The Historical Background of PTMSMNHS.
[Audio] At the onset of June 1989, the Pedro T. Mendiola Sr. Memorial Technological and Vocational School (PTMSMTVS) was initiated by a handful of educators and staff under the stewardship of Mr. Bernabe B. Macaraig, former Superintendent of Occidental Mindoro National College (OMSC) and legislative Staff Chief of former Congressman Mario Gene J. Mendiola under the auspices of RA No. 665, otherwise known as the Free Education Act of 1987..
The school was named after the late Assemblyman Pedro T. Mendiola Sr., a prime political figure in the province of Occidental Mindoro who brought tremendous progress and development in the province including the conversion of barangay high schools into national status. The PTMSMNHS offered a complete secondary program and non-degree technical and vocational courses..
Within his two-term stint as a member of the Philippine Parliament, he stood tall in the podium of then Batasang Pambansa as Chair of the Committee on Appropriations. He likewise funneled every ounce of wealth he sourced out from the national coffer down to his constituents for infrastructural developments of Occidental Mindoro, which gradually turned the province into a potential capital destination..
In 1990, Congressman Mendiola caused the inclusion of the school in the General Appropriations Act (RA No. 6831) as Pedro T. Mendiola Sr. Memorial Technological and Polytechnic Institute (PTMSMTPI) under the implementation of higher technical education of DECS with an initial appropriations of Ten Million Pesos (Php 10, 000,000.00) for personal services, MOOE and capital outlays..
The school was initially housed at San Jose Nazareno building owned by the Municipality of San Jose..
Three months after, it was transferred to a larger compound of the Lorenzana warehouse in order to conveniently undertake the learning process for the students..
The Lorenzana warehouse in order to conveniently undertake the learning process for the students. The Lorenzana warehouse was transformed into class-room for almost a thousand students. Rental fee of the facilities amount to ₱27,000 per month and other school operating expenses were shouldered by the Mendiola family. Likewise, financial loans were extended to teachers and staff of the school..
In 1994, the status of the institution was elevated to tertiary level under the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) known as Pedro T. Mendiola Sr. Memorial Technological and Polytechnic College (PTMSMTPC) offering four (4) degree courses, such as; a) Bachelor of Science in Hotel and Restaurant Management, b) Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, c) Bachelor of Science in Criminology and, d) Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education and nine (9) short-term tech-voc courses..
This development in the local education sector has gained popular supports from the Mindoreños particularly those belonging to lowly-income sector of society who could not afford to send their children in the traditional centers of education in urban areas..
In 1996, in anticipation of the massive displacement of students and faculty caused by the phasing down of the secondary program of PTMSMTPC, College Superintendent Bernabe B. Macaraig was created the Mina de Oro National High School (MDONHS) as an absorbing entity of the displaced students..
The new high school was housed inside the compound of the College and shared with the latter’s resources and manpower hinder the direct administrative supervision of DECS Region IV. Mrs. Virgina P. Macaraig was designated Officer –In-of the said high school..
Meanwhile, Congressman Josephine ‘Nene’ Ramirez-Sato filed House Bill No. 4542 seeking for the conversion of PTMSMTPC into State College in 2002. However, such goal did not materialized. CHED Memorandum of Agreement dated February 27, 2002. It was later renamed into Pedro T. Mendiola Sr. Memorial National High School (PTMSMNHS) pursuant to SB Resolution No. 1150 Resolution No. 1160, both series of 2005..
PTMSMNHS underwent lots of struggle bravely fought by some teachers as a significant change in history. Thus, Department of Education- Division of Occidental Mindoro designated Mr. Ernesto C. Esteves, Principal III of Rizal National High School, this Province , as Officer –In-Charge of PTMSMNHS effective September 13, 2004..
Mr. Esteves gained the support of faculty and administrative staff of the school. He initiated programs in providing infrastructural and instructional development as well as created rapport and harmonious environment among school personnel. PTMSMNHS was known to be the usual host that institution has the widest area among secondary schools in the province..
During his stewardship, the PTMSMNHS- Bubog extension was establish in S.Y. 2007-2008 in collaboration with the Barangay Council. Mr. Esteves was the only high school principal who accepted the challenge of establishing an extension high school in Barangay Bubog which had its secondary curriculum completed in S.Y. 2010-2011..
As per agreement for its initial operation, Mr. Aliben Dagohoy, Head Teacher III of Bubog II Elemetary School, served as the ‘overseer’ of PTMSMNHS-Bubog Extension,.
Mrs. Eunice Baluntong as Teacher-In-Charge S.Y. 2007-2008 and 2011-2012 respectively..
Mrs. Felina A. Hernandez, Head Teacher IV of PTMSMNHS was designed Techer-In-Charge of Bubog Extension from S.Y. 2009-2011, 2012-2013..
Addressing the demand of the society for high school education, PTMSMNHS extended its services to Barangay Caminawit when the former Occidental Mindoro National College (OMNC)- Caminawit Extension Program was absorbed by Department of Education. The school become an annex of PTMSMNHS as per Memorandum of Agreement between OMNC, Department of Education Region IV-B and LGU-Caminawit last December 13, 2010..
PTMSMNHS Caminawit Annex started its operation in June of S.Y. 2011-2012 with Mrs. Adelina D. Acosta, Head Teacher V of PTMSMNHS was designated Teacher-In-Charge..
The annex school was converted into an independent high school by virtue of Republic Act. 10275 dated November 15, 2012 known as Caminawit National High School (CamNHS)..
principal authored by Congresswoman Amelita C. Villarosa. Mr Alex C. Acosta, Administrative Officer II of PTMSMNHS and member of the Task Force for the implementation of the MOA was tasked in the preparation of documentary requirements for the legislative process of the bill (HB 5232) until it was finally passed into law..
After Mr. Esteves retirement, Mrs. Florenda A. Salazar, Head Teacher IV of Science Department was designated by former Schools Division Superintendent Wilfredo E. Cabral as Officer-In-Charge of PTMSMNHS. She continued the development of this Institution. She served as the OIC from October 11, 2010 to June 12, 2011..
Starting S.Y. 2011-2012, PTMSMNHS operates under the leadership of Mr. Fred E. Magbanua, School Principal III..
At the initial phase of his term, infrastructure improvement was evident. It was also during his term when PTMSMNHS produced two new heads n the persons of Maria Nimfa De Guzman and Benedict Reyes, both former Master Teachers of this Institution. Mr. Magbanua also adheres to uplift the name of PTMSMNHS by promoting professional advancement and speedy promotion of teachers..
Since the, the institution serves as the annual regional mass training venue for the implementation of K to 12 curriculum..
Since then,. Hosting events and infrastructures.
In addition, PTMSMNHS paves its way as pilot school of K to 12 senior High School.
2023 to Present.
“PTM thru generations, one family, one legacy”.