[Audio] Welcome to the University Of Fort Hare Audio Visual training video. Let us begin!.
[Audio] The purpose of this training video is to assist end users, to help them familiarize themselves with the AV system, and be able to optimize their teaching experience. In this session you will learn how to turn the system on and off, learn what input or presentation devices are available at your discretion and finally, we will go into a brief discussion of the technical functionality within the system. It is not advisable to dwell on the technical when you are still unsure of the routing and presentation selection parts of this system. Take your time! Technical support will be available should you find yourself confused or uncertain. Good luck and all the best!.
[Audio] When you walk into the lecture hall, to use the system you must go to the lectern where you will find your control interface installed, the purpose of the interface is to make it easier for none technical users to manage all the components within the system with just a touch of a button..
[Audio] When you are at the lectern to switch the system on, please touch this screen.
[Audio] After touching it, the system will undergo the process of turning on, initializing, and getting itself ready for use..
[Audio] Once the system has completed its boot sequence it will automatically take you to this page, which is the main sources or presentations page. On the top, there is a list of devices that you can choose to present/teach from, meaning you have an option of choosing or changing your presentation medium on the fly. The source you choose while presenting will then be sent to all the displays within the teaching space and take priority on them..
[Audio] This is the list of sources being referred to comprising of the Clickshare, the Idea-hub, Laptop and lastly the Crowd Mic..
[Audio] After touching one of the sources, it will be projected and if you need to change simply just touch the desired one next to it..
[Audio] In addition to the sources tab you have additional functionality that offers you, student, or participant tracking which is handy in a Q&A session, a Display matrix that allows you to independently route each source to its own display, and Projector screen control from which you can power up or down the mentioned displays and the Arec which is a very important part of the system, The Arec can record and stream your teaching sessions to platform such as YouTube or Similar..
[Audio] Finally, if you have completed your tasks for the day, you can simply press the power button to shut the system down, as your cell phone would, it will prompt you if you are certain of your decision, and if yes it will automatically shut everything down..
Finally, if you have completed your tasks for the day, you can simply press the power button to shut the system down, as your cell phone would, it will prompt you if you are certain of your decision, and if yes it will automatically shut everything down..
[Audio] After the button has been pressed the following options page will appear..
Finally, if you have completed your tasks for the day, you can simply press the power button to shut the system down, as your cell phone would, it will prompt you if you are certain of your decision, and if yes it will automatically shut everything down..
[Audio] Once the power down button is pressed the system will switch off and it's okay to exit the venue..
[Audio] Congrats the training has been completed We hope you enjoy using your new upgraded AV system. All the Best!.