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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (8s)

Enciphers. What’s so unique about our training?. Enciphers Labs Pvt. Ltd. is working on a niche domain of information security, penetration testing, security consulting and cyber security training domain. We are a well-known industry leader in web/mobile/infrastructure security training. Enciphers utilises skills and expertise of our team to render an unmatched cybersecurity coverage and comprehensive in-depth analysis of vulnerabilities, weak spots by carrying out Risk Assessment and suggesting remedial measures to reinforce the security posture of your company.

Scene 3 (42s)

ENCIPHERS. The Problem. In today’s digital age, cybersecurity has become increasingly critical for large corporations and small startups Technology has become more than a supplement to a company’s operations. This is compounded by the fact that hacks are becoming common place due to the rise of mobile usage and internet of things, as well as the growing ecosystem of cybercriminals.

Scene 4 (1m 19s)

ENCIPHERS. The Solution. 800+ Web and Mobile Application and Network.

Scene 5 (1m 37s)

ENCIPHERS. Experience: A Glimpse. 800+ Web and Mobile Application and Network.

Scene 6 (1m 50s)

ENCIPHERS. Abstract. Binaries or thick client applications are like a low hanging fruits and thus becomes a major attack surface for threat actors and thus becomes critically important to find and fix the vulnerabilities in your binaries, before a malicious actor does. Progressing to real-world problems, the class will introduce fundamental strategies in reverse engineering, including how to quickly find key points of interest and how to infer meaning from control flow and high level patterns. The course begins with an introduction to the computer architecture and data representation concepts necessary for understanding assembly. From here, the class will introduce students to the basics of programming in x86 assembly, including syntax, registers, memory models, the most common x86 instructions, and machine code representations. With help from the instructions, students will write, build, and debug x86 assembly programs. More advanced topics, including logic structures, function calls, stack, heap & section overflows and then format strings and kernel flaws are covered next. Collectively, this will provide students with the requisite background experience to read and understand the disassembly of closed-source programs..

Scene 7 (2m 36s)

ENCIPHERS. Access to lab environment: All the training participants will be given a complimentary access to the lab environment for practicing the skills, for one month. Dedicated Chat Platform: Attendees will have access to a dedicated chat platform (channel), to discuss, and ask queries, event after the training. VantagePoint: Attendees will be competing in a CTF like fashion on an invite only platform, but instead of finding flags, they will be finding and exploiting real world vulnerabilities. Recorded Training: The training attendees will also be given a lifetime access to our online recorded trainings on reverse engineering. The online training has a separate lab environment, and contains recorded content for all the covered topics. You can find the online training at https://training.enciphers.com Training content: All the content used in this training will also be provided to all the participants, i.e. presentation, POC apps, notes, exploit codes, solution sheet for challenges etc..

Scene 8 (3m 20s)

ENCIPHERS. Who should take this course :- From security professionals to hobbyists, this course is for anyone who wants to learn to take apart, understand, and modify black-box software. At the end of the training, the attendees will be able to: Perform dissection of binaries to locate overflow based vulnerabilities, play with branching and control of the program and exploit vulnerable functionalities left by developers. Will be able to understand and infer the control flow of the programs to assist them in further course of reverse engineering. Will be able to automate flaw discovery. How it will help you with your daily penetration testing or security analysis :- with our experience in pen testing what we have understood is most of the security professionals are well versed with application security but when it comes to binaries whether its ipa or apk, exe or bin where we need to disassemble the code and see whats the flow of the program what native functions are defined, what value is returned when a certain code segment is executed is something some of us miss thus after completion of this bootcamp you will have clear understanding of how to look into binaries, what should be your mindmap and approach and how to dissect one and thus it will lead to finding of low hangings but extremely dangerous vulnerabilities which could even lead to RCE which would have been otherwise missed..

Scene 9 (4m 16s)

ENCIPHERS. Course Curriculum. Day 1: Introduction to Reverse Engineering Will start with understanding what is reverse engineering and why do we need it, how it helps a security professional as well as threat actor to defend as well as attack respectively. Introduction & setting up 32 bit environment Next will move with setting up our required Virtual Machines, Debuggers, Scripting Tools, Decompilers & Fuzzers which we will use throughout the session. A little bit of Assembly debugging 32-bit Intel Assembly & the calling conventions used by Linux. Task:- Using GDB overwrite the “Hello World” String. Stack overflows & Heap overflows Next we will jump into understanding what is stack & heap and how we can locate it using calculation of offset value, then will move ahead and see how we can turn it into a medium of exploitation as well as their respective defense mechanisms. Task 1 :- Using GDB Examine the stack pointer. Task 2 :- Using Debugger analyze the stack and exploit it to return to an attacker controlled function..

Scene 10 (5m 29s)

ENCIPHERS. Course Curriculum. Day 3 : Stack overflows & Heap overflows In this section we will be learning about how stack and heap works in win32 platform and what are the different protection mechanism available such as Stack Canary, ASLR, DEP, NX along how we can defeat them, similarly will go ahead and understand how heaps are implemented using different functions such as Dlmalloc, Ptmalloc, Jemalloc etc and how we can exploit them to overwrite internal structures as well as adjacent buffers. Task :- Perform a Heap overflow of the give binary Format string, Section & Kernel flaws In this section we will be learning about format string and its family of functions and the way how we can exploit them along with that we will see what will happen if an attacker is able to control the flow of data to a program section which leads to section relate flaws and will be winding this section with understanding of various kernel mode targets..

Scene 11 (6m 21s)

Why Choose Us?. The labs have been battled tested. We do not have failed demos or failed challenges in our training. Everything works like a charm, everytime..

Scene 12 (6m 46s)

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