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Scene 1 (0s)

The effectiveness of the Implementation of Covid-19 Weekend lockdown at Sorsogon City.

Scene 2 (22s)

Objectives of the Study. This study will determine the effectiveness of the implementation of Weekend lockdown at Sorsogon City..

Scene 3 (43s)

Research Design. This proposed study will utilize the descriptive research design from the first objectives to the last objectives ..

Scene 4 (1m 4s)

Participants / Respondents. Slovin's equation n = N/ ( 1 + Ne2).

Scene 5 (1m 22s)

Data Collection Method. This study will utilize Questionaires and surveys in data collection . I will create online survey forms for the effective and efficient way of gathering data. Before conducting a survey , I will inform the respondents about the purpose of the survey . All the participants information is confidential and promise to keep the information safely stored ..