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Scene 1 (0s)

Jeslin Jose & Sofia Lidman Master’s Programme in Digital Service Innovation Halmstad University.

Scene 2 (8s)

What is Voi?. Launched in August 2018 Scandinavian micro mobility company offering electric scooters Europe’s first scooter operator 6 000 000 + scooters 500 + employees.

Scene 3 (24s)

Voi and equality. Within the company: UN sustainable goals (5) 50% of employees are women Gender goals 2025 Mentorship and unconscious bias -training Internship and Partnership.

Scene 4 (1m 43s)

Voi and ethics. Accumulation of scooters on sidewalks and the danger to pedestrians Surveillance - Location data/live tracking User data protection Using personal data for the purpose of marketing campaigns Use of lithium batteries and human rights.

Scene 5 (3m 13s)

Voi and sustainability. Need a device (phone) to access the service “Zero waste by 2022” Cleaner air and less noise The feeling of making a good choice towards environment “Carbo-neutral mobility service” Riding generates no emission Manufacturing creates emission Non recyclable parts of the e-scooter.

Scene 6 (4m 17s)

The future of Voi. Sustainable batteries Specific parking spots Improved accessibility.

Scene 7 (5m 49s)

Sources. Hector Martos , (Dec 2, 2018) Ethical Hacking Stories — Live Tracking of Voi Scooters https://medium.com/@h_martos /remote-live-tracking-of-voi-scooters-351689ba3bb9 Rabino-Neira , M. (Nov 20, 2019,) E-scooters and human rights: What are the ethical dilemmas in their supply chain and in consumers’ wellbeing? https://www.thebigq.org/2019/11/20/e-scooters-and-human-rights-what-are-the-ethical-dilemmas-in-their-supply-chain-and-in-consumers-wellbeing/ Taur (April, 2020), The Environmental Impact of Electric Scooters: How Green Are They Really?, https://medium.com/@ride.taur/the-environmental-impact-of-electric-scooters-how-green-are-they-really-f455fe6fcc64 United Nations. 2021. Goal 5. United Nations, department of Economics and Social Affairs. https://sdgs.un.org/goals/goal5 Voiscooters. Climate neutral mobility. Voi. https://www.voiscooters.com/sustainability/ Voiscooters. 21 june 2021. How Voi contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals – SDG 5: Gender Equality. Voi. https://www.voiscooters.com/blog/voi-contribution-to-sdg-5/.