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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Welcome to the University Of Fort Hare Audio Visual training video. Let us begin!.

Scene 2 (11s)

[Audio] The purpose of this training video is to assist end users, to help them familiarize themselves with the AV system, and be able to optimize their teaching experience. In this session you will learn how to turn the system on and off, learn what input or presentation devices are available at your discretion and finally, we will go into a brief discussion of the technical functionality within the system. It is not advisable to dwell on the technical when you are still unsure of the routing and presentation selection parts of this system. Take your time! Technical support will be available should you find yourself confused or uncertain. Good luck and all the best!.

Scene 3 (51s)

[Audio] When you walk into the lecture hall, to use the system you must go to the lectern where you will find your control interface installed, the purpose of the interface is to make it easier for none technical users to manage all the components within the system with just a touch of a button..

Scene 4 (1m 10s)

[Audio] When you are at the lectern to switch the system on, please touch this screen.

Scene 5 (1m 19s)

[Audio] After touching it, the system will undergo the process of turning on, initializing, and getting itself ready for use..