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Scene 1 (0s)

Threat Identification: Recognition and Response. undefined.

Scene 2 (25s)

[Audio] We will be discussing threat identification focusing on the recognition and response associated with it. The aim of this presentation is for each group member to recognize a different type of threat explain how it can be identified and discuss how it should be responded to. This slide introduces the group members and their roles in the discussion. We shall begin with Andrene who will be presenting the initial type of threat..

Scene 3 (51s)

[Audio] Threat Identification is a subject that should be accurately understood. This slide will cover different facets related to it like kinds of weapons traits and behavioural patterns of a questionable individual questionable behaviour and types and organizational traits of a questionable person or group. Let us explore further and gain knowledge about Threat Identification and how to detect and respond to it..

Scene 4 (1m 18s)

Types of Weapons 01.

Scene 5 (1m 24s)

[Audio] Understanding the different types of weapons used in maritime security is critical to effective threat identification. Weapons can range from firearms to small arms to explosives and even unmanned aerial vehicles. Knowing how to recognize these weapons and being prepared to respond effectively is essential for unparalleled maritime security..

Scene 6 (1m 47s)

[Audio] As we look at Threat Identification one type of weapon to consider are non-lethal weapons. Non-lethal weapons refer to instruments materials or methods that have been developed to incapacitate or discourage individuals or vehicles without inflicting any lasting damage or depriving the target of its life. They are typically used by law enforcement armed forces or security personnel when the use of lethal force is deemed unnecessary or unacceptable. The aim of non-lethal weapons is to impede disorient or immobilize targets thus allowing for the control or neutralization of potential risks while reducing the possibility of fatalities. Examples of these include pepper spray rubber bullets and tasers..

Scene 7 (2m 35s)

[Audio] Piracy is an issue which has effects on multiple countries and their pertinent shipping industries. A powerful and useful tactic to counter and block pirate assaults is the utilization of anti-piracy fire hoses. These fire hoses are exceptionally powerful with high-pressure water and are capable of reducing the chances of an intrusion. A variety of vessels have also been fitted with semi-automated and remote-controlled systems to ensure these hoses can be utilized in the most efficient and successful manner..

Scene 8 (3m 8s)

[Audio] L-R-A-D is a non-lethal anti-piracy tool that produces a sound beam that is so loud it is beyond what most people can tolerate. Its primary purpose is threat identification and it has only recently been used to protect cruise and commercial ships..

Scene 9 (3m 29s)

[Audio] Radar systems are an important tool for the identification of threats. They allow us to detect potential threats in the environment providing us with insights into the type size speed and trajectory of the objects. By analyzing the radar images we can better understand what we are seeing and take action when necessary. Radar systems can also detect changes in the environment enabling us to be proactive in responding to threats and minimizing their damage. With the ability to detect objects and changes at long distances radar systems provide us with an invaluable advantage in detecting and responding to potential threats..

Scene 10 (4m 12s)

[Audio] We will be discussing lethal weapons – devices or instruments specifically designed to cause significant injury or death to individuals or property. These are often used in military operations self defence or law enforcement and may include firearms. It is important to understand the various types of weapons and their uses in order to remain safe..

Scene 11 (4m 35s)

[Audio] Security personnel may need to use small arms such as pistols rifles shotguns and submachine guns when faced with close-quarter threats. These weapons can be used for protecting the integrity of a vessel boarding operations or other situations. It is important for security personnel to have the appropriate training and certification on the use of small arms and they should be aware of the rules of engagement before engaging in any weapons activity..

Scene 12 (5m 4s)

[Audio] Naval vessels utilize a variety of weapons depending on the situation. Naval guns have the capacity to engage multiple targets simultaneously while missiles are optimized for precision attacks. Torpedoes are specifically equipped to be fired at targets below the waterline and cannons are used in short range confrontations. All of these weapons are capable of disabling destroying or providing an adequate response to hostile threats..

Scene 13 (5m 32s)

[Audio] When it comes to securing the sea from threats identification and response are essential. Utilizing weapons to secure maritime assets is necessary but must abide by certain standards. International law national laws and maritime security regulations guide the use and deployment of weapons to ensure their intended purpose is achieved without leading to misunderstanding or violence. Following these rules is imperative to guarantee our waters are safe..

Scene 14 (6m 1s)

[Audio] When assessing possible threats it is essential to be aware of the behaviors that are associated with suspicious individuals. The two primary indicators of suspect behavior are when a person acts inconsistently or abnormally compared to their usual self. For instance someone who stays in a highly secure area for an extended period of time or someone who provides multiple falsified documents. As security personnel it is necessary to be alert for these kinds of signals and act in accordance..

Scene 15 (6m 34s)

Suspicious Behaviour 03.

Scene 16 (6m 40s)

[Audio] Recognizing suspicious behavior in the maritime domain is essential for the protection of personnel and assets. Awareness of the indicators of suspicious behavior and protocols to address them should be established in every operator and agency's security program. A timely response to suspicious behavior is key to detecting potential threats and ensuring security..

Scene 17 (7m 5s)

[Audio] It is essential to be aware of potential threats to our safety and to know what to watch out for. Suspicious behavior might include strange navigation patterns abrupt changes in speed or route lingering in sensitive or forbidden locations and trying to go unnoticed by deactivating A-I-S signals. Having recognition of these signs can help us react quickly and aptly to any menace..

Scene 18 (7m 32s)

[Audio] When it comes to threat identification one needs to be aware of suspicious behaviour including suspicious cargo handling and lack of proper documentation as well as inconsistent cargo descriptions and unusual cargo loading/unloading practices. Additionally behaviour of crew or passengers such as aggressive or evasive behaviour attempts to avoid interaction with authorities or unauthorised access to restricted areas can also point to potential threats..

Scene 19 (8m 5s)

[Audio] Identifying potential threats requires recognizing suspicious behaviour. This can include failing to respond to inquiries from maritime authorities providing wrong or incomplete documentation or trying to conceal identity. It is essential to remain watchful and take necessary steps when witnessing any suspicious activity..

Scene 20 (8m 28s)

[Audio] Looking for suspicious behaviour is one way to recognize potential security threats and report them to the relevant authorities. This could include activities such as subjects pretending to be filming when there is no camera or sitting and watching people or property for an extended period of time. A brief conversation may be all it takes to clear up a suspicious situation so paying attention and remaining vigilant is key to helping ensure the safety of our surroundings..

Scene 21 (8m 57s)

Types of Biometrics 04.

Scene 22 (9m 3s)

[Audio] Biometric recognition is becoming a more popular approach to verify users. It relies on individuals' physical and behavioural traits such as facial shape fingerprints iris ear shape lip movement location and typing style to identify them. This form of authentication helps to prevent the theft of identities and unauthorised access to accounts..

Scene 23 (9m 27s)

[Audio] Biometrics is gaining significant traction as the top choice for identity authentication due to its convenience. No longer needing to remember and input a password P-I-N or any other digital code biometrics offer a much more secure alternative through the use of facial scans fingerprint scans and other passive forms of ID verification which are practically impossible to imitate making it a much more effective measure for safety..

Scene 24 (9m 54s)

[Audio] Biometric technology is powerful for identifying individuals yet there are certain drawbacks such as a large setup and running cost. Data stored in these systems is still vulnerable to hacking and errors such as false rejects and false accepts could surface. If the system cannot capture all of the biometric data it is likely not successful in identifying the user..

Scene 25 (10m 21s)

[Audio] Biometric authentication is an increasingly popular and effective tool for verifying an individual's identity. In this slide we will be taking a look at three types of biometric authentication and what makes them unique. First is DNA. D-N-A or deoxyribonucleic acid is found in every cell and is made up of four different chemicals. Its unique structure makes it an ideal form of biometric authentication. Next is ear biometrics. This type of authentication is based on the unique shape of each individual's ear. It uses certain features of the ear such as the size shape and contours to verify an individual's identity. Finally there is face biometrics. This type of authentication relies on aspects of the face such as the size of features like the eyes or mouth to identify a person. It is increasingly being used as an alternative to passwords for verifying identity..

Scene 26 (11m 24s)

[Audio] Biometric authentication is a tool used to recognize and respond to potential threats. It involves using a physical or behavioral characteristic to verify an individual's identity. Various forms of biometric authentication exist such as iris recognition hand geometry and finger geometry. Iris recognition is based on the colored circular segment at the front of the eye. Hand geometry recognition uses finger geometry and the surfaces of the hand to ascertain identity. Finger geometry on the other hand captures the shape and surface area of each finger to identify someone..

Scene 27 (12m 5s)

[Audio] Biometric authentication is a very useful tool for threat identification. This type of authentication is used to verify a person's identity based on physical characteristics such as face voice or fingerprints. For keystrokes a "reference session" of the typist's own typing is recorded and used for identification. Fingerprints are identified by the unique papillary ridges on the skin's surface which are present in both humans and some other mammals..

Scene 28 (12m 34s)

[Audio] When it comes to threat identification it is important to consider the organizational characteristics of any suspicious persons or groups that may be causing concern. Signs to look for include a lack of any visible connection between the individuals displaying excessive amounts of money or other items not necessary for the situation and exhibiting an unusual level of interest in certain topics. Being able to recognize these and other indicators can help us identify any potential risks in our environment..

Scene 29 (13m 7s)

[Audio] Organizations need to be aware of the organizational characteristics of suspicious individuals or groups in order to assess the threat and come up with suitable response plans. This will guarantee that maritime operations remain secure..

Scene 30 (13m 28s)

[Audio] Threat identification plays a key role in maritime security. To look for individuals or groups of concern it is wise to examine the structure hierarchy communication techniques and operational patterns of the group or person. Analyzing these features assists in being ready for a possible danger to a ship or port..

Scene 31 (13m 48s)

[Audio] Examining the organizational characteristics of suspicious persons or groups is essential to gain a better understanding of their capabilities and motivations. We have to investigate their geographic and operational areas of activity in addition to analyzing their financial trails and funding sources. This data can assist us in responding to the potential threat..

Scene 32 (14m 11s)

[Audio] Identifying and responding to potential threats requires a thorough understanding of the hierarchical structure of suspicious persons or groups. Interactions and behavior can often reveal clear lines of authority and communication with leaders wielding a significant degree of influence over their followers. It is important to recognize these qualities in order to effectively handle any given situation..

Scene 33 (14m 37s)

[Audio] Threat identification is a complex process which involves taking into consideration a range of sources. One of these sources is the communication methods used by people or organizations with suspicious motives to organize and execute their undertakings. These methods typically comprise of using secure communication channels coded messages pseudonyms and operating within a hidden manner. This kind of behaviour makes it difficult to collect information on the intentions and capacities of the group thereby creating a higher level of risk..

Scene 34 (15m 11s)

[Audio] We need to comprehend the organizational behavior of terrorist groups to be able to discuss them. Key components such as mobilization decision-making and leadership are vital in order for the group's activities to be successful and to keep the organization alive. By using organizational behavior theories these different aspects are taken into consideration so that we can tell terrorist groups apart from other organizations. Knowing and analyzing those behaviors is necessary to make sense of terrorist actions and appropriately react to them..

Scene 35 (15m 47s)

[Audio] Biometrics are becoming increasingly important for identifying and countering threats. Biometrics is a technology that measures and analyzes a person's physical or behavioral characteristics to determine their identity. Examples of biometrics include face recognition fingerprint recognition voice recognition and iris recognition. Physical traits are not the only criteria evaluated by biometrics but also behavioral ones such as voice and signature. With the help of these tools safety personnel can detect potential threats and take prompt action. Appreciate you taking the time to get educated on biometrics and how it relates to identifying and responding to threats. Thank you!.