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Scene 1 (0s)

. . ِﻢﻴِﺣ�ﺮﻟٱ ِﻦَٰﻤْﺣ�ﺮﻟٱ ِٰ��ٱ ِﻢْﺴِﺑ. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

Scene 2 (7s)

. . . . . . . Secure a home a Jannah by contributing towards our exciting.

Scene 3 (21s)

. . . . . -11 'Itr:. . . . We need 11000 Units @ R14O0 or any amount affordable.

Scene 4 (29s)

. . yyy . v.. . . . . . . . . . . .

Scene 5 (37s)

. . Contact the following brothers. Junaid (0832786602) Naeem (0828223831) Hassan (0659338181) Ismail (083378 6885) Qari Noor (0607478692) Moulana Shuhail (082 410 5770).

Scene 6 (50s)

. . Alhamdulila�. JazakAllah for watching our presentation ..

Scene 7 (0s)

. . . Zoho Show. To create beautiful presentations, download Zoho Show from Play Store https://zoho.to/cy7.