[Audio] Ghana is a Nation rich with natural reserves and ranked among the very top in the world when it comes to the production of gold. However, Ghana's Gold industry is heavily burdened by illegal mining. Due to the high levels of unemployment and and illiteracy rates, many individuals have found themselves in the lucrative business known as galamsey. These illegal mining operations disregard the regulations set by the state and drain the land of its natural resource in order to make a living. Often, illegal miners are subjected to harsh working conditions and are rewarded far less than what their work merits. Nonetheless, their actions pose a significant threat to the Ghanaian environment in more ways than one could imagine..
[Audio] Illegal mining has turned the waters of Ghana brown and caused the life that live within to either adapt or die. As if the waters alone was not too great a burden to carry, illegal mining has split open the land and exposed its innards for all to see. Illegal mining does not only impact the environment, but it accounts for a 30% loss in the nation's gold output. In some cases, the paths that the miners make under the soil collapse and see them sadly lose their lives. Wildlife loss is significantly higher in areas which experience illegal mining practices. With no regard for the environment or the organisms that dwell in their various habitats, land is cleared for the sake of finding the resource that lies beneath the ground..
[Audio] Illegal mining in Ghana Is no new issue. Numerous government regimes vowed to eradicate the practice completely, but all have failed. Due to the sensitive nature of unemployment in rural areas, policy makers fear the unrest which may arise should they decide to stop the practice altogether. Due to the opportunistic election strategies adopted by those in power, they heavily rely on the support of individuals from rural areas to stay in power. You could say policy makers value public opinion far more than in other states. At this rate, It would only be a matter of time before the practice destroys all unmonitored land in the rural parts of the country and pollute all the water bodies that surround them. Whiles true that illegal mining is causing significant harm to the environment and the Ghanaian economy, most individuals are involved in the practice because it is the only way to earn a livable wage in their communities. In some communities, entire families from child to father are involved in the practice. Foreign organizations have tried to help solve the problem but that may not be what those in power want. Nonetheless, punitive measures ought to be put in place to ensure that the environment is protected within the borders of Ghana..