[Virtual Presenter] Hello Learners! Today! we will learn Python Programming This is our first Python Program Before writing any program we will understand how to write it manually So, we divide the task into three formats:- Layman,Algorithm and actual Program Layman:- Firstly you will remember value 13579 as number1 Then remember 2468 as number2 and then add number1 and number2 It will produce sum as 16047 Now Programmer or Algorithmic way Firstly store a value 13579 in the computer’s memory Then store a value 2468 in the computer’s memory Then perform addition of two numbers and store the sum in memory at last display addition of these 2 numbers Now we will see how we will write a program for the same Lets create a variable named number1 holding value 13579 stored at memory location 0x0042103c Variable number2 is stored at memory location 0x00422031 holding value 2468 Now a new variable created will hold the sum of these two variables and print function will display the sum as output..