ZUBUFOODS, INC. COMPANY CODE OF DISCIPLINE (Revised: Effective April 1, 2022) This Supersedes the Code of Discipline issued on March 1, 2019 TABLE OF OFFENSES with CORRESPONDING DISCIPLINARY MEASURES ***STANDARDS OF DISCIPLINE ***KINDS OF PENALTIES Offenses that will expire in a year (365 days from the date of infraction ) Offenses that will expire in two (2) years (730 days from date of infraction).
STANDARDS OF DISCIPLINE KINDS OF PENALTIES (Offenses that will expire in a year (365 days from the date of infraction) I. ATTENDANCE Verbal Warning Written Warning 3 days Suspension 5 days Suspension Dismissal A. Tardiness: An allowance of 3 tardies of less than 15 mins is given per employee per year . i . Tardiness of less than 60 mins . 1st until 6th 7th until 9th 10th until 12th 13th until 15th 16th ii. Tardiness of more than 60 minutes but less than 120 minutes. 1st until 5th 6th & 7th 8th until 9th 10th 11th ii. Tardiness of more than 2 hours. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th B. Failure to log ( in&out ) 1st until 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th C. Overbreak : An allowance of two (2) overbreaks of less than 15 minutes after allowed time per year. i . Overbreaks of more than 15 mins but less than 60 mins . 1st until 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th ii. Overbreaks of more than 60 minutes but less than 120 minutes. 1st until 2nd 3rd 4th 5th.
(Offenses that will expire in two (2) years (730 days from date of infraction) I. ATTENDANCE Verbal Warning Written Warning 3 days Suspension 5 days Suspension Dismissal A. Unauthorized or any unexcused undertime . 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th B. Absence Without Official Leave (AWOL): i. Absence w/o leave (AWOL) or failure to notify superior/inability to report for 1 day. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ii. Absences w/o leave (AWOL) or failure to notify superior/inability to report for 2 consecutive days. 1st 2nd 3rd iii. Consecutive AWOL of 3 days. 1st 2nd iv. Abandonment or AWOL for 5 days or more (w/o information or whatsoever). 1st.
II. PERFORMANCE OF DUTY Verbal Warning Written Warning 3 days Suspension 5 days Suspension Dismissal A. Malingering, horseplay, entertaining personal calls w/o valid reason. 1st until 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th B. Loafing , Loitering or leaving work post/premises during office hours without permission/approval 1st until 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th C. Sleeping while on duty. 1st until 2nd 3rd 4th 5th D. Failure to attend official and scheduled meeting without valid reason. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th E. Refusal to accept work/ or render overtime w/o justifiable reason. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th F. Failure to follow job description (not doing duties and responsibilities)/assigned tasks. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th.
G. Negligence resulting to shortage, damage and/or loss (shortage, damage and/or loss amounting to below P100.00). i. Negligence resulting in injury, damage and/or loss amounting to: 1.1) PhP 101.00 to PhP 1,000.00. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th ii. Negligence amounting to PhP1,001.00 - PhP10,000. 1st 2nd 3rd iii. Negligence amounting to PhP 10,001,001-PhP100,000. 1st 2nd iv. Negligence amounting more than PhP100,000. 1st H. Reporting to work under the influence of liquor (showing unusual and outrageous actions and untoward behaviors). 1st 2nd 3rd I. Drinking alcoholic beverage while on duty. 1st 2nd J. Under the influence of drugs (loss of coordination and inhibitions, aggressive behavior, extremely suspiscious , showing hostility and the like in the workplace). 1st.
III. RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHERS Verbal Warning Written Warning 3 days Suspension 5 days Suspension Dismissal A. Discourtesy to customers, disrespectful to superiors and co-employees . i. Inappropriate shouting, boisterous laughter, using profane language, insulting, abnormally raising one`s voice, disrepectful and similar acts to superiors & co-employees. 1st until 2nd 3rd 4th 5th ii. Inappropriate shouting, boisterous laughter, using profane language, insulting, abnormally raising one`s voice, disrespectful and similar acts in front of customers. 1st until 2nd 3rd 4th 5th B. Disobedience/insubordination to superiors' direct and specific instructions and tasks in a given time and workplace, policies and SOPs. 1st 2nd C. Threats/Coercion/Assault/Instigating a fight/Bodily Harm/Inflicting Injuries. 1st 2nd D. Making false, defamatory or malicious statements against co-employee or the Company as a whole to dishonor, discredit or contempt the said employee or the company; deliberately submitting false, misleading or grossly inaccurate data/information . 1st E. Lewd Conduct and Sexual Harassment. 1st.
IV. DISHONESTY AND OTHER FRAUDULENT ACTS Verbal Warning Written Warning 3 days Suspension 5 days Suspension Dismissal A. Misappropriation of company funds or property including failure to liquidate funds and failure to remit payments. 1st B. Conniving, offering, demanding or accepting anything in value in exchange for personal favors or gains not limited to swindling of co-employees. 1st C. Stealing or attempting to steal company or co-employees' property regardless of value including TIP (tips in any form whether cash or in-kind). This includes pilferage which is applicable to company property, kitchen ingredients, office supplies and the like). 1st.
V. SECURITY AND SAFETY Verbal Warning 1st Written Warning 2nd Written Warning 5 days Suspension Dismissal A. Failure to comply company rules and standards on health and sanitation: medical certificate, fit to work certificates, etc. 1st 2nd 3rd 4th B. Failure to comply company rules and standards on health and sanitation that can cause branch closure by authorities: healthcards, mayor's permits, etc. 1st 2nd 3rd C. Smoking in "no smoking areas". 1st 2nd D. Possession of illegal/deadly weapons inside the company premises. 1st E. Possession of illegal drugs within company premises/ using illegal drugs on duty time, positive in drug tests or refusal to participate random drug testing. 1st F. Failure to disclose serious or contagious disease not limited to co-employees/staff with knowledge to the disease. 1st.
VI. COMPANY PROPERTY AND INTERESTS Verbal Warning Written Warning 3 days Suspension 5 days Suspension Dismissa l A. Unauthorized usage of data facility (facebook, IG, youtube and other social media for personal uses). 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th B. Unauthorized usage of data storage facility not limited to pornographic and illegal acts through company internet or software or storage capacity. 1st 2nd 3rd C. Unauthorized use/misuse of company funds or willfull damage to company properties/endangering company's property. 1st 2nd D. Unauthorized use/misuse of company confidential records or information. 1st 2nd E. Failure to report damages in the assigned area: i. branch facilities, equipment, etc (aircon, toilet, sink, etc). 1st 2nd 3rd 4th ii. branch facilities, equipment, etc that will lead to damage of products (unfixed freezer that led to bigger monetary impact). 1st 2nd 3rd iii. that would endanger guests' and employees' safety and security. 1st 2nd.
Verbal Warning Written Warning 3 days Suspension 5 days Suspension Dismissal *** > 5 means written warning > 3 suspension.