Towards Society 5.0 era: organisational empowerment of the sustainable future Vesna Tornjanski, Mladen Čudanov Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade.
Presentation framework. 2. Introduction Motivation The aim and purpose of the study Literature review The art of organisation in contemporary society Going beyond Industry 4.0: Society 5.0 overview Research results Early thoughts on a sustainable organisation: towards Society 5.0 context A sustainable organisation in the context of Society 5.0 Organisational contribution to the collective intelligent ecosystem Future organisational forms that fit the Society 5.0 Conclusion.
Introduction. 3. A sharp transformation that occurs every couple of hundred years in societies S ustainability as a fundamental issue to future business success T he birth of 4th industrial revolution Covid-19 era.
Literature review: The art of organisation in contemporary society.
Literature review: Going beyond Industry 4.0: Society 5.0 overview.
Literature review: Going beyond Industry 4.0 – overview of Society 5.0 context.
Research results: Early thoughts on a sustainable organisation: towards Society 5.0 context.
8. Source: Goleman, 1998; Tornjanski et al., 2015a ; Tornjanski & Milosavljević, 2016; Fukuyama, 2018; Wilson & Daugherty, 2018 ; Mirčetić, 2018; Mirčetić, 2019 ; Adizes, 2019 ; Bocken et al., 2020; Tornjanski et al., 2020; Tornjanski et al., 2020a ..
Research results: Organisational contribution to the collective intelligent ecosystem.
Research results: Future organisational forms that fit the Society 5.0.
11. Instead of c onclusion. Think big Dream big Beleive big.