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Scene 1 (0s)

[Virtual Presenter] Good morning everyone and welcome. I am here to talk about our company and the innovative technology solutions we provide to make businesses more efficient and productive. We have a lot to discuss, and I'm excited to get started. So, let's jump right in and take a look at these solutions..

Scene 2 (21s)

[Audio] Safety is an important factor to consider in the event of an earthquake. Knowing the location of the fire alarm, fire extinguisher and exits beforehand can be crucial in protecting everyone in the building. Familiarizing yourself with these in advance can help ensure the safety of everyone during an emergency..

Scene 3 (43s)

[Audio] As the newly appointed Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge of the Directorate for Administration for PAFNCOS, I would like to take this opportunity to share a bit about myself and remind everyone of the importance of safety. I am a MASILAB BMT Class 2005 graduate, and a BNCOC Class 153- 2014 and ANCOC CL 193-2020 awardee, and graduated number 3 in Instructor Qualification Course Class 04-2021. Additionally, I am a MMPA graduate with a BS Criminology degree and married to LT JEREMY DELA PENA PAF. We have two kids. Safety is an essential part of any job. Safety measures should never be compromised in order to ensure effective and efficient operations..

Scene 4 (1m 40s)

[Audio] Our company strives to make businesses more efficient and productive by providing innovative technology solutions. One such service is the Retirement and Separation Work Flow, which facilities efficient management of the retirement and separation processes. We offer guidance on document preparation, computation of monthly pension and lump sum, computation of commutation of leave balance, deductions of benefits with money and property, and accountability scope of the presentation..

Scene 5 (2m 13s)

[Audio] Philippine government legislation ensures military personnel are able to retire with access to their deserved benefits. Presidential Decree 1638, first enacted in 1979, states upon accumulating at least twenty years of satisfactory active service, an Officer or Enlisted Man may be retired. Presidential Decree 1650 amended section five of this decree, requiring compulsory retirement upon attaining fifty-six years of age or upon accumulating thirty years of satisfactory active service. This provides a framework for the retirement and recognition of the service of military personnel..

Scene 6 (2m 55s)

[Audio] In accordance with Presidential Decree 1650 from 10 November 1979, Section 5 (a) mandates the retirement of military personnel on reaching a certain age, while requiring a minimum of 20 years of active service. Furthermore, should it be deemed necessary for the benefit of the service, active service may be extended by the President..

Scene 7 (3m 19s)

[Audio] This Presidential Decree 1638 sets out the circumstances under which an officer or enlisted man with at least 20 years of accumulated service can be considered for retirement. Section 6 states that those who die in line of duty shall be retired, while Section 7 states that those who incur total permanent physical disability in line of duty shall be compulsory retired. Section 10 states that officers in permanent grades of Captain, Major and Lieutenant Colonel, or their equivalent, shall be separated in accordance with the provisions of existing laws upon completing five, six and seven years of active commissioned service-in-grade respectively, or upon attaining thirty-three, thirty-nine and forty-six years of age. The President may however choose to lengthen the active service-in-grade when necessary..

Scene 8 (4m 12s)

[Audio] The following slide takes focus on Circular Nr 11, GHQ, AFP dated 06 September 2019. This circular provides guidelines for handling and completing Retirement and Separation of Military Personnel along with Transfer of Pension (TOP) Benefits in The AFP. Let's take a look..

Scene 9 (4m 35s)

[Audio] This slide highlights Circular Number 11 from the General Head Quarters of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, dated 6th September 2019. This circular focuses on the management and processing of retirement and separation of military personnel, as well as the transfer of their pertinent benefits. It is an important document in providing guidance and standardized procedures in order to ensure that all processes related to pension and benefits are handled in a fair and consistent manner..

Scene 10 (5m 6s)

[Audio] The Philippine Republic Act Nr 8220, dated 09 October 1996 stipulates that Enlisted Personnel who reach the listed ranks upon retirement are eligible for the retirement pay and benefits of a Second Lieutenant or Ensign. Additionally, GHQ, AFP Letter Directive dated 30 October 2000 outlines an allowance of 30 days Official Mission, to be taken no later than 6 months prior to the effective date of retirement, for the purpose of obtaining relevant documents and clearances. These regulations seek to guarantee the appropriate recognition and remuneration of our military personnel..

Scene 11 (5m 47s)

[Audio] Reference to Department Circular Nr 03-A is important, as it outlines the different personnel actions applicable. These include Compulsory Retirement for Officers, Optional Retirement or Resignation for Officers, Posthumous Retirement for Officers, Posthumous Separation for Officers, Compulsory or Optional Retirement for Enlisted Personnel and Posthumous Retirement or Separation for Enlisted Personnel. The table above indicates the respective approving authorities for each personnel action..

Scene 12 (6m 22s)

[Audio] The Letter Directive Number 32 of the Headquarters, Air Force Personnel Agency (HPAF) dated 14 December 2020 explored the guidance and procedures related to processing of Posthumous Retirement and Separation. It set forth the steps and necessary documents to be followed for this purpose..

Scene 13 (6m 43s)

[Audio] At this slide, it is important to note that all applications must reach the PGAB, OAFA at least six months prior to the effective date of retirement. Processing of PAF Form 110 must also occur at least ten months prior to the effective date of retirement. It is also essential to ensure that all of the retiree's data sheet dates reconcile with their Statement of Service and Birth Certificate. Lastly, it is mandatory to submit PSA documents with a corresponding official receipt, and all photocopies must be duly authenticated..

Scene 14 (7m 21s)

[Audio] Regarding documentary requirements, Tables A and B include documents that must be presented. Table A requires a Personnel Action Form 110, which should include two original copies and one photocopy. The form should indicate the mode of leaving the military service, mode of payment, complete permanent address after retirement, and contact numbers. Table B requires a Summary of Information, which is generated by HRMIS and requires one copy..

Scene 15 (7m 55s)

[Audio] Slide 15 has the Documentary Requirements for the AFP Personal Data Sheet, such as a Birth Certificate of Retiree with PSA copy and OR, Marriage Contract with PSA copy and OR, PSA CRS Form Nr 5 for married individuals and PSA CRS Form Nr 4 for unmarried individuals, updated copy of Military ID for OTIG Clearance, two copies of Birth Certificate of Spouse with PSA copy and OR, two copies of Birth Certificate of Children 21 years old and below, and a recent family picture..

Scene 16 (8m 31s)

[Audio] At tabs "E" and "F", participants must provide various documentary requirements. At tab "E", the requirements are a Statement of Service from OAFA, a Military Leave Record from AGO Form Number 30, and one original and 10 authenticated copies. At tab "F", the requirements are a Unit Clearance, Discipline and Law Order Clearance, OA-1 AFAC Clearance Certification, AFAC Contractual Services Obligation for Optional Retirement/Resignation/Reversion/Commutation/CDD Claims Only, PAF Housing Board Clearance, AFREO Promissory Note and Affidavit to Vacate, 420th SAO/PAFSAO Clearance, and BFMO Clearance. For these, one original and three authenticated copies are required..

Scene 17 (9m 27s)

[Audio] For the voiceover script of this slide, clearance from the OTIG, OTPMG, OESPA, OTJAG, and AFPREO is required for Tab G in the form of one original and four authenticated copies. Tab H requires one original clearance from the Ombudsman with four authenticated copies. Tab I necessitates one original and five photocopies of statement of last payment, the latest Saln and Land Bank of the Philippines account number, along with one original and ten authenticated copies. Lastly, optional retirement or resignation necessitates submission of eight authenticated copies of certification of understudy/justification for release from unit for Tab J..

Scene 18 (10m 17s)

[Audio] The following are important documentary requirements needed for retirement orders: Tab K- an Affidavit of Non-Revocation/Non-Retraction of Retirement Orders, Tab L- Physical Examination or Written Waiver of Requirement, Tab M- an Affidavit of Delay for filing less than six months prior to the Effective Date of Retirement, and Tab N- an Affidavit of Undertaking, which confirms that the retiree will not seek employment locally or abroad while on leave and awaiting the retirement orders..

Scene 19 (10m 48s)

[Audio] You must provide a set of documents for your application for an Optional Retirement or Resignation-STL, which include a CDD Order or CDD Worksheet or Discharged Order from VLUNA, and a tab “P” containing a personal reason for your application. Both the original and photocopied versions of these documents are required..

Scene 20 (11m 10s)

[Audio] Our company provides a full suite of products and services to simplify the retirement and separation process for EP/Officers. Our innovative tools enable businesses to manage intricately detailed steps ranging from notification to completion. We offer clear and concise information at every step..

Scene 21 (11m 32s)


Scene 22 (11m 39s)

[Audio] This table shows the salary differences between the different ranks within the military, with the highest ranking General receiving a base pay of $149,785 and the lowest ranking Private Second Lieutenant receiving a base pay of $38,366. Additionally, long term payouts increase with rank, ranging from $14,978.50 for a General to $19,183 for a Private Second Lieutenant, demonstrating the potential for growth and financial reward within the military..

Scene 23 (12m 15s)

[Audio] The pay grades and salaries for different ranks in the company are as follows: Rank 1 has a base pay of $34,761.00 per year, with long pay amounts of $3,746.10, $7,299.81, $11,505.89, $16,132.58, and $17,380.00. Rank 7 has a base pay of $18,587.00 per year, with a long pay amount of $1,858.70..

Scene 24 (12m 56s)

[Audio] We understand the difficulty of mandatory retirement for employees, so we provide an decreased rate of 2.5% per year of active service, up to a maximum of 85%. This rate considers both base pay and longevity pay for retirement or separation pay rank. In this way, all our employees can benefit from their effort and loyalty to the company..

Scene 25 (13m 22s)

[Audio] Slide presentation provides a showcase of how our company helps businesses reduce costs and maximize savings. Juan Dela Cruz, an optional retired Master Sergeant of the Philippine Air Force, can have a total pension of P 1,012,582.935 with his base pay of P 33,411.00, and long pay of P 15,506.05, plus years of service and rank taken into consideration. This calculation showcases the innovative technology solutions we offer, allowing businesses to benefit and gain an advantage in the market..

Scene 26 (14m 3s)

[Audio] Monthly pension of legal beneficiaries of posthumously retired and separated personnel, and Separated with CDD is determined by their Base Pay plus the Longevity Pay of their Retirement/Separation Pay Rank multiplied by 50%. This guarantees that these personnel and their families receive adequate support..

Scene 27 (14m 23s)

[Audio] TSg Juan Dela Cruz was a devoted and committed member of the Philippine Air Force. After 23 years of service, he unfortunately passed away, thus culminating in posthumous retirement. We computed his monthly pension to be P24,458.05. This computation is the basis for calculating monthly pension for posthumous retirement or separation..

Scene 28 (14m 53s)


Scene 29 (14m 59s)

[Audio] The slide demonstrates the pension calculations of the late M/Sgt Juan Dela Cruz from the Philippine Air Force. Applying the equation, the deceased's monthly pension was P 28,048.53. This figure was augmented by a 75% multiplier, leading to a monthly pension of P21,095.478 for the decedent's survivor..

Scene 30 (15m 26s)

[Audio] This slide explains the commutation benefit offered to PAF personnel on retirement. The policy states that any officer or employee of the government who retires or voluntarily resigns or is separated from the service through no fault shall be entitled to the commutation of all accumulated vacation and/or sick leaves to his credit, exclusive of Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays. This means that any leave balance earned during active service will be converted to a sum of money upon retirement from the service..

Scene 31 (16m 0s)

[Audio] According to Letter Directive Nr 14, GHQ, AFP dated 19 May 2017, personnel discharged without honor or separated through their own fault are not entitled to commutation of their unused leave credits per Para 6..

Scene 32 (16m 16s)

[Audio] The formula for the computation of Technical Sergeant Juan dela Cruz' leave balance with a 4th Long Pay and 600 days leave balance is (Base Pay + Long Pay) times Leave Balance times 0.0481927, amounting to P 1,386,737.04..

Scene 33 (16m 39s)

[Audio] "Circular 11, GHQ AFP dtd 06 September 2019 is about the managing and processing of retirement and separation of Military Personnel and Transfer of Pension (TOP) benefits in the Armed Force of the Philippines AFP. The circular outlines the procedures for the retirement and separation of military personnel and the transfer of pension benefits. It also defines the scope of responsibility for implementing and monitoring the processes. Circular 11 is designed to help the AFP to manage the retirement and separation of its personnel and ensure that the transfer of pension benefits is properly handled..

Scene 34 (17m 21s)

[Audio] Our company provides technology solutions to assist retiring or separating military personnel with government property and money accountability. If their accountability is less than 50% of the 36 Months Lump sum, the AFP shall withhold the concurrent amount from the Lump sum and require written consent from the subject military personnel. Where the accountability is more than 50%, the AFP shall withhold 50% of the Lump sum and deduct the remaining 50% from the monthly pension until the accountability is fully settled. Additionally, in cases of firearms accountability, a Board Resolution from the Major Service Survey Board is necessary, which explains the loss of firearms and recommends settlement for the accountability..

Scene 35 (18m 9s)

[Audio] Orders concerning posthumous retirement or separation of military personnel with associated government money or property accountability must be issued without hesitation. Unclear property accountability should be evaluated and converted into monetary value, which should then be deducted from the monthly pension of the legal beneficiary. Despite pending cases at the ESB, GCM, or Ombudsman, military personnel may still apply for optional retirement or separation, however benefits accompanying such applications will remain held in abeyance until the case has been resolved favorably..

Scene 36 (18m 47s)

Questions. [image] AETOC.

Scene 37 (18m 53s)

End of Presentation. [image] AETOC.

Scene 38 (18m 59s)

[Audio] Our retirement process-officer provides a comprehensive solution to help businesses manage the retirement process with minimal disruption for employees. This solution offers a 40-day timeline for a streamlined retirement process involving minimal paperwork. It allows businesses to conveniently and quickly transition employees into retirement, making sure it is handled in a timely and efficient manner..

Scene 39 (19m 26s)

[Audio] Our company has devised a system to concurrently process items 5 and 6 which yields increased efficiency and productivity. The system ensures the rapid completion of both items with precision, ultimately saving businesses valuable time and resources for more crucial tasks..

Scene 40 (19m 45s)


Scene 41 (19m 52s)