[Audio] For the Design Thinking Social Innovation Course Project, we have a table of 5 students studying at KLE Technological University in Hubballi, each with their own unique enrollment numbers. Starting from Mohammed Azharuddin Sheikh in 1901 to Deepika Khade in 1927, every student is an integral part of this project. This project is reflective of the creative and innovative spirit that is present on the campus..
[Audio] PTSD, or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a mental health disorder which can be experienced not only by those who have gone through a traumatic event, but also those who heard or witnessed its occurrence. This highly prevalent condition is still a subject of misunderstanding in the medical communities, thus leading to the importance of our project. We are dedicated to raising awareness, educating people about this disorder and reducing the stigma associated with it..
[Audio] PTSD affects 32.4% of the population and can result in depression, anxiety, sleep deprivation and in extreme cases, it can even lead to suicide. If not addressed, it could have serious consequences in the long-term. This Design Thinking for Social Innovation Course Project has the chance to make a real difference in the lives of those affected by PTSD, by helping them and preventing them from taking extreme measures..
[Audio] This Stakeholder Map looks into the stakeholders identified with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). Primary stakeholders are composed of those with PTSD, their parents, psychiatrists, and NGOs. Secondary stakeholders are doctors, while tertiary stakeholders are pharmaceutical companies, insurers, and the government. Mapping the stakeholders and their respective roles helps bring clarity to our Social Innovation Course Project's scope and effect..
[Audio] We need to understand the user's needs to ensure a successful Design Thinking process. To accomplish this, empathy is essential to comprehend the user's experiences and difficulties. Through the research activities, we can acquire knowledge into their requirements, so as to devise a better design to address them..
[Audio] Post-traumatic Stress Disorder is a serious mental health issue that many young people are not aware of. In India, trauma and stress are often not seen as major concerns, meaning that it can go undiagnosed and untreated. By increasing awareness about Post-traumatic Stress Disorder we can help reduce the stigma associated with it and pave the way for a successful intervention and prevention of secondary trauma..
same issue triggers when possible•. a system'. Seeking for professional help. Practising self care. Learning groun&ng techniques. coping Straters, Educatir* themselves PtSO..
[Audio] PTSD can cause a wide range of difficulties for the individual, such as intrusive memories, flashbacks and nightmares associated with traumatic events, extreme emotional distress and instability, behaviours of avoidance, issues in relationships, social seclusion, and discrimination and lack of recognition. To manage the condition and work towards healing, people with PTSD often have special requirements such as feelings of safety and protection, understanding and acceptance, access to mental health services, understanding of PTSD, and education about psychological issues..
[Audio] As you can see, this slide is about the stakeholder ArushE, a Psychiatrist based in Hubli. Her motivations are to understand the problem and erase the taboo related to mental health and therapy. She is dedicated to helping people and her personality is inclined towards technology. This is important because most of the new technology users are students who are still figuring out what to do in life. This project gives her the opportunity to share her knowledge to help them and contribute to the course project..
Stakeholder Persona Demo ra e Occu tion Status hic Data Alani Ahu-a Student Sin Ie Location Addres 5th block Qualification Biography r Hub'i Goals TO score .n bounds- To be a successful doctor 3. TO have a good reation Fustrations 2. To be a successful doctor. 3. Not able to concentrate in studies 4. scared to go for therapy and aorried about how the society "SII react Motivations avani's passion towards her It eductaion has made her orilliant student. She is working towards mental peace. She is a hardworking student, preparing for her boards. She is suffering from PTSO. She wants to score well in her boards and make her parents proud- Personali Introvert Intuition percievin Feeling Technolo Laptops, moones, SOCIG,- "ke facebook, instagram and gmai/ account..
[Audio] Ms. Manvi is a married teacher in her mid-40s who holds a B.Ed and M.Ed qualification. She is passionate about teaching and helping people, a hard worker and a good listener. She is concerned about her daughter’s education and understands what she is going through. Her primary use of technology is the internet, social media, messaging applications and her Google account. She aims to be a good teacher, keep her family happy and provide the best for her daughter..
[Audio] We have come up with some great ideas that could be used to bring about change in our community. These ideas were the result of our collaborative effort and creativity in order to come up with inventive solutions to social issues. This project has shown our determination to use our abilities and knowledge to help improve our society..
[Audio] The goal of this project is to have a meaningful impact on people suffering with PTSD in the community. To achieve this, we have identified a number of initiatives, including creating an app to connect people suffering from PTSD, putting up banners in schools and colleges, conducting live shows on Instagram by psychiatrists, conducting storytelling and personal testimonials, organising mental health screenings in workplaces and institutions, creating an Instagram account for people to talk about their traumas, and partnering with influencers. Each of these initiatives has the potential to help us reach our goal and make a difference in the lives of people living with PTSD..
[Audio] For this project, idea evaluation was an essential part. We assessed 6 ideas against criteria like originality, sustainability, cost, effectiveness, and stakeholder engagement. The one that obtained the highest score was chosen, which was to create a Twitter handle. Moreover, other ideas such as conducting live shows on Instagram, promoting open conversations, conducting surveys, introducing mental health education into schools, and teaching and collecting data on PTSD were also taken into account based on their scores. These ideas are set as a starting point for further action..
[Audio] We conducted a feedback session with one of our stakeholders for our Design Thinking for Social Innovation Course Project and found their feedback to be very useful in assessing the success of our solution. They were pleased with our solution, found it to be in line with their requirements and expectations and experienced no technical issues. They proposed some resources and tools to be integrated as well as a share option for users to send information to other platforms. They suggested adding interactive elements such as quizzes, polls, surveys and webinars to engage visitors, and providing personalized support such as email, phone and ticketing support to provide extra assistance. We have seriously considered these suggestions and implemented them in our project..
[Audio] Our goal in the second phase of the project is to generate solutions to improve the situation in our community. We will be utilizing design thinking methodology to apply creative problem-solving. We will be exploring and developing ideas through ideation in order to identify potential viable solutions. By discussing our individual ideas with one another, we can draw connections and form creative solutions to the challenge at hand. Our collective ideas will move us towards a meaningful and successful project..
[Audio] To realize our solution, we must create a prototype. Prototyping is a process of creating a working version of our solution that can be tested and improved to make sure it functions correctly. Prototyping aids in rapidly verifying ideas and understanding how the user interacts with our product..
[Audio] An important element in our Design Thinking for Social Innovation process is to actualize our solutions through prototyping. To achieve that, we have created an action plan. An action plan assists us to subdivide our project into smaller, more conceivable tasks so that we can monitor our progress and guarantee we are on target. Furthermore, it functions as a navigational guide for the entire project and helps us stay concentrated. We can employ the action plan to align our work with our team and take note of dates and progress. By following this plan, we can make sure that we fulfill our project..
[Audio] I'd like to express my gratitude to Dr. Preeti Patil for the guidance and support provided for this Design Thinking for Social Innovation Course Project at KLE Technological University in Hubballi. Our work was made possible through the enthusiasm and dedication of our team members, which I'm very thankful for. Finally, I'd like to thank you for being a part of this wonderful journey with us. Thank you for listening. It's been a pleasure sharing this project..