Rookies Exist Off the Field, Too.

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Scene 1 (0s)

Rookies Exist Off the Field, Too.. By: Logan McClure July 24th, 2022.

Scene 2 (30s)

Job Posting. This Job posting caught my eye as soon as I saw it. This job is an amalgamation of different types of skills I hope to acquire throughout my career, and being a ble to work on them all with one entry level position. Getting practice with production work along with g eneral content creation in the field of baseball so e arly on would prove invaluable to me..

Scene 3 (2m 28s)

What the Position Wants. First and foremost, the posting lists “a deep passion and knowledge of Major League Baseball.” I feel that my knowledge of the MLB now would be enough to help carry me through this job and the work I would be doing, and it will continue to grow throughout my time in school until I begin my career path. The posting also lists mechanical competence, being able to work with computers, keyboard/mouse, along with excellent verbal and written communication skills. These are all aspects of my own ability that I am confident that I can perform well in..

Scene 4 (3m 8s)

Related Aspirations. The type of work I would be doing with the MLB Network would directly relate to the work I would l ike to do with the YES (Yankees Entertainment and Sports) Network. Production work that directly puts me in relation to the Yankees would be a dream come true. The YES Network is my eventual career goal, and starting with MLB Network in this way would help me gain credibility and experience with the MLB Industry to help me solidify myself into a role with YES..

Scene 5 (4m 13s)

References. YES Network Logo - (Wikipedia used ONLY for image) MLB Freelance BA Job Listing -