[Audio] The first component of my Rube Goldberg Machine is Centrifugal Force. This is created when the can is dropped from a height, and rotates, exerting an outward force due to the fulcrum..
[Audio] The Second component is Newton's First Law of Motion. The ball remains at rest until an outside force, the can, pushes it into motion..
[Audio] The third component is Work and the transfer of energy. The ball remains in motion until it hits the jenga blocks, transferring the energy, causing the blocks to fall..
[Audio] The final and fourth component is Free fall. The Jenga blocks push the can off the table, at this point the can has entered a state of free fall before it lands in the bin..
[Audio] I faced a couple problem making this project, the first being that the Jenga blocks wouldn't knock each other over. In order to fix this, I had to make the path they took simpler and putting them closer together. The second problem was that the original ball I used, a whiffle ball, wouldn't make it out of the pipe because it was too light. In order to fix this, I switched to a tennis ball that was much denser, faster and made it outside of the pipe perfectly..