,000 • Sponsoring is accumulated. > Example: if you sponsor 2 New Starts in month one and 1 New Start in month two you have accumulated 3 New Starts. • Both the Step Up and Personal Sponsoring requirements must be met to achieve each bonus level. > Example: if you Step Up to Executive Manager but only have 2 Personal Distributor starts, you’ll earn the Manager level bonus of C70 / N4,500 / FCFA5,000. • The Manager and Senior Manager Bonuses can only be earned in your first three full months. In month four and five you are only eligible for the Executive Manager Bonus. > Example: If you achieve all three steps in months four or five, you will only earn the Executive Manager bonus..