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[Virtual Presenter] Employee Drug Free Workplace Education Working Partners for an Alcohol- and Drug-Free Workplace Provided by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy U.S. Department of Labor.
[Audio] Employee Education Outline Objectives of training Overview of Drug-Free Workplace Policy Impact of substance abuse in the workplace Ways that people use alcohol and other drugs Understanding addiction Signs and symptoms of substance abuse Family and coworker impact Assistance Confidentiality Specific drugs of abuse 2.
[Audio] Objectives of Training The requirements of the policy The prevalence of alcohol and drug abuse and its impact on the workplace How to recognize the link between poor performance and alcohol and/or drug abuse The progression of the disease of addiction What types of assistance may be available 3 Employees should be familiar with the Drug-Free Workplace Policy and aware of the dangers of alcohol and drug abuse. Employees should understand:.
[Audio] Overview of Drug-Free Workplace Policy Sends a clear message that alcohol and drug use in the workplace is prohibited Encourages employees who have problems with alcohol and other drugs to voluntarily seek help 4 The Drug-Free Workplace Policy accomplishes two major things:.
[Audio] The Drug-Free Workplace Policy exists to: Protect the health and safety of all employees, customers and the public Safeguard employer assets from theft and destruction Protect trade secrets Maintain product quality and company integrity and reputation Comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 or any other applicable federal, state or local laws 5.
[Audio] The Drug-Free Workplace Policy answers the following questions: What is the purpose of the policy and program? Who is covered by the policy? When does the policy apply? What behavior is prohibited? Are employees required to notify supervisors of drug-related convictions? Does the policy include searches? 6.
[Audio] 7 ⚫ Does the program include drug testing? ⚫ What are the consequences for violating the policy? ⚫ Are there Return-to-Work Agreements? ⚫ What type of assistance is available to employees needing help? ⚫ How is employee confidentiality protected? ⚫ Who is responsible for enforcing the policy? ⚫ How is the policy communicated to employees?.
[Audio] CoLinx Drug-Free Policy 8 SECTION 5 - USE OF ALCOHOL AND DRUGS Employees are the Company's most valuable resource, and for that reason their health and safety are of paramount concern. Being under the influence of drugs or alcohol on the job may pose serious safety and health risks not only to the user, but to all those who work with the user. Consistent with this commitment, the Company will strive to maintain a workplace that is free from the effects of alcohol and drugs. All job applicants at CoLinx will undergo testing for substance abuse as a condition of employment. Any applicant with a confirmed positive test result will be denied employment. Any refusal to test or evidence of tampering with the specimen will also lead to denial of employment. The Company may require an employee to an examination or test to determine if there is a presence of alcohol or drugs in the employee's body on a random basis, with reasonable suspicion, post-accident or upon return to work from a leave of absence. Failure to comply with the terms of the policy, having a positive substance abuse test result or refusal to cooperate or consent to all testing will result in termination. Tampering or switching of any medical chemical screening test sample (to include a drug-screening test) will result in termination. An employee whose normal faculties are impaired due to alcoholic beverages, and/or whose blood alcohol level tests .04% by weight for all positions, while on duty or Company business shall be guilty of misconduct and shall be subject to discipline up to and including termination.
[Audio] 9 CoLinx has established an Employee Assistance Program (EAP) which provides help to qualified employees who are experiencing problems resulting from alcohol, drug or substance abuse or dependency, and who voluntarily seek help by entering into the program. The Company will not use the fact that the employee has sought assistance under the Employee Assistance Program, or another similar program as a basis for disciplinary action, or use this fact against the employee in any way; provided that the employee enters the program voluntarily and commits to abiding by it and this policy's guidelines. Follow up testing for employees who seek assistance with the EAP for substance related issues are a part of this program. Employees will be expected to comply with any and all follow up tests. Confidentiality is assured. Once an employee is determined to be in violation of the Company's alcohol and drug abuse policy, the employee may not prevent disciplinary action including termination by offering to voluntarily enter the Employee Assistance Program. Employees and job applicants who have a positive confirmed drug test result may explain or contest the result to the Medical Review Officer (MRO) within five (5) working days after receiving written notification of the test result from the Medical Review Officer; if an employee's or job applicant's explanation or challenge is unsatisfactory to the MRO, the Medical Review Officer shall report a positive test result back to the Company; a person may contest the drug test result pursuant to rules adopted by the Tennessee Department of Labor. Using CBD products is taken at the employee's own risk. CBD products can result in a positive drug screen..
[Audio] 10 All employees who dispute a confirmed positive drug screen may request a re-test of the same specimen. The employee is required to disclose the request to the Medical Review Officer during interview. The employee is responsible for payment to the laboratory for any request of additional testing. Substance abuse testing for job applicants and employees will include a urinalysis screen for the following drugs: Alcohol: (not required for job applicant testing) -- Any "Alcoholic Beverage", all liquid medications containing ethyl alcohol (ethanol). Please read the label for content. For example: Vicks Nyquil TM is 25% (50 proof) ethyl alcohol, Contact Severe Cold Formula Night Strength is 25% (50 proof) and Listerine TM is 26.9% (54 proof). Amphetamines: "speed," "black beauties," "white crosses," "uppers," etc. Cannabinoids: THC, marijuana, hashish, "pot," "grass," "hash," etc. Cocaine: "coke," "toot," "blow," "rock," "crack," etc. Phencyclidine: PCP, "angel dust" Opiates: Heroin, Codeine, Morphine, "smack," "dope," etc. Semisynthetic Opiates: Oxy / Hydromorphone and codone Barbiturates: Phenobarbital, Seconal, "downers," "yellow-jackets," "reds," etc. Benzodiazepines: Xanax®, Valium®, Rohypnol®, Klonopin®, "roofies," "tranx" Methadone: Dolophine®, "dollies," "meth" Propoxyphene: Darvon, Darvocet Buprenorphine: Subtex®, Suboxone® Methylenedioxy-methamphepretamine: MDMA, "Molly".
[Audio] Impact of Substance Abuse in the Workplace Employee health Productivity Decision making 11.
[Audio] Safety Employee morale Security Organizational image and community relations 12.
[Audio] 13 Fifty-three Cumberland countians died from drug overdoses in 2021. In the first eight weeks of 2022 there were 8 reported OD deaths. There are no figures available for the number of drug overdoses without deaths. It is suspected that number would be ten times 53 or even more per reporter Michael Moser's featured story in the Crossville Chronicle in March of 2022. Those who study or work in the field of addiction say there is not a facet of society not affected by the drug abuse epidemic. Facts from the Tennessee's Annual Overdose Report 2021 Tennessee's overdose epidemic continues to worsen. In 2019, over 2,000 Tennesseans were lost to drug overdose, and overdose deaths involving illicit fentanyl and stimulants increased again for yet another year. The burden of the state's drug overdose epidemic on Tennessee's healthcare resources has also grown with hospitals in the state having reported a higher number of nonfatal drug overdoses than previous years. Though 2020 data are still preliminary, the trend of increasing overdoses through 2019 combined with the exacerbating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have created what current data suggest will be the state's deadliest year for overdose..
[Audio] 14 The number of patients receiving prescriptions for buprenorphine, a common drug used for medication-assisted treatment of opioid use disorder, has increased. The Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) considers the overdose crisis to be one of the most important public health problems facing Tennesseans and is organizing a number of projects to combat overdoses in communities throughout the state 2,089 Tennesseans died of drug overdose in 2019, 15% more deaths than in 2018, a trend that has been driven by illicit fentanyl and stimulants (Drug Overdose Death Trends, page 18). The age-adjusted rate of all drug overdose deaths increased from 22.1 per 100,000 residents in 2015 to of 31.2 per 100,000 residents in 2019 (a 41.2% increase). Overdose deaths involving prescription opioids (pain relievers) decreased for the third year in a row from a high of 739 deaths in 2016 to 515 deaths in 2019. The rate of fentanyl overdoses increased substantially, from 11.6 per 100,000 residents in 2018 to 16.8 per 100,000 residents in 2019 (a 44.8% increase). For the first year, fentanyl was involved in more than half of fatal drug overdoses..
[Audio] Ways People Use Alcohol and Other Drugs 15 Use: ⚫ Experimentation ⚫ Social/Recreational ⚫ As a stress reliever.
[Audio] Abuse: Using a substance to modify or control mood or state of mind in a manner that is illegal or harmful to oneself or others. Potential consequences of abuse include: Accidents or injuries Blackouts Legal problems Poor job performance Family problems Sexual behavior that increases the risk of HIV infection 16.
[Audio] 17 Addiction: The irresistible compulsion to use alcohol and other drugs despite adverse consequences. It is characterized by repeated failures to control use, increased tolerance and increased disruption in the family..
[Audio] Understanding Addiction 18 For one in ten people, abuse leads to addiction. Addiction to alcohol and other drugs is: ⚫ Chronic ⚫ Progressive ⚫ Primary ⚫ Terminal ⚫ Characterized by denial.
[Audio] Risk of addiction: Addiction is a family disease Prior abuse of alcohol and other drugs Other contributing factors 19.
[Audio] Signs and Symptoms of Substance Abuse Emotionally Behaviorally Physically 20 Abuse of alcohol and other drugs affects people:.
[Audio] 21 Emotional effects of substance abuse: ⚫ Aggression ⚫ Burnout ⚫ Anxiety ⚫ Depression ⚫ Paranoia ⚫ Denial.
[Audio] Behavioral effects of substance abuse: Slow reaction time Impaired coordination Slowed or slurred speech Irritability Excessive talking Inability to sit still Limited attention span Poor motivation or lack of energy 22.
[Audio] Physical effects of substance abuse: Weight loss Sweating Chills Smell of alcohol 23.
[Audio] Family and Coworker have Significant Impact 24 Enabling: Action that someone takes to protect the person with the problem from the consequences of his or her actions. Unfortunately, enabling actually helps the person to NOT deal with his or her problem..
[Audio] Examples of enabling: Covering Up Rationalizing Withdrawing/Avoiding Blaming Controlling Threatening 25.
[Audio] Examples of traps family members and coworkers may fall into: Sympathy Excuses Apology Diversions Innocence Anger Pity Tears 26.
[Audio] Assistance Things to remember: Difficulty performing on the job can sometimes be caused by unrecognized personal problems - including addiction to alcohol and other drugs Help is available Although a supervisor may suspect that an employee's performance is poor because of personal problems, it is up to the employee to decide whether or not that is the case 27.
[Audio] It is an employee's responsibility to decide whether or not to seek help Addiction is treatable and reversible and An employee's decision to seek help is a private one and will not be made public 28.
[Audio] If EAP services are available: An EAP can help employees decide what to do if they have a problem with alcohol or other drugs An EAP also can help an employee decide what to do if someone in his/her family or workgroup has a problem Conversations with an EAP are confidential 29.
[Audio] If EAP services are not used, help may be available from: Community hotlines Self-help groups such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Al-Anon, etc. Community mental health centers Private therapists or counselors Addiction treatment centers 30.
[Audio] Confidentiality Problems will not be made public Conversations with an EAP professional - or other referral agent - are private and will be protected All information related to performance issues will be maintained in his/her personnel file Information about referral to treatment, however, will be kept separately 31.
[Audio] Information about treatment for addiction or mental illness is not a matter of public record and cannot be shared without a signed release from the employee If an employee chooses to tell coworkers about his/her private concerns, that is his/her decision When an employee tells his/her supervisor something in confidence, supervisors are obligated to protect that disclosure unless the information may create safety concerns 32.
[Audio] If EAP services are available, employees are also assured that: EAP records are separate from personnel records and can be accessed only with a signed release from the employee EAP professionals are bound by a code of ethics to protect the confidentiality of the employees and family members that they serve There are clear limits on when and what information an EAP professional can share and with whom 33.
[Audio] However, there are some limits on confidentiality that may require: Disclosure of child abuse, elder abuse and serious threats of homicide or suicide as dictated by state law Reporting participation in an EAP to the referring supervisor Reporting the results of assessment and evaluation following a positive drug test Verifying medical information to authorize release time or satisfy fitness-for-duty concerns as specified in company policy Revealing medical information to the insurance company in order to qualify for coverage under a benefits plan 34.
[Audio] Specific Drugs of Abuse Alcohol Marijuana Inhalants Cocaine Stimulants 35 ⚫ Depressants ⚫ Hallucinogens ⚫ Narcotics ⚫ Designer Drugs.
[Audio] A Safer, Drug-Free Workplace Recognize the impact of alcohol and drug abuse on the workplace Understand and follow the Drug-Free Workplace Policy Remember the types of assistance available Access DOL's Working Partners Web Site 36.