Welcome to The Lentor Residence. We aim to provide our residents with a comfortable home and care services in their golden years.
[Audio] Our team is dedicated to providing exceptional care and support to our residents and we are committed to making your transition as smooth and comfortable as possible. Transitioning into a new living environment can be challenging but we are here to support you every step of the way..
We are committed to providing the best possible care and comfort to our residents. Our services are available at three locations Our first location Lentor Residence was established in 1997 and has a capacity of 208 beds. Our second location Lentor Health Nursing Home Macpherson commenced operations in August 2023 and has a bed capacity of 245. Our third location Lentor Health Nursing Home West Coast is in operations since December 2023 with a capacity of 300 beds.
We will take a pause here to take a screenshot of the address and contact numbers. Our HQ is located at Link @ Ang Mo Kio. Lentor's HR general email address is [email protected]
Our board of directors include Chief Executive Officer Mr Jonathan Koh, Chief Operating Officer Mr John Ho, Chief Finance Officer Ms Koh Lee Choo, Director Dr Joshua Koh, Director Dr Lee Yi Yong
Apart from our leadership team, we have also our dedicated departments and team providing care and services for our residents. We have a total of 10 departments : - Nursing - Rehabilitation - Senior Care Centre - Home Care - Operations - Procurement - Info Technology - Training - Finance - Human Resource and Admissions
We provide the necessary support and resources to help our residents. Our services include nursing homes, assisted living, respite care, transitional hospice care, private nursing services, Centre Based Servies, day rehabilitation service, senior day care, home personal care services, home nursing services, home medical services, caregiver training, medical transport, medical standby and training services.
Since year 2010, Lentor Training Centre conducts training for - Basic Cardias Life Support with AED known as (BCLS AED) assisted living - CPR + AED - Standard First Aid - Infant and Child Heart Saver Course - Occupational First Aid Course -EMT Training
At Lentor Residence, we prioritize the well-being and comfort of our residents. Our goal is to promote healthy and gracious living, offer professional care, and provide peace of mind to both our residents and their loved ones. Our purpose is to enable care, enhance health and enrich life. We strive to create a nurturing environment that enhance the quality of life for our residents.
Our vision is to provide the holistic residence with professional medical, nursing, physical and pastoral care. We provide resident centred care facilities and a holistic lifestyle preference to give our residents a peace of mind and dignified living.
We believe in creating a culture built on our core values. Our core values serve as the foundation of our business and guide our actions. We embody these values in all that we do. Our core values include - Compassion :God’s love enable us to love others, alleviate their pain and discomfort, treat them and their family with care and compassion. - Respect : We treat everyone with honesty, dignity and fairness as we would like others to treat us. - Ethics : the moral will to do what is right. Ethical conduct is displayed through one’s exemplary behaviours, respect for others and sense of loyalty and responsibility. - Attentive to staff : Our genuine concern that we have for our staff and colleagues. This includes a personal touch and holistic well-being of our staff. - Teamwork : Together, everyone achieves more. Provide relief, continuity and magnitude. - Edify : Mutual sharing, living and learning to discover our personal core being.
Company Practices...
Customer service standards at Lentor Residence. Staff are expected to provide good customer service. -Warm smile and maintain eye contact -Be friendly, polite and professional -Show care and concern and greet regular visitors with “good morning, good afternoon or good evening”.
Social Care For Residents & Clients... -Treat our residents and clients as dignified individuals and give them due respect. They shall have privacy when: attending to their hygiene, they are making or receiving telephone calls, receipts of their personal mails, receiving visitors, having personal conversations with staff, residents or their loved ones. Exercise due diligence: to ensure the Residents’ and Clients’ personal safety. to reduce the risk of Residents’ and Clients’ harm resulting from falls. to reduce the risk of healthcare-associated infections by complying with hand hygiene protocols.
We are committed to ensuring a safe and healthy environment for our residents. Environmental Health & Safety (E-H-S--) is of utmost importance to us. We are dedicated to : REDUCING, REUSING, and recycle. and enhancing the efficient use of resources and energy. We ensure compliance with legal and other requirements. We believe it is essential to nurture and promote E-H-S awareness among our -Staff -Suppliers and contractors.
Receiving Gifts- Money or gifts of personal nature offered by residents, clients, or their relatives must not be accepted by the staff. Staff must inform Department Head and referred to the Management on all money or gift offers. Whenever appropriate, the management will disburse the money or gifts to the staff accordingly. Employee Grievance / Feedback - Staff who has grievance/feedback can make a report to the immediate Supervisor, Department Head or HR Department, or submit an online feedback form, depending on the sensitivity of the matter.
Prevention of Resident or Client Abuse and Whistleblowing Policy The management has Zero Tolerance of any resident or client abuse. All staff are required to report any case of abuse or suspected abuse to the appropriate supervisor. The company’s Whistleblowing Policy will protect the identity of the person reporting the abuse or suspected abuse. All whistleblowing complaints are to be made to Chief Executive Officer (CEO) via one of the following communication channels: Email: [email protected]
Prevention and Management of Workplace Harassment Workplace should be safe and free from harassment. Individuals are responsible for their own conduct at work and should be respectful towards others. Any form of harassment will not be tolerated and would be dealt with seriously. Any staff who has participated in an act of harassment or encouraged such conduct by others, shall be subject to disciplinary action. For severe cases, a police report may be made. Disciplinary actions can include warning, suspension, demotion or termination.
Code of Conduct & Disciplinary Code Must comply with all the rules and regulations of the company, including Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct of Singapore Nursing Board and Allied Health Professional Council respectively. Strictly follow the work roster assigned. No changes are allowed unless approval is obtained from the supervisor. Must be punctual for duty and return from meal break. Workplace communication in English is strongly encouraged No consumption of alcohol on work premises, in Staff Quarters and company leased units. No consumption of drugs including betel nut and leaves. No smoking on work premises, in Staff Quarters, company leased units and while in uniform. Strongly discourage any boy/girl relationships among colleagues. Not allowed to use hand phone for personal matters while on duty.
Examples of misconduct, not limited to: Negligent and careless acts towards resident, client or staff. Laziness, inefficiency, negligence of work and not observing hours of work. Quarrelling, disrespectful behaviour, fighting. Absent or leaving workplace without permission or adequate reasons. Obtain leave or absent by false pretence. Theft, dishonesty.
We believe that providing a comfortable living environment and care for our residents in their golden years is important. Disciplinary actions may include verbal warning written warning forfeit of salary increment suspension from work termination or demotion.
[Audio] Our grooming standards are designed to ensure that our residents look and feel their best. We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect and kindness and we strire to provide a warm and welcoming environment for all of our residents..
DRESS CODE When on duty, dress neatly. Uniform must be well ironed. Shoes, shoes laces and socks must be in one solid black colour if uniform is required. When off-duty, staff are allowed to wear their own clothing. However, spaghetti strap blouse/dress, shorts, pyjamas are not acceptable on work premises.
Online Social Media Policy Exercise discretion and responsibility when communicating or publishing information on the online social media (Facebook, TikTok, Instagram, etc.) No comments on company policies and practices. Do not make use or post company logo unless prior permission is given. Do not share or disclose any residents’ or clients’ information; or any confidential information. Do not publish residents’ or clients’ photographs or videos. Do not air grievances on online social media – there are appropriate platforms to escalate your grievances in the company.
Communication with The Press and Media Staff are not allowed to communicate with the press or media concerning company matters and residents’ or clients’ information unless authorised to do so. When approach by the press or media for comments, politely direct them to the Management.
Clean Desk and Workstation Locking--- Do not leave sensitive data exposed in locations where they might be viewed by any other persons. Any printed materials containing sensitive information should be kept in drawer or locked location when staff are away from their desks. Be responsible for securely shredding any printed materials containing sensitive information before disposal. All devices (e.g., laptops and phones) must have auto-lock enabled and must not be left unattended at the end of the day.
Leave Policy….
Leave application within the first 3 months of employment will be No Pay Leave. Generally, only 10% of each department can go on leave during the same period, except for sick leave. Any exception cases beyond SOP guidelines, HODs may decide to approve the leave subject to work and manpower requirements. The management can rescind all previously approved leave and recall back all staff in times of crisis or due to work exigencies. Staff shall refer to Employment Contract for leave entitlement.
Annual Leave--- Pro-rated based on number of completed months worked in a calendar year. Leave Application Seek supervisor’s approval before applying. To submit at least 14 days before leave date. HOD is not obligated to approve any advance leave application immediately. Leave approval is subjected to operational needs, may be rejected. Staff should not make travel plans before leave is approved. Company will not compensate for any cost incurred due to leave being rejected. If staff falls sick while on annual leave, cancellation is not allowed. Urgent Leave For any leave submitted within 7 days. This is not encouraged to avoid disruption to planned roster. Leave Encashment Work Pass Holder may carry over a maximum of two calendar years’ annual leave eligibility into the following calendar year. Management may decide on yearly leave encashment. Unutilised annual leave beyond the two calendar years’ eligibility will be forfeited. Encashment of annual leave balance is allowed on resignation.
Medical Leave----- (Outpatient Sick Leave and Hospitalisation Leave) If unwell during work day, must inform Reporting Officer immediately. Proceed to see doctor and obtain a Medical Certificate to be certified unfit for work. Apply sick leave via HR system, upload Medical Certificate and update Supervisor. If did not visit a doctor or Medical Certificate is not available, Annual Leave / No Pay Leave application must be applied on the same day. Paid Sick Leave is not available if fall sick on public holiday, annual leave, rest day, or non-working day. For staff staying in Staff Quarters (SQ), inform Room IC, SQ in charge, Reporting Officer and proceed to sick bay if instructed.
Medical Assistance Services--- ONE : Nearest Clinic to Staff Quarters Lentor Health Nursing Home (MacPherson) - Grantral Mall Lentor Health Nursing Home (West Coast) -Blk 722 Clementi West Street 2 -West Coast Plaza TWO : Medical Teleconsultation - Download app and consult doctor via online.
For Medical teleconsultation , one, download the app. two, create your OWN account, DO NOT use other's account. three, key in your details. four, prepare passport or documentation for consultation. A doctor will assist you. HR to take a pause here.
Singapore Public Holidays (PH) --- 11 days of Public Holiday in a calendar year: New Year's Day,,Chinese New Year 1st day,, Chinese New Year 2nd day,,Hari Raya Puasa,, Hari Raya Haji,, Good Friday,,Labour Day,,Vesak Day,,National Day,,Deepavali,,Christmas Day Treatment of Public Holidays (PH) Shift worker who wishes to consume a particular PH, must discuss with Head Of Department at least 1 month in advance. Approval will be subject to work and manpower requirements. Head Of Department will finalise the approval list prior to each PH. Staff who is rostered to work on a PH is entitled to PH Off in Lieu. If a PH falls on a non-working day, staff is entitled to PH Off in Lieu. PH Off in lieu will be encashed in payroll in the month of PH for all work pass holders.
Overtime & Benefits….
After 3 months of continuous service, staff is eligible for: Medical Claims. For medical fees incurred at any Singapore registered medical institutes up to a maximum of S$400 per calendar year: - Up to S$40 per visit, maximum 10 times per year - This amount includes all doctor’s consultation fee, prescriptions, specialist treatment or investigations, A&E charges. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). Medical receipts from Traditional Chinese Medical Practitioner (TCM) is not acceptable. Dental Claims. Claim reimbursement for dental fees incurred at any Singapore registered dental clinics up to a maximum of $100 per calendar year.
Human Resource System.....
HR will take a pause here*. Please download Infotech app Check your email inbox for a password set-up email after HR created your account. Infotech Mobile App functions : Profile update Leave application (E Leave) Claim submission (E Claim) Payslip Company policies HR memo
H-R will take a pause here. please follow the screenshot and download the application in your application store.
After downloading the application, you will be able to see the interface as shown in the screenshot. For leave application, select the LEAVE button. Press APPLY shown at the bottom of the page. Fill in the required details and click SUBMIT. For Claim submission, Click on the CLAIM BUTTON. Press APPLY shown at the bottom of the page. Fill in the required details and click SAVE AS DRAFT. your claims will be saved as draft ONLY. not submitted yet. This will give you a chance to amend your claims if required. Click on the DRAFT button below, double check on all details. Click the check box and select SUBMIT. Then, your claim is submitted.
Leave Policy…. (Work Pass Holder)
Home Leave for Work Pass Holder. Not applicable to Malaysian Work Pass Holders. Home leave is not encouraged during first 2 years of service. Home leave application one week before and after festive period is not encouraged. One trip of not more than 30 days per year, inclusive of maximum 14 days No Pay Leave & Off Days. Staff are to seek HOD’s approval before submitting Annual Leave and/or No Pay Leave Application via HR system at least 6 months in advance before Home leave start date. Overseas Holiday Leave for WP Holder. The current insurance and legal framework do not provide protection beyond Singapore. For approved overseas leave (not to home country), it is compulsory for staff to buy travel insurance with repatriation coverage. Staff must submit emergency contact, a copy of the travel insurance policy and travel ticket containing travel dates, time, destination, and coach/vessel/flight number to HR at least 1 week before the travel date. Staff to apply Annual Leave via HR system at least 2 months in advance before leave start date.
Urgent Home Leave for Work Pass Holder. Urgent leave are subject to HOD’s approval. 1st priority for parents, spouse, children. 2nd priority for grandparents, parents-in-law, siblings. Recommended leave duration: 7 to 10 days. Once HOD approved, staff to apply leave application via HR system immediately: - Urgent Leave : if staff has leave balance, or - No Pay Leave : if staff does not have leave balance. Return air ticket (2-way) to be 100% borne by staff Staff to submit air ticket to HR before flight departure.
Overtime (if applicable)
Uniform and Shoes Reimbursement. Eligible after completed 3 consecutive months of service. Claim approval cut-off date is 15th of each month. Uniform – Black or dark blue Pants. Up to $40 for 1st year new join. Up to $20 per year for 2nd year onwards. Shoes. Up to $45 per year.
Staff Accommodation and Change of Address. Staff staying in Staff Quarters or Company Leased Units must comply with company’s House Rules. Staff must seek approval from HR department before moving in/out of Staff Quarters or company leased unit. Staff must update HR department on change of address, according to MOM regulations. Staff must provide proof of address change 5 days before shifting date. HDB registration proof (work pass holder staying in HDB). Tenancy Agreement (work pass holder staying in private housing).
Bearing & Turnout for Male Staff. Hairstyle. Neatly trimmed and above collar. Not allowed: Ragged , punky, spiky or Mohawk hairstyle. Hair length covers eyes or ears Sideburn longer than earlobe. Highlighting or dyeing of hair. Goatee/Beard.
Bearing & Turnout for Female Staff. Hairstyle. Long hair neatly tied up in ponytail & above collar-fold. Long hair neatly braided and above collar-fold. Short and neat hair above collar-fold. Long hair neatly tied-up with hair net and above collar-fold. Not allowed: No fancy highlighting or dyeing of hair. No coloured contact lens unless for medical reasons No conspicuous rubber bands, pins, combs or any other ornaments shall be worn..
Not Acceptable Stud-type earring exceeding 6 mm in size More than one earring exceeding 10 mm in diameter.
If you need any clarification, feel free to Whatsapp HR @ 90914404. Thank you for your attention.