Simple present Tense

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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Welcome everyone. Today I'm here to talk about FluenTalk, a company that assists people with learning how to use the Simple Present Tense for conversing about regular activities, habits, and common truths. Let's investigate how FluenTalk can help you become proficient in the Simple Present Tense..

Scene 2 (20s)

[Audio] The Simple Present tense is used to express routine activities and habits, as well as general truths. It is formed with the base form of the verb. For example, 'I work in an office'. Facts and universal truths are also expressed using the Simple Present, such as 'The sun rises in the east'. No matter the subject of the sentence, the verb remains the same. So for example, 'She eats breakfast every day' uses the verb 'eat' in the same form. For third-person singular subjects, the verb takes an -s at the end, such as 'She works in an office.'.