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Scene 1 (0s)

Exit with solid fill. Exit with solid fill. House with solid fill.

Scene 2 (16s)

Background of the Study. Background of the Study.

Scene 3 (25s)

Background of the Study. Background of the Study.

Scene 4 (33s)

Background of the Study. Background of the Study.

Scene 5 (40s)

What are the socio-demographic profiles of the Iligan City street vendors in terms of?.

Scene 6 (1m 2s)

What are the health conditions of Iligan City street vendors?.

Scene 7 (1m 25s)

Checkbox Checked with solid fill. To determine the socio-demographic profiles of Iligan City street vendors..

Scene 8 (1m 44s)

Checkbox Checked with solid fill. To examine the different programs of action taken/strategies by the LGU-Iligan that motivate the street vendors to get vaccinated..

Scene 9 (2m 2s)

MODEFYING FACTORS Dernographic Variable Sex Education Religious affiliation Psychological Characteristic personality Perceived control over behavior PERCEPTION OF THREAT Perceived Susceptibility Perceived Severity General Health Motivation Likelihood of Behavior Perceived Barriers Perceived Benefits PERCEPTION TO COUNTERACT THREAT.

Scene 10 (2m 12s)


Scene 11 (2m 21s)

The study will utilize the purposive sampling method where the respondents are strategically selected based on the criteria such as (1) engage in street vending everyday, (2) street vending at public places within the Iligan city proper (3) street vending either food, RTWs, cellphone and other gadget accessories. In order to obtain a total number of respondents, the researchers will identify a quota of fifty (50) respondents for street food sellers, fifty (50) respondents for RTW street sellers, and fifty (50) respondents for cellphones and other gadget accessories. Hence, a total of one hundred fifty (150) respondents will be taken as a sample of the study..

Scene 12 (2m 50s)

The participants could be male or female ages between twenty (20 ) and fifty (50) years old. The main focus of the researcher of this study is to determine the perception of street vendors in Iligan City on the mass vaccination and will attempt to investigate if there are programs of action/strategies implemented by LGU-Iligan to motivate the street vendors to be vaccinated..

Scene 13 (3m 11s)

The study will utilize three (3) main research instruments to gather and generate the data of the study structured survey questionnaire for the respondents, interview guide for the key informants and observation guide for the researchers/observers. Frist (1) research instruments is a structured survey questionnaire that will be distributed popusively to a population of street vendors. The questionnaire is designed in three (3) parts, part one (1) will ask for the demographic profile of the respondents the tool for profile was made by the researcher; this will determine the Age, Sex, Education, Religious affiliation and Income of the respondents.The Part two (2) and three (3) the tool will apply a likert scale standardized questionnaire to determine the other variable in the study sch as the different health condition of the respondents and their percieption toward the COVID-19 vaccines..

Scene 14 (3m 47s)

The second (2) research instrument is a key informant interview (KII) guide used to get the qualitative data of the study. The target key informant of the study is someone in the position in the LGU who has significant role in the implementation of the COVID-19 mass vaccination in Iligan city to gather data of the actions/strategies of the LGU to motivate street vendors to get vaccinated and how do they response to the street vendors hesitancy of the vaccine. The last instrument is the Observation guide. This tool will be specifically used by the researcher while gathering the respondent datas through the survey and interview. This is to add additional key inputs or data of the data of the study that the study questionnaire survey and key informant interview was not able to cover..

Scene 15 (4m 23s)

For the treatment of data obtained from the survey respondents, profile of the key informants and the perception on how street vendors’ in Iligan City perceive the COVID-19 vaccines. Semantic feature analysis will be used for the data collected through interviews and physical observations, no statistical method was used. Only qualitative analysis was applied. Hence , Using the frequency counts and the percentages, the responses were examined formula as shown below: Frequency: This was used in this research to know the number of population statistics or simply count the number of times that each variable occurs, such as the number of males and females within the sample..

Scene 16 (4m 54s)

Percentage Find a percentage or work out the percentage given numbers and percent values. Use percent formulas to figure out percentages and unknowns in equations. (value/total value)×100% Semantic feature Analysis Investigates the links between individual words and the meaning of words that make a phrase (Selig, 2022). This was used in this to analyze the recurring theme in the interview of the key informants..

Scene 17 (5m 15s)

Scoring System For the variables in this study the researcher used this scale below to interpret the different score number of the data in the study..

Scene 18 (5m 29s)

Exit with solid fill. Exit with solid fill. House with solid fill.