Social Media Safety

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Scene 1 (0s)

Social Media Safety. By Joy Price. High angle view of a work table with a laptop.

Scene 2 (11s)

Scary facts. 4.5 billion Internet Users 3.725 billion active social media users 142 average minutes a day spent online 2.7 million internet enable theft losses 65 % increase in phishing attempts since 2018 1 in 10 dating profiles on free websites are a scam.

Scene 3 (55s)

Goes hand in hand. Basic Computer safety. Hand on mouse.

Scene 4 (1m 6s)

Protecting Your computer From. Spyware Malware Ransomware Viruses Botnets.

Scene 5 (1m 55s)

How to protect Your computer. Make sure to keep it updated Antivirus software Antispyware Firewalls Strong passwords.

Scene 6 (2m 29s)

Social media programs. Facebook Instragram TikTok Snapchat Shopping: Amazon, Ebay, etsy and etc..

Scene 7 (3m 26s)

Youth internet safety education. Cyber-bullying Sexual exploitation Sexting Suicide and Self-harm promotion.

Scene 8 (4m 33s)

Threats to your safety on social media. Identity theft Social media account hacked Stalkers Burglars Being overly confident.

Scene 9 (5m 22s)

Ways to protect yourself on social media. Be Be cautious on sharing too much Adjust Adjust privacy Limit Limit work history details Verify Verify who you are connecting with Keep Keep control of comments Do not share Do not share personal details Keep Keep check on your own accounts Know Know employer's social media policies Control Control what is being shared.

Scene 10 (6m 20s)

conclusion. In conclusion if you have computer programs in place and you take the time to ensure your own identity and personal information your social media safety will go hand in hand. How do you protect your own computer and in what ways will that change after viewing this presentation?.

Scene 11 (6m 52s)

References. Bonta, R., 2022, Protect your computer from viruses, hackers, and spies. Concordia Newsteam , November 21, 2017, 10 ways to protect yourself on social media Finkelhor , D., Walsh, K., Jones, L., Mitchell, K., & Collier, A. (2021). Youth Internet Safety Education: Aligning Programs With the Evidence Base. Trauma Violence, & Abuse , 22 (5), 1233–1247. Johnson, J., September 10, 2021, Worldwide digital population as january 2021,the%20internet%20via%20mobile%20devices . Nidirect , 2022, Staying safe online,