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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Infinite entertainment presents SAMBHAVAMI A film by Girish S gowda.

Scene 2 (13s)

[Audio] Its a Sunday night , Unexpectedly a minor accident takes place in NH 48 near to chitradurga city. chitradurga city police reaches spot & notices two suspicious men on spot who were traveling on high way carrying some kind of unknown chemical bag along with weapons without proper license ..they will be arrested but one person who was arrested will escape in dark..

Scene 3 (39s)


Scene 4 (47s)

[Audio] Bangalore city Raghav is in deeply love with manasa, but in a couple of days manasa's marriage is fixed by her parents with some other guy. Both manasa and raghav made a plan to escape from city to get married and make their dreams come true..

Scene 5 (1m 5s)

[Audio] For that dream to come true raghav needs some huge amount of money which he can not arrange in a short time. So he desperately makes a plan to rob a abandand factory where he use to work earlier. For that he asks the help of his known friend's manja & kaddi, who are having some criminal back ground..

Scene 6 (1m 26s)

[Audio] CHITRA DURGA CITY Sub inspector Imtiaz khan and raziya both are happily married couple having a physically challenged daughter sonu. Since he is newly transferred to chitradurga station he is about to settle down in new quarters allotted to him . And he will be having issues in new station since the old staff are keeping the office in an unorganized manner resulting in unwanted arguments..

Scene 7 (1m 54s)

[Audio] 17th September 10 .30 pm A Sunday night…… It is the present day when two men were arrested on the first scene… Mean while in Bangalore raghav and his friends busy in planning for next day robbery …… But @ midnight 1am Imtiyaz gets a call from station and was informed about the strange man who was arrested with a weapon ,, without any delay SI comes to station and starts interrogating that mystery man, but he is not ready to open his mouth at any condition . SI takes a photo in his mobile and send it to his higher officer later he explains scenario to officers..

Scene 8 (2m 35s)

[Audio] 18th September 6.30 am early morning Higher officer SP umesh kumar sees that photo sent by Imtiaz khan . He discusss this matter with officials in CCB Bangalore and CCB officials tell SP to hand it over that suspicious man to ISD ( Internal security Division) wing . Now its SI imtiyaz khans responsibility to take that guy to Bangalore with his limited number of staff and amenities available..

Scene 9 (3m 12s)

[Audio] They all will plan how they are going to rob that locked out factory which is 76 KM away from Bangalore situated in an industrial area located in chitra durga Bangalore highway. They are well prepared to counter attack the security problems which can arise in the factory and with all their intelligence if they succeed in their mission they succefully about a steal a machine worth near 25,00,000/- rupees. Raghav and his friends are about to leave and are planned how they are going to rob that abandoned factory which is 76 KM away from Bangalore situated in an industrial area located in chitradurga Bangalore highway. Their journey begins ….

Scene 10 (3m 58s)

[Audio] Hear in chitra durga police station SI imtiyaz prepares to reach Bangalore as per the order , he start forming a team but every one has their own reasons for an excuse to such unexpected extra duty it will be difficult situation for SI. Some how SI manages to convince the team for a mission. CHITRA DURGA SI imtiyaz informs his wife raziya about this immediate work and tell her to take daughter to hospital for check up . In spite of all these that mysterious man is not ready to open his mouth and stays calm..

Scene 11 (4m 35s)

[Audio] Its September 18.. By knowing are unknowingly they are traveling closer to each others. Its September 18.. By knowing are unknowingly they are traveling closer to each others. Its September 18.. By knowing are unknowingly they are traveling closer to each others. Its September 18.. By knowing are unknowingly they are traveling closer to each others. Its September 18.. By knowing are unknowingly they are traveling closer to each others. Its 18th day of September Its September 18.. By knowing are unknowingly they are traveling closer to each others. Coming ! 8 hrs will be so crucial.

Scene 12 (5m 26s)

[Audio] Raghav and team starts from Bangalore to chitradurga highway Imtiyaz and team leaves chitradurga towards bangalore.

Scene 13 (5m 40s)

[Audio] Raghav and team reaches the locked factory and immediately shut down the nearby network tower which is the only signal tower all around the area .. This is done to turn off wifi network connections provided to CCTV cameras in and out side of factory . Result of that there will be no network in and around that whole area, so that they are pretty sure that no one can track them..

Scene 14 (6m 6s)

[Audio] SI Imtiyaz and his team now are in Bangalore- Chitradurga highway, in between that journey…. police team blaming that mysterious man for this extra duty & all are discussing about their own personal problems . Its almost 80 to 85 KM to Bangalore . Imtiyaz talks to his wife and his daughter in phone and he is quite happy that situation is under control..

Scene 15 (6m 32s)

[Audio] Everything seems to be all right But suddenly something unpredicted happens From a strange vehicle which was following from beginning immediately starts firing on the police van . Faith changes immediately as the police van which is lead by Imtiyaz is surprised & brutally attacked by some strangers with heavy firing towards them… every one in the van in a heavy panic..

Scene 16 (6m 59s)

[Audio] Counter firing attack is made by police team with their limited arms & weapons, but they can not withstand heavy attack on them. By sub inspector Imtiyaz presence off mind some how they are managed to escape that situation and the van comes out of the high way.. From hear on a dramatically thrilled -action chase sequence takes place. All the safety options run out of their hands and they enter the same factory area where raghav and team had removed the access to the mobile network..

Scene 17 (7m 30s)

[Audio] Sub inspector quickly realizes that the reason for this kind of attack on them is non other than an attempt to rescue this mysterious person along with them . They realizes that they misjudged the background of that person and his capability thinking of him as an ordinary arms smuggler. With out wasting any time he decides to take the situation under control and @ that point of time he moves the van towards that locked factory for protection where Raghav and team are in celebrating mood by succefully stealing that valuable machine..

Scene 18 (8m 4s)

[Audio] Whole scenario will be changed in matter off seconds. The police team gets inside the factory and close all the possible entry exits inside the factory. The attackers reaches this particular factory location & starts surround the factory all around.. Where Raghav & team will be in ultimate confusion about unexpected turn out and have no idea what to do ..? Now they don't have network to communicate out side world All the communication devices are damaged In the attack Police team has no sufficient arms & weapons to counter attack Situation going out of control.

Scene 19 (8m 47s)

[Audio] Imtiyaz realize that they cant let go this kind of criminal since it will be bigger damage to society & now he is determined to fight back the situation inspite of non cooperation from the co workers . Raghav understands the situation & decides to stand along with SI but his friends are not happy with his decision From hear onwards as screen play unfold situation gets even worst.. Situation turns to be like survival off fittest. Dramatically characters starts their survival strategies.. From hear onwards as screen play unfolds the situation gets even worst.. Turns out to be like survival off fittest scenario. Dramatically all the characters starts their survival strategies individually.. the real shades of all characters comes to open…!!.

Scene 20 (9m 41s)

[Audio] The process becomes more and more complicated when that attacking team from out side realizes the limitation of the police team inside They starts taking advantage and they also determined to take back their man back who is inside with the police. They decides to enter the factory in any available entrance But SI Imtiyaz along with raghav and all team not easily letting them inside They starts fighting back… will they survive in this storm…? Will they survive this storm …?.

Scene 21 (10m 15s)

[Audio] Writer – Director Girish S gowda. . . Writer – Director.