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Scene 1 (0s)

O GDT 218 Communication DESIGN.

Scene 2 (5s)

At the end of the course, students should be able to: 1. Identify various type of communication design specifically in graphic design area. 2. Construct basic understanding about print or screen creative design strategy specifically in graphic communication design. 3. Propose appropriate print or screen creative design need and application specifically in the graphic design area. Course Learning Outcomes.

Scene 3 (28s)

topic 4 Brand Identity DESIGN. >> GDT 218 Communication DESIGN.

Scene 4 (47s)

Overview CONTENT Profile Content Overview >> 01 >> 02 topic 4 Brand Identity DESIGN SUB TOPIC 1 Definition of Brand Design Definition of Brand Essential Elements and Characteristics of Brand What is Brand Design? Key Aspect of Brand Design >> 06 - 36 >> 06 >> 07 - 16 >> 17 - 19 >> 21 - 35 >> 38 - 41 >> 42 - 47 SUB TOPIC 2 Definition of Identity Design Elements of Identity Design Brand VS Branding VS Brand Identity >> 48- 49 SUB TOPIC 3 Differences Between Brand Design And Identity Design Focus and Scope Purpose Elements Integration >> 52 >> 52 >> 53 >> 54 >> 55 Summary >> 56 References >> 57 - 61.

Scene 5 (1m 23s)

Brand. DESIGN. abstract. >> GDT 218 Communication DESIGN.

Scene 6 (1m 44s)

topic 4 Brand Identity DESIGN. SUB TOPIC 1 Definition of Brand Design Definition of Brand Essential Elements and Characteristics of Brand What is Brand Design? Key Aspect of Brand Design >> 06 - 36 >> 06 >> 07 - 16 >> 17 - 19 >> 21 - 35.

Scene 7 (2m 13s)

Definition of A brand is a distinctive combination of a name, symbol, design, or other characteristic that sets a thing, service, company, or person apart from others in the marketplace. It represents the reputation and identity of the thing it stands for. A brand includes both tangible and intangible components and is intended to create a specific perception and an emotional connection to its target market. BRAND.

Scene 8 (2m 49s)

IDENTITY: A brand creates a unique identity for a company, service or organization. It conveys the fundamental principles, purpose and character of the thing it stands for. 01. Essential Elements and Characteristics of BRAND Here are some essential elements and characteristics of a brand:.

Scene 9 (3m 18s)

DIFFERENTIATION: By providing differentiators, benefits or experiences, brands hope to differentiate themselves from their competitors. They emphasize their unique qualities and the reasons why customers should prefer them over competing products. 02. Essential Elements and Characteristics of BRAND Here are some essential elements and characteristics of a brand:.

Scene 10 (3m 50s)

PERCEPTION: A brand influences how it is perceived by its target market. Elements such as product quality, reliability, innovation, customer satisfaction and general reputation are taken into account 03. Essential Elements and Characteristics of BRAND Here are some essential elements and characteristics of a brand:.

Scene 11 (4m 20s)

TRUST AND LOYALTY: Successful brands cultivate consumer trust by reliably delivering on their promises and providing satisfying experiences. By fostering consumer loyalty, they encourage consumers to commit to a product and continue to buy it. 04. Essential Elements and Characteristics of BRAND Here are some essential elements and characteristics of a brand:.

Scene 12 (4m 53s)

EMOTIONAL ATTACHMENT: Brands often strive to evoke certain emotions and feelings in consumers. They aim to create a connection that goes beyond functional utility and appeals to a deeper level. 05. Here are some essential elements and characteristics of a brand: Essential Elements and Characteristics of BRAND.

Scene 13 (5m 22s)

CONSISTENCY: Brands look for consistency across multiple touchpoints, including visual elements (logo, colors, typography), messaging, tone of voice, and overall brand experience. This consistency helps drive recognition and strengthen the brand's identity. 06. Essential Elements and Characteristics of BRAND Here are some essential elements and characteristics of a brand:.