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Scene 1 (0s)

LISENCE NO 848/066/067 HUMANRESOURCES REGISTRATION NUMBER 70481/066/067 A COMMITTED ETHICAL RECRUITMENT AGENCY WITH PROFESSIONAL ETHICS. WE ALWAYS DELIVER WHAT WE PROMISE, Company Profile AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY Bijuli bazar, New Baneshwor , Kathmandu Nepal Hot line: +977-1-5244743 Phone: +977-1-5244683, 5244681 Grievance Handling No: +9779805678362 WHILE WORKING TO THE HIGHEST QUALITY. Web: Email: [email protected] Grievance Handling Email : [email protected].

Scene 2 (20s)

[Audio] Subas Human Resources (P) Ltd. was established on 2010 A.D. The operation system of the company is based on Ethical recruitment code of conduct. We are ISO certified and member of Nepal Foreign Employment Association and Chamber of commerce. The company has become trusted brand for overseas employment. The company was established with the objective to bridge the gap between employers and workers and find the best solution to their employment requirements. Subas Human Resources (P) Ltd. is committed for transparency in recruitment process, shape professional conduct and mitigate problems of the workers. As Ethical Recruitment code of conduct ensures benefit for all stakeholders including us (Agency in Nepal), it encourages us more to make ethical recruitment practice efficient. ABOUT US 1 AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected].

Scene 3 (1m 48s)

[Audio] 1 COMANY NAME SUBAS HUMAN RESOURCES 2 GOVT REG NO 70481/066/067 3 LISENCE NO 848/066/067 4 ADDRESS Bijuli bazar, kathmandu, Nepal 5 TELEPHONE NO 01-5244683 , 01-5244681 6 EMAIL [email protected] 7 WEBSITE 8 BUSINESS TYPE Overseas Employment & Consultant 9 GRIEVANCE HANDELING Phone :- +9779805678362 Email :- [email protected] COMPANY AT A GLANCE AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 2.

Scene 4 (3m 38s)

[Audio] Subas Human Resources Pvt. Ltd. Recognizes the global needs for the employment. Therefore, we provide our clients with world-class, personalized service and to Nepalese the opportunity to work aboard. We create a tailored, transparent recruitment experience, encouraging honest feedback and continual improvement. As we practice ethical recruitment our mission is to protect migrant workers' rights and reducing the risk of people becoming victims of forced labor. "Empowering Human to Quality Work" MISSION AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 3 VISION "To fulfill the global necessity of efficient recruits and set as the most reliable and well grounded Human Resources Provider Worldwide." To build a positive impression of ethical recruitment by devoting ourselves to the happiness of our clients, candidates and staff.

Scene 5 (5m 5s)

[Audio] Subas Human Resources Pvt. Ltd. is for the clients and worker's and their satisfaction. Our main goal is to give the complete satisfaction for the clients and workers. GOAL AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 4 CORE VALUES We will always deliver what we promise, while working to the highest quality standard. We respect professionalism, team work, accountability, transparency and innovation..

Scene 6 (6m 6s)

[Audio] We are highly committed to provide innovative Foreign Employment Services by introducing a culture of effective Quality Management System to fulfill the customer needs and expectations. We perform our tasks staying within the circle of regulatory and statutory requirements of concerned authorities and Government of Nepal. We always believe in continual improvement by exploring new market, achieving customer satisfaction, building highly professional human resources. The above policy is communicated to all employees through formal and informal training in the organization. OUR QUALITY POLICY AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 5.

Scene 7 (7m 17s)

[Audio] We being follower of Ethical Recruitment Code of conduct , our team is committed to implement ethical recruitment policy strictly. During workers recruitment we are fully aware that the factors, which discourage force labor are considered which includes; fully recruitment cost will be borne by employer. Workers can directly contact the local recruitment agency in most accessible way. During recruiting process any activities which influence human trafficking will be completely discouraged, full information about the job order will be provided to the workers from the time of screening and no any discrimination in recruitment is committed. OUR RECRUITMENT POLICY AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 6 SUBAS HUMAN RESOURCES IS FULLY COMMITTED TO FOLLOW ABOVE COMMITMENTS DURING APPLYING THE RELATED LAWS AND OTHER NECESSITY.

Scene 8 (8m 40s)

[Audio] OUR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM We have an effective professional management team. Our each team member is capable to concentrate on their own area of expertise, which results effective supply chain management. As a team we are always prepared to provide high quality services to both employee and employers and aim to meet internationally accepted excellent benchmarks. The current RBA audit protocol, version 6.0.0, was ratified in 2017 and came into effect on February 1, 2018 in Malaysia. Since then we are following Ethical Recruitment code of conduct to improve sustainability and social responsibility within the global supply chain. WHY CHOOSE US? AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 7.

Scene 9 (9m 59s)

[Audio] Subas Human Resources supports ethical recruitment of migrant workers through the Ethical Recruitment code of conduct. Our company takes a management systems approach to ensure ethical recruitment, transparency and due diligence throughout the recruitment process. We work to prevent and mitigate the negative consequences of unethical recruitment, which may include exposure of workers to exploitation and human trafficking, loss of business, reputational damage and legal liabilities. POLICY BRIEF AND PURPOSE Our organization is concerned with tackling forced labor and improving the recruitment journey of a migrant worker with an upmost priority. We ensure that every worker's right is reserved according to Ethical Recruitment code of conduct. OUR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 8.

Scene 10 (11m 19s)

[Audio] SCOPE The management system covers all the concerned perspective of the worker as well as management of related agencies, which includes human resources planning, job order, recruitment and selection, orientation and induction, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation planning and remuneration, motivation, welfare, health and safety and industrial relation. POLICY ELEMENTS There are four aspects to consider in management system, planning , implementing and operation, checking and corrective action, Management review. AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 9 OUR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.

Scene 11 (12m 27s)

[Audio] PLANNING: Identifying aspects and operational control, identifying legal and other requirements, meeting objectives and targets. IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION : During implementation of planning need of organization is defined, internal communication and reporting is done, external communication , efficient processing document control is done. CHECKING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION: Monitoring the implementation of planning, measuring the procedure, process improvements, keeping records. MANAGEMENT REVIEW : Review and feedback are collected after providing service, and record are maintained for future reference and improvements by our expert team. AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 10 10 OUR MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.

Scene 12 (13m 47s)


Scene 13 (15m 22s)

[Audio] AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] The ethical recruitment preserves all rights of the worker, during recruitment labors may go through different problems, Failure to manage labor issues may also result in labor unrest and industrial action, and could lead to considerable reputational damage, therefore we are committed to prioritize these risks and develop effective mitigating actions. POLICY BRIEF AND PURPOSE Identifying labor rights issues, such as forced labor or discrimination. And we are fully aware that all the labor rights are fully exercised for their welfare. SCOPE The scope of Recruitment and Selection is very wide and it consists of a variety of operations. Resources are considered as most important asset to any organization. Hence, hiring right resources is the most important aspect of Recruitment. POLICY ELEMENTS There are two aspects to be considered for health and safety of the workers. They can be stated as preventive actions and Emergency management. LABOR 12 12.

Scene 14 (17m 1s)

[Audio] AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] Ethics are the principles or standards that guide day-to-day business in accordance with established corporate values. Among ethical values are trust, honesty, respect and responsibility. We are responsible for acting in the best interests of candidates, who trust us with their future career, as well as client companies who rely on us to find the very best person for the opportunity at hand. Some ethical recruitment factors are Never place misleading job advertisement, interview correctly to ensure proper matching, treat all candidates equally, inform candidates appropriately of the selection decision. POLICY BRIEF AND PURPOSE Ethical recruitment encourages the fair business advertising and competition, no improper advantages from workers. Our ethical policy preserves the worker's right along with client's satisfaction by following ethical recruitment. SCOPE Being responsible company our ethical operational scope are like ; Honesty, Integrity,Promise keeping and trust worthiness, law abiding, fairness in operation, reputation and morale, leadership, accountability. POLICY ELEMENTS Ethics are a foundation of our company, We have considered that good ethical behavior reflects smart business practices. We have maintained our bottom line while setting a high bar for making a positive contribution to society. we have set different policy for ethical operation; Respect, honor, integrity, costumer focus, result oriented, risk taking passion, persistence . ETHICS 13 13.

Scene 15 (19m 18s)

[Audio] AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] Workers also expect fair pay and respect for their privacy. We assure the best provision of health and safety facilities to all the workers. Our responsibility also includes providing a safe workplace, compensating workers fairly, and treating them with a sense of dignity and equality while respecting at least a minimum of their privacy. POLICY BRIEF AND PURPOSE Subas Human Resources Pvt. Ltd. assures provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health. All employees want and deserve a workplace that is physically and emotionally safe, where they can focus on their job responsibilities and obtain some fulfillment, rather than worrying about dangerous conditions, harassment, or discrimination. We are fully aware of the health and safety of the workers. SCOPE Heath and safety policy covers all the aspects like employee, colleague, their relatives, medical representatives, workplace, training centers. POLICY ELEMENTS There are two aspects to be considered for health and safety of the workers. They can be stated as preventive actions and Emergency management. HEALTH & SAFETY 14 14.

Scene 16 (21m 9s)

[Audio] AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] avoiding risks evaluating the risks which cannot be avoided combating the risks at source adapting the work to the individual, especially as regards the design of work places, the choice of work equipment and the choice of working and production methods, with a view, in particular, to alleviating monotonous work and work at a predetermined work rate and to reducing their effect on health adapting to technical progress replacing the dangerous by the non-dangerous or the less dangerous developing a coherent overall prevention policy which covers technology, organization of work, working conditions, social relationships and the influence of factors related to the working environment giving collective protective measures priority over individual protective measures giving appropriate instructions to the workers. PREVENTIVE ACTIONS: Accidents occur in many ways but most often can be traced back to one of two basic factors: ignorance or carelessness. Yes we are concerned with worker's safety and with the safety of others around them. In order to control workplace hazard eliminate or reduce risk we have established following preventive measures accordingly; HEALTH & SAFETY 15 15.

Scene 17 (22m 49s)

[Audio] Technical assistance available to repair leakages, damages, and blackouts as soon as possible. An evacuation plan posted on the walls of each floor and online. Fully stocked first aid kits at convenient location. Fire extinguishers placed in accessible location. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT: Emergency management is our arrangement for dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies (preparedness, response, mitigation, and recovery). The aim is to reduce the harmful effects of all hazards, including disasters. AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] HEALTH & SAFETY 16 16 Grievance dedicated phone : +9779805678362 Grievance dedicated email : [email protected] Emergency/ Hot Line : +977-1-5244743 In case of an unpredicted demise of migrant worker at work away from home or any other emergency queries/ concerns, we have a separate dedicated contact line ;.

Scene 18 (24m 40s)

[Audio] AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] We are aware of our operations in order to eliminate waste and emissions, maximize the efficiency and productivity of its resources and minimize practices that badly affect the environment's natural resources. managing the use natural resources in the most effective and efficient manner in order to reduce environmental impacts and financial costs. POLICY BRIEF AND PURPOSE A clean environment is essential for healthy living. Pollution leads towards different hazards for us as well as all the living being surviving in same environment. Therefore we should keep our environment clean and protected, we are aware about the consequences of pollution and being responsible part of society we are fully committed to minimize the pollution. SCOPE Eliminate waste and emissions, Maximize the efficient use of resources and productivity, Minimize activities that might impair the enjoyment of resources by future generations. POLICY ELEMENTS There are different elements which are to be considered for environment enhancement, as a responsible part of the environment. They are Social & economic development, Natural resource management & integrated land use, Infrastructure systems and conducting awareness program about environment to office staffs and general people as well. ENVIRONMENT 17 17.

Scene 19 (26m 38s)

[Audio] Subas Human Resources Pvt. Ltd. is committed to follow ethical practices for ethical recruitment. We believe in ethical hiring which means assessing candidates without discrimination. We ensure that every candidate get a fair chance. We therefore focus more on education, skill and experiences rather than Identity information which includes name, photo, address, date of birth, hobbies etc. in every step of hiring process. We ensure that every candidate will at least have their application equally considered, regardless of background. In addition we use sample questions and take interview to screen candidates. We as follower of ethical recruitment process collect details of potential candidates from various mediums which are listed below: DIRECT WORKER HIRING SYSTEM AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 18 18 SHR DATABANK CASUAL CALLERS word of mouth daily newspaper social media MARKETING from existing migrant workers ex-workers relatives REFERRALS DATA COLLECTION VIA WALK IN JOBSEEKERS VILLAGE CAMPAIGN.

Scene 20 (28m 30s)

[Audio] total male female 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 100 75 50 25 0 2016 61 2013 45 2015 44 2014 21 2012 19 2011 5 2017 2 DATA ANALYSIS AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 19 19 DEPLOYMENT TRACK RECORD CLIENT SATISFACTION [break]% TOTAL RETURN WORKERS FROM 2010 TO 2022, A TOTAL OF 13,379 WORKERS WERE DEPLOYED, AMONG THEM A TOTAL OF 199 (1.48%) WORKERS WERE RETURNED & OUR AVERAGE CLIENT SATISFACTION % IS 98.5 [break]%.

Scene 21 (31m 18s)

[Audio] DATA ANALYSIS We have record of our performance to track down the performance of our company. As per our performance record since the establishment of our company to till date costumer satisfaction in average is of 98.37%. AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 20 20 REVIEWS AND FEEDBACK We have record of client satisfaction as the review of the response towards the service we provide, and general experience working with us..

Scene 22 (32m 37s)


Scene 23 (33m 12s)


Scene 24 (33m 52s)

[Audio] WHY NEPALI WORKERS 23 23 HONEST All kinds of Nepalese personnel skilled, semi-skilled, unskilled are honest and dedicated towards their duty HARD WORKING They have peaceful, loving , uncomplaining and hard working nature with good sense of Humor SOCIAL They are friendly, social and capable of adjusting to any sort of environment PRODUCTIVE By nature Nepali workers are accustomed to the Principal of "more work, less talk" AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected].

Scene 25 (35m 1s)

[Audio] OUR RECRUITMENT PROCESS An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company Hot line: +977-1-5244743 Web: Email: adm@subasmail .com 24 24.

Scene 26 (35m 50s)

[Audio] AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] 1. Receive Official Demand letter from Client/ Company 2. Obtain Pre-approval from Ministry of Labor Department 3. Advertisement/ vacancy announcement 5. Medical Check-up 6. Visa Processing & Endorsement 7. Ticket Issue & Final labor approval 8. Deployment & Feedback survey LEGAL FLOW CHART FOR MALAYSIA 4. Candidates Interview/ Biodata selection 25 25.

Scene 27 (37m 12s)

[Audio] Corporate social responsibilities can be in any form. We not only choose what is benefitting us but also take part in social welfare activities which helps to build trust, raise awareness and encourage positive social change. We take part in initiatives such as volunteer work, make donations in the community e.t.c. GLIMPSE OF OUR COMPANY'S CSR ACTIVITIES AN ISO 9001:2015 CERTIFIED COMPANY HOT LINE: +977-1-5244743 WEB: SUBASHUMANRESOURCES.COM EMAIL: [email protected] CORPORATE & SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITIES 26 26 WELFARE FUND FOR PEOPLE IN NEED DURING 2015 EARTHQUAKE IN NEPAL DONATION TO DEMISED WORKER'S FAMILY MEDICAL DONATION HANDOVER KEY OF AMBULANCE TO THE COMMUNITY.

Scene 28 (38m 33s)

[Audio] An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company Bijuli bazar, New Baneshwor , Kathmandu Nepal Hot line: +977-1-5244743 Phone: +977 -1-5244683, 5244681 Grievance Handling No: +9779805678362 Web: Email: [email protected] Grievance Handling Email : [email protected] LET'S WORK TOGETHER OUR LOCATION ON GOOGLE MAPS OUR OFFICIAL WEBSITE OUR OFFICIAL FACEBOOK PAGE OUR OFFICIAL LINKEDIN.