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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Good morning everyone. Today, I'm here to discuss the two categories of Learning Management Systems (LMS) available for use at VET organisations. We will look at the benefits and restrictions of each LMS, so that you can make an informed decision about which one to use. Let's begin by examining open-access LMS..

Scene 2 (24s)

[Audio] We will explore the potential of online learning environments and how they can be used to enhance our teaching. Investigating the options of Learning Management Systems (LMS) and free open access platforms, we can look at these categories to uncover the potential of each in providing the best learning experiences for our students..

Scene 3 (46s)

[Audio] Exploring Learning Management Systems, otherwise known as Closed systems or Virtual Learning Environments, this slide gives an insight into the nature of these systems. Authentication is required to access a single, centralized platform and in some cases, a licensing fee is necessary for institutes to take advantage of the system. Furthermore, a variety of tools are included in each Learning Management System, such as discussion forums, storage solutions, blogs, wikis, and assignment submission. Additionally, grading and administrative tools are integrated as well. Two of the most popular Learning Management Systems are Blackboard, available at www.blackboard.com, and Moodle, available at www.moodle.com..

Scene 4 (1m 39s)

[Audio] Key benefits of using a Learning Management System include providing users with a secure, private and tightly controlled environment restricted to VET staff and students, tracking and collating assignments, seamlessly synchronising marks and grades with VET administration systems, accessing VET copyright privileges for educational use, and VET support and training on the LMS for staff..

Scene 5 (2m 3s)

[Audio] Using Learning Management Systems in Higher Education can be beneficial, however there are some restrictions to consider. Staff may require training to use the LMS, which can be intimidating and can limit the ability to invite external speakers. Many staff prefer to deliver the course content in their own environment. Additionally many LMS’ come with a licensing fee or require employing support staff to integrate the system into VET administration systems..

Scene 6 (2m 36s)

[Audio] When evaluating Open access and Institutional supported Learning Management Systems, key issues to consider are the implications of not being able to populate a learning environment automatically with students from VET enrolment systems and grades that must be recorded and entered manually into administration systems, potential hidden costs, the lack of on-site technical support, the importance of safe and private environments, and the importance of adhering to copyright privileges..

Scene 7 (3m 4s)

[Audio] Web 2.0, otherwise known as open access social media, comes in many forms - from Facebook and Twitter, to Wikispaces, Flickr and WordPress. These platforms offer a range of features which enable users to communicate and collaborate with one another. Furthermore, these platforms provide a great opportunity for VET students and staff to engage in meaningful learning experiences. Whether the platform is free or requires a fee to access can depend on the platform..

Scene 8 (3m 38s)

OAM Benefits. Logo, icon Description automatically generated.

Scene 9 (4m 27s)

OAM Downsides. -not integrated into institutional administration systems. This means that the trainer usually must manage giving students access manually and manage or submit grades separately. -Teachers or students can become overloaded with having to remember different websites and different passwords, if too many open technologies are used. - There is no guarantee that open technology platform may be in business in the future. The institution does not have access to the data in case something happens to the trainer. -Service providers may also terminate accounts, change the terms of service or in the mid functionality that could result in the loss of data. -An institution may not offer technical support for the open technologies..

Scene 10 (4m 58s)

[Audio] Main issues surrounding Open Access and Institutional Supported Learning Management Systems are lack of integration into existing VET administration systems, and records of students’ learning being stored externally to the VET. Whilst free to access and use, extra time investment, limited features, data storage, or upload speeds may incur hidden costs. Furthermore, there is typically no on-site technical support, meaning teachers must ensure appropriate protection and privacy for their students and colleagues..

Scene 11 (5m 32s)

[Audio] In this slide, we'll explore how Google Sites can be used to create online portfolios. Google Sites offers a range of features and functionalities which makes showcasing work and learning effective and engaging. It encourages students to be creative and innovative, to actively engage with their learning, and to make their work visible online. Through the use of online tools, students are able to shape their own educational experience to suit their needs and maximize their learning time..

Scene 12 (6m 5s)

[Audio] Creating a Google Sites portfolio involves customizing the look and feel of the site with the use of templates, then adding content such as text, images, videos, and links to showcase our work and learning. This is all part of Open Access and Institutional Supported Learning Management Systems..

Scene 13 (6m 25s)

[Audio] In this slide, we look at how to design an effective portfolio. It should begin with a title page introducing the portfolio and providing an overview of its purpose and content. Followed by an action plan outlining the steps of the design process. Idea generation is crucial and can be accomplished through mind mapping, brainstorming and other creative techniques. Storyboarding and concept boards can be beneficial when developing and crafting the ideas. Prototypes or mock-ups should be assessed and refined based on feedback and user testing. Finally, the portfolio should present the final product, along with a review of the design process, what was learned and how the design could be better in the future..

Scene 14 (7m 16s)

[Audio] This slide presents the best practices for portfolio design. Creating a portfolio can be an incredibly beneficial tool for showcasing your academic and professional accomplishments. Effective portfolios often combine artifacts of learning and work experiences, as well as evidence of mastery of certain competencies. With the right planning and execution, an organized, attractive, and up-to-date portfolio can be both attractive and useful. Consider framing the portfolio content, creating focused categories and subcategories, and including relevant artifacts when crafting the portfolio. Use visuals whenever possible and strive to put your best foot forward. Ultimately, the goal is to create a portfolio that you are proud of and will confidently present to potential employers and educational institutions..

Scene 15 (8m 13s)

[Audio] Coming towards the end of our presentation on Open Access and institutional supported Learning Management Systems, it is important for teachers to consider the type of interaction and functionality that best accommodates their teaching goals and objectives. Researching and asking colleagues for their insight as to which tools work best for them is also useful. Ultimately, the best system or combination of systems is the one that best serves the needs of both the teacher and the student..

Scene 16 (8m 43s)

[Audio] eLearning industry directory of Learning and Performance Tools has identified 8 main benefits of using Learning Management Systems. These range from increasing access to course materials to cost-effectiveness. Furthermore, studies have shown that using social media as a tool for learning can increase student engagement and improve communication. The Twitter Guide for Teachers by eLearning Industry is an example of this. Ultimately, using Learning Management Systems can save time while also allowing for innovation in teaching practice. Thank you all for your attention and would be happy to answer any questions..