A picture containing sky, road, truck, outdoor Description automatically generated.
INTRODUCTION. 2. This research focuses on the study of the supply chain management practices in one retail company in the country to delve into the true state of the Philippines' supply chain given the country's various enterprises that span the world..
OBJECTIVES. This study aims to assess the supply chain management of one Retail Company in the Philippines Specifically, it aims to assess the supply chain practices in terms of procurement, warehousing and transportation activity ; To determine the relationship among the three supply chain practices; and To propose strategies to improve the company’s Supply Chain Management based on the results of the study..
Research Design. The descriptive method of research was utilized in this study to delineate the supply chain management of a retail company through the use of survey-questionnaires. Survey is one way to quickly gather data from a primary source through answering series of questionnaires. The researchers aimed to develop an interpretation of the research study which is the SCM Practices of one Retail Company in the Philippines through data gathered from questionnaires using the Quantitative study..
Participants of the Study. A total number of 64 respondents coming from their supply chain departments. Consisting of 33 employees from Manila branch and 31 employees from Davao branch..
Research Instrument. Adopted survey questionnaires was used to gather data and identify the specific areas in Supply Chain Management that can still be developed to aid in the operations of companies or businesses under Retail Industry. The said questionnaire is all about “Supply Chain Management Practices” and was further sub-divided: Part 1A: Procurement and Inventory Management Part 1B: Warehousing Management Part 1C: Transportation Management.
Data Gathering Procedures gathering relevant literature reviews forming the conceptual framework and finding relevant questionnaires adapted and modified questionnaires from previous studies to come up with the survey questionnaires.
Results of the Study. Based on the results of the Survey.
9. Table 5. Relationship between the Supply Chain Management Practices 64, p-value = 0.05 Supply Chain Management Practices Effect Correlation o. 106382979 p-value 0.032 Interpretation Medium correlation.
ACTION PLAN. 10. upplier's Advance Notification No storage location before goods even arrived to the warehouse Warehouse Zoning Efficiency Cross- docking.
CONCLUSION. 15. Based on Tables 1 to 3 with a Composite Mean of 3.37 and was interpreted as agreed, Warehousing Management got the lowest rank among the other 2 tables which are the Procurement (Inventory) Management and Transportation Management. This research empirically assessed the Supply Chain Management of the One Retail Company in the Philippines as well as its key indicators that contributed to its operational success and at the same time provide strategical suggestions for the improvement of their supply chain operations that will add to the ability of the company to respond to the issues that might occur in the process..
RECOMMENDATIONS. 16. The Retail Company may focus on the warehousing management since it has the lowest composite mean among the three practices, thus maintain the standard that they have in Supply Chain Management and may consider as well other practices which might improve other aspects to save time and other expenses. As for warehousing management, to support the use of MS Excel and to achieve a higher accuracy when it comes to managing inventory in the warehouse, conducting regular audit can be beneficial to the company as it avoids any inefficiency and negative impact within the whole process..
RECOMMENDATIONS. The procurement head team may conduct management and employee training and assistance to updated software technology for the establishment of procurement policies, security and inventory system of the company. In line with delivering the goods to customers on time, keeping the customers informed about the purchasing process and being transparent throughout the logistic process may be done to increase customer satisfaction by giving automated updates regarding the delivery of the items. The IT Team can make a software which allows the haulage team to make a scheduled delivery plan for truck dispatch with a tracking system for close monitoring of day to day deliveries and to ensure that there will be no delays in the delivery of goods to the customers. As well as having the management to acquire more transportation units for fast deliveries..
18. RECOMMENDATIONS. Develop and adopt modern systems to speed up organization efficiency and lead time which provide real-time updates of the movement of the goods and focus on vehicle inspection whenever a vehicle would leave the warehouse to take preventive measures against accident. Take into consideration all aspects in the Supply Chain since everything is interconnected to avoid delays in operations. Conduct future research to collect more historical data on supply chain management and to obtain a greater understanding of retail industry practices, especially when state conditions adversely affects the economy..
19. THANK YOU!. That concludes our presentation..