[Audio] A style of art and literature that emerged primarily in the twentieth century and employs fantastic visual imagery from the subconscious mind with no intention of making the artwork logically comprehensible. Involves fantasy & dreams Is illogical Stresses the subconscious Automatism – to allow your subconscious mind to take over in your art. Demented sense of humour Founded in 1924 by poet and critic Andre Breton who published The Surrealist Manifesto: join the world of fantasy to the everyday rational world in "an absolute reality, a surreality.".
[Audio] André Breton was an original member of the Dada group who went on to start and lead the Surrealist movement in 1924. In New York, Breton and his colleagues curated Surrealist exhibitions that introduced ideas of automatism and intuitive art-making to the first Abstract Expressionists. His ideas about accessing the unconscious and using symbols for self-expression served as a fundamental conceptual building block for New York artists in the 1940s. He is known best as the co-founder, leader, and principal theorist of surrealism..
[Audio] An accurate depiction of a cruel, dramatic situation, Guernica was created to be part of the Spanish Pavilion at the International Exposition in Paris in 1937. Pablo Picasso's motivation for painting the scene in this great work was the news of the German aerial bombing of the Basque town whose name the piece bears, which the artist had seen in the dramatic photographs published in various periodicals, including the French newspaper L'Humanité..
[Audio] Magritte's works are conceived of as riddles. In them, he explores the mysteries lurking in the unexpected juxtaposition of everyday things, involving the viewer in a self-induced disorientation. His paintings exclude symbols and myths; everything is visible. Magritte worked from several sources, which he repeated with variations: anatomical surprises, such as the hand whose wrist is a woman's face; the mysterious opening, where a door swings open onto an unexpected vista; metamorphic creatures, such as a stone bird flying above a rocky shoreline. He animates the inanimate, as a shoe with toes; he enlarges details, as an immense apple filling a room. he makes an association of complementaries, as the leaf-bird, or the mountain-eagle. His titles accompany the paintings in the way that names correspond to objects, without either illustrating or explaining them..
[Audio] A huge, isolated eye stares out at the viewer. Its left, inner corner has a vivid, viscous quality. The anatomical detailing of this area and its surface sheen contrast with the matte, dead-black of the eye's pupil, which floats, unmoored, against a limpid, cloud-filled sky of cerulean blue. Although the areas surrounding the eye's iris are carefully shaded and modeled, giving the illusion of a play of light on three-dimensional form, the sky displays no trace of convexity; its puffy clouds are beautifully rendered, but not its blue expanse. As a result, the sky appears as though seen through a circular window rather than mirrored in the spherical, liquid surface of an eye. The eye was a subject that fascinated many Surrealist poets and visual artists, given its threshold position between inner, subjective self and the external world. The Surrealist photographer Man Ray once owned The False Mirror, which he memorably described as a painting that "sees as much as it itself is seen.".
[Audio] Image: The ads are inspired by the great surrealist painters, Dali (' The Persistence of Memory'), Magritte and Bosch, whose style is fully represented in the ads. The ads resemble a dream and contain absurdist imagery in impossible circumstances as well as incongruous juxtapositions. The idea communicated in the ads is environmental protection and efficient driving – the automobile is the greenest and lowest polluting vehicle available.
[Audio] These ads take their inspiration from Dali and apply his style and presence to the investment business world. The elements in the background are human, animals and others objects from Dali's ' Temptation' and ' Bee Flight'. They present the implication of an economic information digest and a political message, which is a weird-world economic phenomenon. The United States of America, United Kingdom, India, China and the Middle-East are following the blind leader. It illustrates and emphasises the leader who is dragging them to a world of catastrophic economy. As its main idea, the ad states, "Don't be lost in the weird world of investments.".
[Audio] The ad presents a premium major countertop kitchen appliance. The product-orientated approach presents a scene from a fantastic dream world. The artful appeal and predominant emotion is the sense of the world's passion for cooking. Whirlpool opens a delicious world of possibilities when inspiration is at one's fingertips and there is so much more to make. The word " Surrealist" implies the ability to "turn dreams into art." The visualisation symbolises the product image as high art for life, which is turning recipes into masterpieces of art..