[Virtual Presenter] TA in my way Transactional Analysis (T-A---) is a psychological theory and therapy approach developed by Canadian psychiatrist Eric Berne in the late 1950 seconds. It's based on the idea that human behavior is influenced by the interactions between three ego states: Parent Adult and Child. These ego states are not literal parents adults or children but rather patterns of thought feeling and behavior that resemble those of a parent an adult or a child.1. **Parent Ego State**: This is the collection of thoughts feelings and behaviors learned or internalized from authority figures or caregivers. It includes critical nurturing or controlling attitudes.2. **Adult Ego State**: This represents rational.
[Audio] High Impact Business Communication in Global Collaboration objective thinking and behavior based on current information free from emotional bias or conditioned patterns.3. **Child Ego State**: This consists of thoughts feelings and behaviors learned or internalized from childhood experiences. It can be spontaneous and creative (Free Child) or compliant and adapted (Adapted Child).Berne proposed that in any social interaction people can switch between these ego states and understanding these shifts can help in communication conflict resolution and personal development.Transactional Analysis is often used in therapy to help individuals recognize their ego states understand how these states influence their behaviors and interactions and ultimately make positive changes in their lives. It's also applied in various fields like education organizational development and counseling. Transactional Analysis therapy involves analyzing the transactions (interactions) between individuals to identify dysfunctional patterns and help clients gain insight into their behavior and relationships. Through this process individuals can develop healthier ways of relating to others and themselves..