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Scene 1 (0s)

WIND ENERGY CONVERSION. Overview of. Systems & Components.

Scene 2 (11s)

Presentation Outline. Overview of Wind Energy Wind Energy Conversion Systems Vertical and Horizontal Axis WTGs Wind Turbine Technology Types.

Scene 3 (21s)

At the beginning of the 21st century, nearly 80% the world’s energy supply was derived from fossil hydrocarbons: (coal, petroleum, and natural gas)..

Scene 4 (42s)

At the beginning of the 21st century, renewable energy sources accounted for nearly 20% of global energy consumption..

Scene 5 (58s)


Scene 6 (1m 4s)

ENERGY FORM THE SUN ON EARTH. Based on the design, Airborne Wind Turbine technology can be classified as Kite type Balloon type Kytoon type (Combined Kite & Balloon) Tethered auto gyro type.

Scene 7 (1m 18s)

SOURCE OF WIND ENERGY. Wind is an aftereffect of solar energy. Land and water areas absorb and release heat at different rates. The uneven heating and cooling creates atmospheric pressure zones. This pressure difference makes air flow from high to low pressure areas..

Scene 8 (1m 34s)

GLOBAL WIND ATLAS ENERGYDATxmFO power Density O Wind Speed Orography Roughness Ruggedness Index O Wind Measurement Stations Sou'ih acific )cean Search Location Home About • Download North Atlantjc Ocean SO U T iv-r"b South Atlantic Ocean Contact Tasm Sea Help ? Arabian Sea Indian Ocean 29 90.

Scene 9 (1m 46s)


Scene 10 (2m 15s)

Best sites for wind farms are where the annual average wind speed is at least 4-6 m/s..

Scene 11 (2m 34s)

Good Site Bad Site Obstacles prevailing wind Speedup effect over smooth hill Turbulence at top and bottom of hill Zone of max. turbulent flow.

Scene 12 (2m 45s)

Windfarms are located in areas having average wind speed of ~7 m/s (25 km/h) and above will be commercially more successful..

Scene 13 (3m 11s)


Scene 14 (3m 17s)

Direct Multi Pole Synchronous machines Mechanical Energy Source Fixed / Variable Speed Gear Mechanism Conventional Induction Machines Synchronckls Machines Permanent Magnet Wound Large nverte wound Rotor field contr Wound Large nve Squirrel Cage Wound Large peconve Resistive Load wound Rotor/ Brushless Wound Small nve Electrical Energy Source Fixed Frequency / DC.

Scene 15 (3m 31s)

WIND TURBINE TECHNOLOGY OPTIONS. Wind Turbine Technologies Horizontal Axis On-shore Residential Industrial Commercial Off-shore Commercial Vertical Axis Darrieus Savonius.

Scene 16 (3m 39s)

Vertical Axis. Horizontal Axis. WIND TURBINE TECHNOLOGIES.

Scene 17 (3m 46s)

solowkr. Nacelle. Tower 3 sections. Blade 100 m. PRESENT-DAY WIND TURBINES.

Scene 18 (3m 55s)

A: Sweep Area of Blade o R = Blade Radius O o. HORIZONTAL AXIS WIND TURBINES.

Scene 19 (4m 3s)

Blades Rotor Hub Blade Pitch Brake Low-Speed Shaft Gear Box Generator Controller Anemometer Wind Vane Nacelle High-Speed Shaft Yaw Drive Yaw Motor Tower.

Scene 20 (4m 15s)

Rotor Blade Weight: 35 ton/blade Diameter: 100 m.

Scene 21 (4m 30s)


Scene 22 (4m 36s)

TYPICAL WIND TURBINE DATA. http:// www.inoxrenewables.com /technical- data.html.

Scene 23 (4m 59s)

NUMBER OF BLADES – ONE. 1-bladed cartoon. Counterweight cartoon.

Scene 24 (5m 7s)

Capture 5% less energy than three blade designs. 2-bladed cartoon.

Scene 25 (5m 17s)

Low rotational speed increases costs of gearbox and transmission more aesthetic, less noise, fewer bird strikes.

Scene 26 (5m 30s)

HALIADE-X 14 MW 14 MW capacity 220-meter rotor 107-meter long blades 260 meters high 74 GWh gross AEP 61% capacity factor m2 swept area.

Scene 27 (5m 42s)

Based on the generator systems used, wind turbines are classified into four types:.

Scene 28 (5m 56s)


Scene 29 (6m 3s)

Pitch Controller Ind. Gen Gear Box AC/DC Slip Power as heat loss Variable Rotor Resistance.

Scene 30 (6m 11s)

Double-fed induction generators (DFIG) are used in this category Ind. Gen GearBox AC/DC DC/AC DC Link.

Scene 31 (6m 22s)

uao •uÅs Wd mun oa ov/oa oa/ov. Variable Speed with Full Scale Converter.

Scene 32 (6m 30s)

powering renewable energy GIF by General Electric.

Scene 33 (6m 41s)

Thank you. Dr. K. V. Vidyanandan [email protected].