Name – Sumitra paul Class -- (M.A) 4 th semester (C.B.P.B.U) Sub – Political science Roll – 16 Pepar -- 403.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. I would like to express my special thanks of gratitude of my teacher Dr. kartik das . Who gave me this golden opportunity to do this wonderful project of PolitiCal Sciences on “Sustainable development” I came to know about so many new things..
Outline. ? Introduction ? History of Sustainable development. ? Meaning of Development. ? Meaning of sustainable development. ? Example of sustainable development. ? Aims & objectives of sustainable Development. ? Importance of Sustainable Development..
Introduction. Sustainable development in value satisfying the need of the present population without endangering the capability of the future population to satisfy its own needs. Sustainable development in the organizing principle foe meeting human development goals which simultaneously sustainable sustaining the ability of natural systems to provide the natural resources and ecosystems services on which the economy and society depends. Sustainable development also forecast on finding better ways of closing things without affecting the quality of our life..
History of sustainable development. Sustainable development has its root in ideas about sustainable forest management which were development in Europe during the 17 th and 18 th centuries. In response growing awareness of the depletion of timber resources in England. Jahn Evelyn argued that “Sowing and planting trees has to be regarded a National duty of every landowner, in order to stop the destructive over explanation of natural resources ” in his 1662 essay syha. In 1980, the international union for the conservation strategy.include one of the first references to sustainable development as a global priority and introduced the “ “ “sustainable development” ..
Meaning of Development. ? Generally Development is the gradual growth of a situation that becomes more advanced and strong than previous one. ? Development is intended to bring a positive change for human being and it’s surrounding. Development may take place by bringing about a change in policy project and legislation . ? Development is a unfolding of human potentials for meaningful participation in economic, social, political and cultural process can improve their conditions..
Meaning of Sustainable Development :-. Brundtland commission Report – our common Future(1987)- “ Sustainable development means that meets the needs of the present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs ”. ▪️ Proverty focus - the needs of the world’s high priority should be given. ▪️ Future focus – limits imposed by technology and social Organization On environments ability to present and Future needs..
Example of sustainable development. ▪️ Solar energy – The greatest advantages of solar energy are that it’s completely free and it’s available in limited supply. Both of this factors provide a huge benefits to cons umer’s and help to reduce pollution..
Example of sustainable development. ▪️ wind Energy – wind energy is another readily available source harnessing the power of wind enargy necessitates the use of wind mills however due to kind of energy is mean to service more than just the individuals widso energy can supplement or even replace the cost of grill power and then good investment and remain a great example on sustainable development..
Example of sustainable development. ▪️ Crop Rotation – crop rotation is defined the improve soil fertility and help control insects and disease..
Example of sustainable development. ▪️ Green space – green space includes parks and wild life are encouraged to the live these space also after the public great opportunities to enjoy out door reereation, in dense urban areas, moving to greens area could tead to significantion and lasting improvement to an individual health..
Aims of sustainable development. The aim of sustainable development is to balance our Economic , Environmental and social needs allowing prosperity for now and future generation.Sustainable development consist of a long term.Integrated Approach to developing and achivingA healthy community by jointly addressing Economic , environmental and social issues. Whilst avoiding the over consumption of key natural resources ..
Objectives of sustainable development. ▪️ Economic system :- ▪️ Stability of the national economy. ▪️ satisfaction of basic needs through sustainable products. ▪️ Price stability deconcertation of power internationalisation of external costs. ▪️ Reduction of imports of raw materials. ▪️ Efficient state budget while ensuring adepuate stands of supply of public and substantive fair distribution..
Objectives of sustainable development. ▪️ Social system:- ▪️ Democracy and the rule of law in all areas. ▪️ Poverty eradication social security and over coming demographic problems. ▪️ Equal opportunities and social integration. ▪️ Internal and external security..
OBJECTIVES OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. ▪️ Environmental system:- ▪️ Protection of Earth’s atmosphere. ▪️ Avoiding harmful influence on nature. ▪️ Sustainable use of renewable resources. ▪️ Sustainable use of non renewable resources..
Importance of sustainable development. Sustainable development is necessary for the maintain .once of the environment.The purpose of development work is news achieved effecting if the advance effects are ignored. ▪️ The importance of sustainable development are as follows:- 1. Proper use of means and resources. 2. Development and positive attitude. 3. Development of fundamental parts. 4. Long lasting development. 5. Development based on peoples participation. 6. Limitations of development..
Needs of sustainable development. 1 million species on track for extinction. Overexploitation of Natural Resources The decline of more than 60% of the world's marine fisheries. Need for Sustainable Development Climate change Increase in atmospheric temperature and extreme weather events. l' Rising Sea -Levels: Extinction threat to Small Island nations due to climate change. Scarcity of Resources Food production needs to double over the next 40 years at a time when almost 23% of the world's agricultural land has been degraded. Nearly 2/3rd of the world's population will be living in water-scarce/water- stressed areas by 2025..
Features of sustainable development. ▪️ Some features of sustainable development are:- 1. It emphasizes on green architecture and eco-friendly building practices. 2. It attempt to minimise greenhouse gases, reduce global warming and pleasure environmental resources. 3. Use of natural biodegradable building material. 4. Use of renewable energy resources such as solar wind. 5. Use of renewable energy resources of water. 6. Protection of natural habitat. 7. Planet replacement for any resources used. 8. Pollution construction practices and industries. 9. The rate of consumption should not use pass the rate of solution..
Goals of sustainable development. The sustainable development goals (SDGs) also known as global goals.Use adopted by all United Nations states. In 2015 as a universal call to action to end property protect the Planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030. the sustainable development goals are the blue prints to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. The 17 goals are interconnected, and to leave no one behind, it is important that use achive them all..
Goals of sustainable development. 1 ▪️ No poverty:- economic growth must be individual to provide sustainable jobs and promote equality. 2 ▪️ Zero hunger:- The food and agriculture sector offers they solution for development and is central for hunger and Poverty eradication. 3▪️ Good health and well being:- Ensuring healthy lives and promoting well being for all at all ages is essential to Sustainable development. 4▪️ Quality Education:- Obtaining a quality is the foundation embracing people lives. 5▪️ Gender Equality:- Empower women and girls and ensure their equal rights. 6 ▪️ Clean water and sanitization:- clean accecable water for all is an essential part of the world..
Goals of sustainable development. 7 ▪️ Affordable and clean energy:- use only energy efficient appliance and light bulbs. 8 ▪️ Decent work and economic growth:- create job opportunity for youth. 9 ▪️ Industry innovation and infrastructure:- front projects that provides basic infrastructure. 10 ▪️ Reduced inequalities:- policies should be universal in principal, playing attention to the needs of disadvantage and marginalised population. 11 ▪️ Sustainable cities and community:- bike work of use public transportation. 12 ▪️ Responsible consummation and production:- recycle paper, plastics, glass and Aluminium..
Goals of sustainable development. 13 ▪️ Climate action:- climate change is a global challenges that effects everyone, everywhere. 14 ▪️ Life below water:- avoid plastic bags to keep the occans clean. 15 ▪️ Life on land:- plant a tree and protect the environment. 16 ▪️ Peace, justice and strong substitution:- excess to justice for all and building effective, accountable institution at all levels. 17 ▪️ partnerships:- hobby your government to boost development financing..
Three pillars of Sustainable Development. The theses pillars of Sustainable are a powerful tool defining the sustainable development problem. This consists of these promoters economic, social and environment pillars. If any one pillars is weak then system as a whole is unsustainable..
Three pillars. ▪️ Economic sustainability :- Economics sustainability required that a business or country uses it resources efficiently and responsibility so that it can aperate in a sustainable manner to consistently produce an operationnal profit without and operationnal profit a business cannot it sustain its activities..
Three pillars. ▪️ social sustainability:- sustainability is the ability of society, or any social system, to persistently achieve a good social well being. Achiving social sustainability ensures the social well being of a country, and organisation or a community can be maintained in the long term..
Three pillars. ▪️ Environmental sustainability :- Environment sustainability means that use our living within the means offers natural resources. Live in true sustainability we need to ensures that use our consuming our natural resources at a sustainable rate. Some resources are more abundant then others and their we need to consider material scarcity. Social+Economic sustainability = Equitable. Social+ Environment sustainability = Bearable. Economic+ Environment sustainability = Viable..
The principles of sustainable Development are :. ▪️ Respect and care for the community of life. ▪️ Improve the quality of human life. ▪️ Conserve the Earth’s vitality and diversity. ▪️ Minimise the depletion of non-renewable resources. ▪️ Keep within the Earth’s carrying capacity. ▪️ Change attitude and practices. ▪️ Enable communities to care for their own environments. ▪️ Create a global alliance..
-:Conclusion:-. At the core of Idea of sustainability is the matter of meeting people’s needs for home, job, etc. If we don’t take care of the environment in which we live now we won’t have anything to leave behind us for future generations. Sustainable development and issue related to global environmental concentration has not been will addressed in action although some planning initiatives have been taken at National regional and local levels. but when it comes to implementation not much progress has been made..