[Audio] We will discuss the idea of social norms and their role in our society. Norms are standards of behavior that are expected or ideal within a group or society ranging from moral judgments such as honesty and integrity to more specific guidelines for behavior. These norms shape and inform how people interact with one another creating an orderly social environment. Gaining an understanding of how norms work and how they are enforced can help us better understand how societies function..
[Audio] Norms are the expected or ideal behaviour in a group or society formed from our values and common expectations. They vary in form from informal cues to laws and regulations. Examples of social norms which unify our society and help it function include being considerate to strangers waiting in line making your way to the end of a shopping line flushing the toilet after use dressing appropriately starting a phone call with a greeting and using utensils appropriate to the meal and cuisine..
[Audio] We must cultivate and uphold honesty integrity kindness generosity courage confidence altruism equality and gratitude in our everyday lives in order to foster strong bonds between individuals and build a more harmonious community. These values are imperative for both individual and collective growth..
[Audio] Norms are an essential element of group life providing stability and predictability. They are rules that define what is expected and considered appropriate behaviour in a given context and dictate how we interact with others how we communicate and how we understand our roles within a group. Norms can be both formal such as laws or organizational rules and informal such as societal customs or etiquette. They foster shared values and understanding allowing our interactions to run smoothly. Knowing when to adhere to norms can be the difference between successful and unsuccessful outcomes..
Norms incorporate value judgements: Secord and Buckman say “A norm is a standard of behavioural expectation shared by group members against which the validity of perceptions is judged and the appropriateness of feeling and behaviour is evaluated.”Members of a group exhibit certain regularities in their behaviour. As defined by Broom and Selznick, ‘The norms are blueprints for behaviour setting limits within which individuals may seek alternate ways to achieve their goals.”Norms do not refer to an average or central tendency of human beings. They denote expected behaviour, or even ideal behaviour. Moral values are attached to them. They are model practices. They set out the normative order of the group..
[Audio] Norms are deeply rooted in our life having a great influence on our experiences behaviors and outlook on life. They set the standards for how we think and act providing guidance to what is expected or approved. Comprehending the norms in our society can help us understand how our external environment affects our opinions and choices..
[Audio] Norms are an essential component in organizing society creating a sense of predictability and familiarity. They guide individuals in terms of expectations and behaviors providing a sense of comfort and belonging. Without norms society would lack a sense of order and its members would have no shared understanding of what is expected and accepted. Given this it is important to recognize norms and their effects on society as well as the individuals within it..
[Audio] Norms are a key component of society. These are the expectations that guide behavior within a certain group or community. They define acceptable behavior guide decision-making and shape social interaction. In order for a group to function effectively it is important to understand the norms of the group. Norms can be divided into two broad categories: conformity of norms and acceptance of norms. Conformity of norms is when members of a group adhere to pre-established rules customs and standards of behavior and thought. This helps to promote order and predictability within a group. Acceptance of norms is when members accept the norms of the group even if they may not personally agree with them. This is often seen in situations such as when members of a group play by “the rules” despite having different beliefs or opinions about them. Ultimately norms are essential for keeping order and promoting a sense of community. They give members something to strive for and provide a sense of structure which can help to ensure the success of any group..
[Audio] Norms are an important and integral part of social life. They are accepted standards of behaviour and they allow us to interact with each other in a socially acceptable way. Every society has certain expectations of how its members should behave and these expectations are reflected in established norms. In some cases a single norm might apply to everyone while in other cases norms may vary depending on a person's sex age occupation or social status. Norms are not static either; they can change and evolve with time or may differ from one society to another. It is important to recognize that norms are not the same as laws since though most people conform to norms it is not legally required to do so. People who break norms may face disapproval or even ostracism but are unlikely to face legal consequences..
[Audio] Sanctions for violating norms are severe with those responsible facing anything from ridicule to fines or even imprisonment. Such punishments stand testament to the importance of upholding moral values such as honesty integrity and kindness amongst every group and society. Conforming to these norms is beneficial allowing for increased cooperation esteem and rewards like praise bonuses or promotions. It is thus essential that all members of society work towards upholding these norms in order to keep society strong and unified..
[Audio] Conformity to norms is an important aspect of social life. Many of our behaviour attitudes and beliefs are regulated by norms. But why are some behaviours subjected to normative control and others not? Why do we see much more conformity to norms in some groups than in others? And why are some members of a group more likely to conform to norms than others? These are some questions we need to consider when discussing conformity to norms. Understanding the why behind conformity to norms helps us to better understand how our behaviour is influenced by the norms of our society..
[Audio] Norms play an incredibly powerful role in our lives influencing and directing our behaviour. They arise from consensus and agreement within a society or group and without such agreement they lack influence and authority. There is not a single set of norms that applies to everyone in a society nor even to all members of the same group with different norms often being observed in different contexts. This can lead to conflict between people or groups but variation in conformity is usually acceptable with exceptions sometimes being made. Some norms are very specific and defined while others are more open to personal interpretation..
There are reasons why norms are not followed without deviation: (i) Some norms are perceived less important than others and so the less important ones are violated when one has to make a choice between two norms. In this case it may be said that strictly speaking there is conflict because the relative importance of the norms is clear. (ii) Norms may so conflict with each other that an individual must disobey one if he is to conform to the other. A student who sees a friend cheating in an examination must choose between conflicting norms. One norm instructs him to be loyal to his friend while another instructs him to see that honesty is upheld. (iii) An individual may deviate from a norm because he knows it is weakly enforced. Using college stationery for personal use, letter writing is rarely punished. (iv) Some norms are not learned by all persons even in the same society. For example, there are wide differences in life styles, food habits and etiquette..
[Audio] Norms are behaviours that are expected or considered ideal by groups or societies. They can either be explicit or implied and they vary depending on the culture community or individual. There is a balance between the organic resistance to norms and the need for social control. Individuals may resist a certain norm but that doesn't mean that the norm is wrong or unimportant. Norms provide an important structure for the appropriate behaviour of a society and in many cases are necessary for its survival. Despite individual resistance some norms may be strong enough to remain in place. On the other hand if a large number of people resist and disregard the norms for an extended period of time the group's solidarity is weakened and the norm could die off..
[Audio] Values are important for a society or group since they serve as a basis of conduct and illustrate what kind of behaviour is acceptable or not. They provide direction to people's attitudes and help distinguish between moral and immoral behaviour. In addition they guide decision-making within a society in order to establish its laws and regulations. However since cultural values can vary it is crucial to take into account the values of all individuals when making any decisions..
[Audio] Values are a fundamental part of our lives and play a vital role in defining who we are as individuals. They are the guiding principles that help us to make decisions and determine what is right and wrong good or bad. Values can be implicit or explicit and they can be expressed in many ways from literature and art to legal and political systems. We can even look back in history to see which values different societies have held and how they have been expressed. For instance the values of Ancient Sparta which favoured military preeminence have been seen in their laws and literature plus education system. Values provide meaning to our lives and are essential in helping us to decide the direction in which we should go..
[Audio] Social values are beliefs attitudes and opinions about what is important both to us and to society as a whole. They can be divided into intrinsic and extrinsic values with each value having a set of corresponding norms. Sociologists have various views on the role of social values though they can be seen as influencing how individuals conduct themselves in society..
[Audio] Values are fundamental to all societies. They define what is considered appropriate behavior norms and expectations and assist in forming our individual and collective identity. In sociology values are especially important as they help create social cohesion and bring people together. Different cultures and societies have different values which can range from individualism to collectivism democracy to authoritarianism and freedom to obligation. These values can also shape our moral code and our sense of morality. We each have our own set of personal values and we can also share many of the same values as the society and culture in which we live. By comprehending the values of our culture we can better comprehend our own values and those of others leading to a sense of understanding and empathy..