[Audio] Third Bullying Presentation. Third Bullying Presentation.
[Audio] WHAT IS BULLYING It's bullying if: One person is intentionally hurting or harming another with words or behavior, and The behavior is being done on purpose, and The person being hurt has a hard time making it stop. The behavior is repeated or happened once but was significant. The kids who are doing it have more power.* * Power can mean the person bullying is older, bigger or stronger, more popular, or there's a group of kids who " gang up" on someone..
[Audio] Please select a video to view based on your grade level..
[Audio] Bullying includes.. Calling someone hurtful and disrespectful names Spreading lies and bad rumors about someone Being mean and teasing someone Hitting, punching, shoving, spitting and physically hurting someone Social exclusion or isolation ... not including someone is a group Getting certain kids or teens to "gang up" on others Having money or other things taken or damaged Being threatened or being forced to do things Bullying also can happen on-line or electronically. Cyberbullying is when kids or teens bully each other using the Internet, mobile phones or other cyber technology..
BULLY-FREE ZONE To purchase this song in video format (.mp4) or audio format (.m4a), please visit www.harrykindergartenmusic.com! WWW.HARRYKINDERGARTENMUSIC.COM Hip songs & videos for the K-2 classroom! - Most videos on my website: $2.49 - All audio files on my website: $1.00 - Audio/video song packs for a discounted price also available! Check out the Harry Kindergarten Music FACEBOOK page! www.facebook.com/groups/harrykindergarten To contact Mr. Harry about a speaking engagement for teachers, or if you have any other questions/comments, please contact [email protected]. *Disclaimer: Videos produced and shared by Harry Kindergarten Music are intended to be shown on the official HARRY KINDERGARTEN MUSIC YouTube channel and are NOT to be uploaded anywhere else. Please do NOT rip videos off of my channel and put them on yours. If YouTube is blocked in your school district, I graciously ask you to purchase the video or audio files from my website shown above. Happy teaching! Q: Can my class perform a "Harry Kindergarten song" for an audience? A: If you desire to have your class or group of students perform one of my “Harry Kindergarten” songs for an audience, please note that there is a $6.00 PERFORMANCE FEE. Here are some hypothetical examples of performance groups: * Students perform a song for an audience during a graduation ceremony. * Students perform a song for an audience during a school or community talent show. * Students perform a song for an audience during a school assembly. If you are unsure if you need to purchase a performance license or not, please inquire at: [email protected]. If you want more details about using a song multiple years or multiple classes, etc., e-mail me for a detailed PDF file. $6.00 can be sent to: Harry Kindergarten Music, LLC 508 Stewart Street Bellwood, PA 16617.
[Audio] Kindness Kindness is a type of behavior marked by acts of generosity, consideration, or concern for others, without expecting praise or reward. Kindness Makes us Happier. When we do something kind for someone else, we feel good. ... Kindness is Contagious Examples: Caring Helpful Nice Goodness Goodwill Generous Compassion Sympathy.
[Audio] Please select a video to view based on your grade level..
[Audio] Friendship and Inclusion What is friendship: The emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends, a relationship between friends, and a state of mutual trust and support What is Inclusion: Inclusion is to embrace all people irrespective of race, gender, disability, medical or other need. Be part of something. Friendships and Inclusion Can Help End Bullying Inclusion is important in ending bullying. If everyone was included and accepted, bullying would no longer exist. However, friendship can provide another way to battle bullying aside from including those who might be left out. Friendship can help to turn bystanders to upstanders..
[Audio] Bystander vs Upstander While " bystanders" witness bullying and do or say nothing to stop it (sometimes even encourage it), " upstanders" are those who help the victim of the bully. True friends would engage in the following when confronted with a bullying situation: Standing up for the victim (if the situation is safe to do so) Not laughing or encouraging the bully in any way Not participating in the bullying Not videotaping or photographing the incident to post online Finding and telling an adult to get assistance.
[Audio] Empathy Empathy is the ability or practice of imagining or trying to deeply understand what someone else is feeling or what it's like to be in their situation. Empathy is often described as the ability to feel what others are feeling as if you are feeling it yourself. Please select the video based of your grade level..
[Audio] Is it bullying? When someone says or does something unintentionally hurtful and they do it once, that's RUDE When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they do it once, that's MEAN. When someone says or does something intentionally hurtful and they keep doing it- even when you tell them to stop or show them that you're upset, that's BULLYING..
[Audio] REPORTING Reporting in Person It is important to note that if you or someone you know if being bullied, you need to report it. You can report bullying by telling an adult or your parents. ANONYMOUS Report Bullying reports may also be done anonymously..