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Scene 1 (0s)

1.mp3. My best friend Isabel used to play soccer with me when we were in the University.

Scene 2 (8s)

2.1.mp3. We shared a lot of fun times, she was studying marine fossils and I used to read about them..

Scene 3 (18s)

3.mp3. I always loved parasites, I was dissecting fish and she kept the worms in alcohol, I used to spend hours observing them under the microscope..

Scene 4 (32s)

4.mp3. Sometimes we used to go to eat when we weren't working, we used to go for an ice cream at the cafeteria or for a lemon pie at the University store..

Scene 5 (46s)

5.mp3. Some time later she went to study in Nuevo León and I stayed in Mexico City, we both finished the PhD. in our areas and we haven't seen each other for 3 years..

Scene 6 (1m 4s)

6.mp3. Sometimes we talk on the phone, I was planning to visit her on her birthday but I got sick and now I hope to see her on my birthday..