Electrifying Electric Vehicles 101

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Greetings and welcome to the Electrifying Electric Vehicle 101 course. We are excited to inform you about this revolutionary approach to driving our vehicles. Part of learning is a knowledge evaluation is a component of education. This is to make sure you have an idea of how much you understand about the course. Goodluck and have fun in learning..

Scene 2 (21s)

[Audio] The educational course Electric Vehicle Charging 101 offers a thorough rundown of the science underlying car charging. The electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) is the key component of electric car charging. The device that makes sure that energy is properly transferred from the supply to the car is called an EVSE. Additionally, the foundation of transportation electrification will be Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) and how they relate to low-voltage batteries as well as a mix of high- and low-voltage batteries. The final section of this program describes the distinction between. It is hoped that having a basic understanding of electric charging would increase respect for and aggressive use of this technology. Indeed, this information has the potential to greatly advance humankind's prospects for a safer and more prosperous future..

Scene 3 (1m 17s)

[Audio] By the end of the program, participants should be able to learn the following: The process of charging batteries in electric vehicles. The terminologies in the science of charging electric vehicles. It is the thru understanding that we can promote the right attitude in purchasing, maintaining and utilization of such technology..

Scene 4 (1m 36s)

[Audio] Module 1 is entitled " Over of Electric Vehicle Charging". This module begins with the topic on the "Role of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment in Charging". This is also known as "EVSE" Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) is the basic unit of EV charging infrastructure. The EVSE uses power from local electricity supply and utilizes a control system and wired connection to safely charge EVs. The EVSE control system enables various functions such authentication, authorization for charging, information recording while charging, network management and data privacy and security. So electric charging thru EVSE is not as simple as "plug and play". There are various activities that the control system use to ensure proper transfer of electricity while managing the mentioned tasks. This is truly a work of art created by brilliant engineers..

Scene 5 (2m 38s)

[Audio] "Defining the Conductive Charging of EVSE" The most distinct and common feature of electric vehicle charging is "plug-in" charging using cable to connect a power source to the vehicle. In engineering terms this is termed as "Conductive Charging". This method would not be replaced anytime soon..

Scene 6 (2m 58s)

[Audio] The final topic under module one is the Different Requirement do Conducive Charging. There four components to consider namely; vehicle type, the capacity of the battery to store electricity, the specific method of charging and finally the power rating. Power Rating is the maximum rate at which a charging station can transmit electricity to an electric vehicle's battery is known as the power rating, and it is expressed in kilowatts (kW). The battery pack of your electric automobile can be charged in a variety of methods. Fundamentally, it boils down to two primary factors: WHERE and HOW FAST you want to charge. The charging speed of an electric vehicle (EV) is determined by several factors, including the type of vehicle you own, its battery capacity, and the type of charging infrastructure you use..

Scene 7 (3m 48s)

[Audio] Let us review. Please choose the right answer per question. There are five questions to answer. Let us begin by clicking the check mark..

Scene 8 (3m 59s)

[Audio] This ends the first module under the course "Electrifying Electric Vehicle 101..