[Audio] Good morning and welcome. Today I would like to overview our recently launched product: ShareFlex ECM Online for Microsoft 365. We will discuss how it can help customers manage their documents and content. We will also go over the various solutions it provides including workflow management ERP/CRM-integration capturing regulations-compliance digital signatures and Teams integration. Let's get started..
[Audio] SHAREFLEX ECM ONLINE for Microsoft 365 offers a comprehensive enterprise content and document management system with a range of features. Enjoy digital files and document management intuitive navigation manual and automatic file filing predefined file templates seamless Office integration versioning full-text search metadata search permissions subscriptions sharing CheckOut/ In favorites rendition services Excel exports workflow management ERP/CRM integration capturing law-compliant archiving invoice recognition compliance and security mass data document procedure documentation document generation and template management digital signature Teams integration Outlook integration and quality documents/guided documents. Get the highest quality of services for all your needs with SHAREFLEX ECM ONLINE for Microsoft 365..
[Audio] ShareFlex ECM Online for Microsoft 365 enables you to securely and efficiently store all your documents. portalsystems.de offers an easy way to set up an online presentation. Simply click on the link provided to get started..
[Audio] Mit SHAREFLEX ECM Online haben wir Ihnen eine leistungsstarke Unterstützung für Microsoft 365 gezeigt. Für weitere Fragen und Anregungen stehen wir in unserem Unternehmen Emrich Business Consulting GmbH gerne zur Verfügung. Sie erreichen uns unter der Telefonnummer plus 49 (0) 89 2 48 86 63 – 20 sowie per E-Mail unter [email protected] und über unsere Webseite www.emrich-bc.com. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Kontakt! Vielen Dank dass Sie uns auf dieser Präsentation begleitet haben..