[Virtual Presenter] Good morning and welcome. Today I am going to discuss the benefits of centralizing digital training and how it can help companies provide their employees with more effective training and development opportunities. We will look at the advantages of using global online learning platforms such as Coursera and Udemy and how they provide exclusive A-C-P training content. We'll also explore how these systems can help companies convert employees to new technologies and provide continuous and varied online training. Let's dive in!.
[Audio] We need to investigate how to centralize and digitize our onboarding training transition our employees to new technologies provide them with learning and development opportunities and offer continuous and varied online training. This training should encompass technical functional leadership management and soft skills to ensure our employees have the right capabilities to fulfill their roles effectively. Let's investigate how we can make this a reality..
[Audio] Udemy and Coursera are two of the leading providers of online learning and content management across the globe. With almost a decade and half of experience Udemy provides around 24000 courses featuring 4400 technical projects and labs including a Q&A section for interacting with instructors. Coursera with 11 years of service offers up to 12000 courses and 3900 technical projects/labs along with platforms for discussion boards and peer interactions with other students and instructors. Certificates from Coursera come from renowned universities like ICL Stanford Duke Illinois and Google while Udemy provides its own certificates..
[Audio] Chart we have here shows variety of courses available between two global online learning and content management systems Coursera and Udemy. Coursera has highest enrollments in computer science and data science with 2696 and 2161 respectively. Business and IT operations follow with 1427 and 1364 enrollments respectively. Language learning and personal development have 170 and 581 enrollments respectively. On Udemy computer science and data science are again the most popular courses with 3681 and 778 enrollments respectively. Business and IT operations have 922 and 1495 enrollments respectively. Also Language learning and personal development have 308 and 2394 enrollments respectively. That concludes this presentation. Thank you for listening..