OVERVIEW. Save Earth is a multiuser game that is targeted at enlightening children on climate change, its inherent effects and advising them on ways they can help. It is made up of three stages each with a series of questions on global warming with each preceding question more difficult than the last. User is given lifeline based on the characters created or chosen at the beginning of the game, this is to help the user navigate through questions he or she might not be sure of, or able to provide an answer. Users are given Three attempts to answer each question but will lose 10 marks at each attempt which will affect the users total score at the end of the game..
Methodology. The methodology that will be used for this Projects is the agile scrum methodology this is due to it scalability as the processes of this project are iterative and are to be handled within specific time frame as decided by the instructors ( Debbie and Aaron) in this case, which will result in achieving better deliverables. Secondly this method adapts quickly to changes in requirements as more ideas with regards to better ways of doing the project might emerge. Let's not also forget that with iteration, quality is built into the project as better and easier ways of meeting set requirements will lead to high quality software. Lastly with the most important functionalities being carried out first it is fair to say the project will be completed in time with very little risks..
STAKE HOLDERS. The major stake holders for this game are the user and the admin user. Debbie and Aaron can also be said to be stakeholders too as they gave the requirements for this project..
USER PERSONA. Upgrade your account to remcwe Xtensio branding and access premium features. •intuitive mind. very cunous and ogrn to learn/ng new thyngs. • Age: 7 Work: Pupil Famity: 1st in a family of 4. Location: Londom uK Character: soeal. restless Goals • Needs to learn about climate change. • He will how he • He will begin to espire to cereers that will save the planet. Frustrations . lack of understanding and unclear answers. • know how can • Will he able to understand climate change concept Bio David is e seven year Old. in his third year in basic scho•31 he is very curious as to changes around him especially when they run contrary to what he has been thought in school e.g rainy season being longer than was thaught in He is eager to know whet he can do to help save the planet and also influence his colleugues in doing so Personality Introvert Thinking Extrovert Feeling Motivation Incentrve SociS Brands & Influencers Preferred Channels Traditional Ads Sociél Medis Activate Windows Guerrilla Efforts & GO to Settings to activate Win.
EMPATHY MAP. •dlök Sufueq) Klp!deu swelsKs lesods!p pue.suepun 02 suogsanb snoum Xse A1 uo leumeN • pue.suapun zusop sy-I u! uaddeu Su#1d )noqe SMOU>I pue.snpun op we) no,' u!ed op Kes ung SL'!Aeq PIO snaÅ L seqqy ptnea punoue JO Bldno) pu!u-J e pasruuo• suozs.nb Kddeq eq 21Jem pue•snpun uru 01 wem skeæqe •sennq •pgnno.
Must Have - Characters of different professions Accept unique username for score board. Store previous scores.
Techniques for requirement gathering:-. Interviews – talk to users and clients to extract information that will help build application to users specification. Surveys – This is also another effective method of requirement gathering within a short period of time. Brainstorming – discussing solutions to complex issues. Focus groups – interacting with representatives of users. Observations – working environment is monitored to ensure the right questions are asked..
UML CASE DIAGRAM. Include Neb Gare - - include • Reu" Game • Leaders Board Register . Unk*ue user sav«igame + - • E#end • include S.ttingz to font cab—ur and style Character Include 'Wud e Include Include Include Includé include Include lose game Extend score to media. hoard..
TEXTUAL USE CASE. Success End Condition: User can register Unique username to play game and subsequently plays game. Failed end condition: Customer does not enter unique username or loses game Actors: User, Admin User Trigger: Customer clicks new game Normal/Successful path Description: User clicks new game. Customer is asked to enter unique username. Unique username is verified. User create character. Character is confirmed. User starts stage one of game. At end of stage one customer score is shown and given a badge of achievement. If user get questions on first attempt, he gets a max point of 30. User is taken through stage 2 and 3 as long as user gets all questions correct then user gets highest badge of ‘Green expert’. Alternative / unsuccessful path Extensions: User does not enter unique username. User gets an error message saying ‘username is not unique’ Customer is taken back to New Game to re- enter new unique username. User fails question. User is taken back to last saved game. User can either chose to continue or quit game..
JUSTIFICATION FOR UML. UML is a versatile visual language that is used to model a software system. However, while some see it as an integral part of software systems and development, some others deem it as completely unnecessary hence the need to justify its use; It Provide users with a ready-to-use, expressive visual modeling language so they can develop and exchange meaningful models. Provide extensibility and specialization mechanisms to extend the core concepts. It is independent of programming languages and development processes. Provide a formal basis for understanding the modeling language. Support higher-level development concepts such as collaborations, frameworks, patterns and components. Integrate best practices. credit: language/what-is- uml /.
Winking Face with No Fill. THE END.