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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (6s)

Induction Objectives. This site induction over view is to equip every MSG trained guards with a clear knowledge of the functions within the terminal or facility of SPICTL (LTB) Lae Tidal Basin. ESS as a contracted security service provider should basically known and understand the daily terminal activities and its requirements to fully perform its security duties well. SPICTL basically deals with containerized cargoes and most of its functions are electronic. After this short security induction a MSG guard should understand his or her duty responsibilities well and perform duty as per the clients requirement and according to ISPS Code. Topics 1- ISPS Requirements 2- Basic SPICTL Gate Procedures - Gate Checks - Visitors / Customers screening - Containers / Cargo Checks - Usages of AOD Test Device 3 - Site requirements for various duty post 4 - TMP Procedures 5 – CCTV Surveillance Monitoring & Reporting.

Scene 3 (43s)

This part of the International Code for the Security of Ships and of Port facilities contains.

Scene 4 (1m 20s)

Definitions & FUNCTIONS. Port or Terminal Facility – is a location, as determined by the Contracting Government or by the Designated.

Scene 5 (1m 51s)

Security Incidents means any suspicious acts or circumstance threating the security of the ship/port,.

Scene 6 (3m 12s)

The Objectives of this code are;. . To establish an international framework involving cooperation between contracting.

Scene 7 (3m 41s)

General Security & CCTV Surveillance. SECURITY. SPICTL facility is under total CCTV surveillance and its monitored by contracted trained MSG control operators..

Scene 8 (4m 10s)

Ship & Port Interface Requirements. SPICT facility is fully secured by spike fence all around with CCTV cameras mounted on desired towers within the yard.

Scene 9 (4m 35s)

SHIP & PORT INTERFAC CCTV SURVIELLANCE. A picture containing text Description automatically generated.

Scene 10 (4m 52s)

SHIP & PORT INTERFAC CCTV SURVIELLANCE. A picture containing sky, water, outdoor, boat Description automatically generated.

Scene 11 (5m 4s)

BASIC SPICTL Gate Procedures. SPICTL Facility is a regulated terminal leased from PNG ports and it basically handles containerised cargoes..

Scene 12 (5m 57s)

Alpha 12 Guarding Posts & Duty Responsibilities. ESS has a total of 9 guarding post within SPICT terminal..

Scene 13 (6m 26s)

Alpha 12 CRO – Control Room Operator. abstract. Duties.

Scene 14 (6m 44s)

Alpha 12 B – Main Turnstile Booth. . Duties. Proper Security ID checks are conducted here.

Scene 15 (7m 14s)

Alpha 12 C – Light Vehicle Boom Entry Gate. A picture containing sky outdoor day Description automatically generated.

Scene 16 (7m 46s)

Alpha 12 D – Main Trucks / Vehicles Entry Gate (In).

Scene 17 (8m 14s)

1: Correct Container Details 2: Flashing Light Beacon 3: Appropriate Mandatory PPEs 4:Rego # Marked on the Cabin Roof 5: SPICTL Terminal Access Sticker 6: Fire Extinguisher.

Scene 18 (8m 49s)

Alpha 12 D – Main Truck Exit Gate (Out). Duties. ESS MSG guard is required to conduct the following checks at the R&D Gate Out:.

Scene 19 (9m 19s)

Check the vehicles to ensure that unauthorized personals are not tress passing by vehicle into the facility..

Scene 20 (9m 50s)

Alpha 12 M – Main Hard Pedestrian Entry Gate & Boom.

Scene 21 (10m 23s)

Alpha 12 J – Fuel & Engineering W/Shop Area. Duties.

Scene 22 (10m 41s)

A picture containing indoor Description automatically generated.

Scene 23 (11m 14s)

SPICT TERMINAL VIEW. Diagram Description automatically generated with medium confidence.

Scene 24 (11m 22s)

ESS POSTING LOCATIONS. Badge 1 with solid fill. Site Supervisor CCTV Control Room.

Scene 25 (12m 26s)

MANDATORY PPE / REQUIREMENTS. Safety shoes\boots with steel toe caps and nonslip soles High visibility vests\clothing Hard hat\ Helmets Roof Marking Terminal Access Sticker Flashing light (Beacon ).

Scene 26 (13m 5s)

General Road and Traffic Rules. The following road rules are applicable to LTB and Lae Main Wharf Port roads:.

Scene 27 (13m 35s)

No equipment shall be left running without a driver behind the steering wheel. Where engine timers are used, the equipment must be incapable of moving before the operator leaves the equipment..

Scene 28 (13m 59s)

The purpose of this procedure is to define the requirements for the operation of shuttle buses throughout the terminals including, public roads or facilities..

Scene 29 (14m 33s)

ESS SHUTTLE SERVICES. Executive Security System is contracted to provide shuttle services for SPICTL employees..

Scene 30 (15m 37s)

Safety standards. All buses in operation on project sites must meet the following minimum safety requirements:.

Scene 31 (16m 12s)

The End Of Security Induction. Any ?. Shape circle Description automatically generated.