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Scene 1 (0s)

Towards Society 5.0 era: organisational empowerment of the sustainable future Vesna Tornjanski, Mladen Čudanov Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade.

Scene 2 (48s)

Presentation framework. 2. Introduction Motivation The aim and purpose of the study Literature review The art of organisation in contemporary society Going beyond Industry 4.0: Society 5.0 overview Research results Early thoughts on a sustainable organisation: towards Society 5.0 context A sustainable organisation in the context of Society 5.0 Organisational contribution to the collective intelligent ecosystem Future organisational forms that fit the Society 5.0 Conclusion.

Scene 3 (1m 35s)

Introduction. 3. A sharp transformation that occurs every couple of hundred years in societies S ustainability as a fundamental issue to future business success T he birth of 4th industrial revolution Covid-19 era.

Scene 4 (5m 26s)

Literature review: The art of organisation in contemporary society.

Scene 5 (7m 17s)

Literature review: Going beyond Industry 4.0: Society 5.0 overview.

Scene 6 (9m 28s)

Literature review: Going beyond Industry 4.0 – overview of Society 5.0 context.

Scene 7 (10m 59s)

Research results: Early thoughts on a sustainable organisation: towards Society 5.0 context.

Scene 8 (13m 33s)

8. Source: Goleman, 1998; Tornjanski et al., 2015a ; Tornjanski & Milosavljević, 2016; Fukuyama, 2018; Wilson & Daugherty, 2018 ; Mirčetić, 2018; Mirčetić, 2019 ; Adizes, 2019 ; Bocken et al., 2020; Tornjanski et al., 2020; Tornjanski et al., 2020a ..

Scene 9 (16m 37s)

Research results: Organisational contribution to the collective intelligent ecosystem.

Scene 10 (20m 38s)

Research results: Future organisational forms that fit the Society 5.0.

Scene 11 (21m 51s)

11. Instead of c onclusion. Think big Dream big Beleive big.