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Hello I Pari Aggarwal along with my partner shrishti kaprwan are going to present a game in front of you . So , before starting a game have you ever played ludo in your life ? If yes so , Have you connected a ludo with math?? No!! Ok let us explain you all..
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Cart the ludo... 3. *SUed Lee f&ge.g a Rein •moo•e m Q a a and uÅn.
Diagram Description automatically generated. Rules of the game.
Diagram Description automatically generated. 4. If a player finishes their move by landing on a space with another player's piece , the opponent get a right to ask a question and if the player answers it wrong, his token is sent back to home area..
Maths behind it. It can be related to coordinates. The colored path can be referred to as cartesian plane in which horizontal line represents the x-axis and vertical line represents the y-axis. It is divided into 4 quadrants. Yellow and blue represents negative and red and green represents the positive. It can also be used to understand types of angles.
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