[Audio] WELCOME DEPED ECOTECH CENTER. A green sign with white letters Description automatically generated.
[Audio] GUEST REGISTRATION Guest are required to registration at the front desk/reception are upon arrival and provide or present a valid identification Card (I.D) with contact information..
[Audio] CHECK IN TIME : Checkin time is 2:00 pm. An early check-in is based on availability. It should be arranged with the front desk prior o arrival..
[Audio] CHECKOUT TIME: Checkout time is 12:00 pm. In case of late departure, guests are requested to notify the front desk by 12:00 at the day of departure/checkout as additional charges, plus service fee of 5% may apply. > Late checkout from 12:00 p.m . A room charges of 50 % of the one-dayroom rate plus 5% service fee. > Late checkout after 2:00 p.m . A full one-day room rate plus a 5% service fee. >Request for extension will be given depending on the room availability. If the room is available, the above-mentioned rates will apply..
[Audio] ROOM POLICIES Smoking is not allowed. All rooms and center's premises are non-smoking per Civil Service Commission (CSC) Memoramdum Circular No. 17, s. 2009 "Smoking Prohibition Based on 100% Smoke Policy" Room Keys. Room key are issued to the registered guest. Lock the door. Return the key to the front desk upon check-out. Lost key will be charged P50.00. Loss or damaged of personal belongings. DepEd Ecotech Center is not liable or responsible for any loss or damage of guests' personal belongings and valuables. Hence, guests are requested to take care of their individual belongings.
[Audio] Damage to Center's Facility/Property. Guest are liable for any damage howoever caused (whether by deliberate , negligent , or reckless act) to the room, center's premises or property caused by the caused by the guest or any person, whether or not saying at the center during the stay. Should this damage come to light after the guest has departed, the Management of DepEd Ecotech has reserve the right to charge the cost for any damage incurred including and without limititaion for all property damage, missing or damaged items etc. The Center will make every effort to keep any cost that guest would incur to minimum. Injury or emergency. The center has a clinic and available first aid kit in case of emergency . It can provide a vehicle to the nearest hospital or health care facility for urgent medical or emergency care in the hospital will be at the guests own responsibility..
[Audio] Visitors. Overnight visitors are not permitted. No visitors after 9:00 p.m. Visitors must be accompanied by the registered guest. Visitor are the responsibility of the registered guests. Pets are not allowed. The Center does not provide accommodations of pets. Housekeeping/Lenin changing. Your comfort is very important. Housekeeping is provided daily between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Bedding is changed every other day if all personal items are removed from bed and housekeepers can access the walkways around the bed. Please ask the Front Desk for service. Conserve Energy. Guest are requested to switch off light, TV, air-condition and other electrical appliance and make sure the faucet/shower are property turned off not in use..
[Audio] > Environment friendly. Guests are requested to help assist the Center in decreasing the environmental impact and water use by reusing towels as much as possible, however , if new towels are needed , it is requested to leave them on the floor of the room and the housekeeping will replace them..
[Audio] Food Service: Meal are served at the Dining area unless special arrangement and request is made by the guest or event coordinator. Schedule of food service at the dining area: Breakfast - 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. AM Snacks - 10:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Lunch - 12:00 noon to 1:00 p.m. PM Snacks – 3:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Dinner - 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Room food service can be arranged at the Food and Dining Section if guest is indisposed..
[Audio] SPECIAL REQUEST: Special request are noted on reservations of which the Center will do its best to accommodate especially for guest with special food diet, Halal, etc..
[Audio] BRINGING IN FOOD OUTSIDE OR BEVERAGES For health reasons, bringing in of food outside is discouraged. However, guest can be allowed but at their own risk..
[Audio] Free Wifi access WiFi is free for the registered guest. The WIFI access code is subject to change without notice depending on the room's location, Wifi status, equipment, and interference from other local wireless signals..
[Audio] PARKING AT OWN RISK: A 24-hour security is provided by the center . However, vehicles are packed at the risk of the owner. The Center is shall not assume liability or responsibility for any vehicle occupants or contents while operated or parked within the Center's premises..
[Audio] IN CASE OF EMERGENCY OF FIRE: Please notify Front Desk ( call throught telephone trunkline ) in the event of a fire or other emergency . The Center is equipped with fire extinguisher and emergency evacuation plans on the door of each guest room. Please review the important information..
[Audio] HAZARDOUS GOODS/ILLEGAL ACTS: Bringing/storing of goods and or any other article of a combustible of hazardous nature and/or prohibited goods and/or goods of objectionable nature is prohibited. Gambling, contraband , lewd or blue films, prostitution , weapons , explosives , flammable objects poisons , drug are strictly prohibited inside the Centers premises..
[Audio] GOVERNMENT RULES AND REGULATIONS AND APPLICABLE LAWS: Guests are requested to observe, abide by comfirming to and be bound by all applicable acts and laws and Government rules and regulations in force from time to time..
[Audio] CHANGES OF MODIFICATION TO THE CENTERS POLICY/HOUSE RULES: The management RESERVES to itself the right to add to , or later on amen any of the above policy/House Rules which are a part and an of Lodging Act. The Policy/House Rules are presented to help promote the guest's safety and enjoyment and to ensure that each guest is aware of the understanding between the DepEd Ecotech Center and the guest. The Center's Policy/House Rules may change from time to time for safety and provide the best service to the guests.
[Audio] Thank you for staying and choosing DEPED ECOTECH CENTER, Your Home away from home. WE ARE HAPPY TO SERVE YOU!.