[Audio] Assessment of Existing SCADA Systems in Industry on the Basis of Design and Implementation.
[Audio] Proponents Lead Author / Principal Investigator: Engr. Victor L. Domingo Research Member: Engr. John C. Yasay Engr. John Carlo M. Altavano.
[Audio] Research Objectives 1. To gather and review existing documentation related to the SCADA system. 2. To evaluate the system's operational performance. 3. To assess security of the SCADA system. 4. To assess the underlying network infrastructure supporting the SCADA system. 5. To ascertain SCADA system relevant industry standards and regulatory requirements. 6. To identify future requirements, system upgrades, or enhancements based on the assessment findings..
[Audio] Statement of the Problem The purpose of this research is to assess an existing SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system and identify areas of concern or improvement. The assessment aims to evaluate the system's performance, security, compliance, and overall effectiveness in the establishment of SCADA Research Center. Addressing these problem areas will contribute to the optimization, security, and reliability of the existing SCADA system, enabling it to meet SCADA Research Center's operational goals, comply with regulatory standards, and effectively support critical infrastructure operations..
[Audio] Theoretical / Conceptual Framework SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) is a staple in large plants using high-end computer systems and networks. It is a software-based system that run on various platforms. Its programming languages are standard and well known in industry. It can perform control task, database analysis and management, manage assets, provide safe plant operation with focus on facilities and personnel, and provide real time visualization via animated format of ongoing process and data. Its software offers great flexibility and adaptability because it can evolve in parallel with changing or emerging technologies..
[Audio] Its scalability finds application from small scale (medium end computer is adequate here) to large scale areas of application. It utilizes and manages networks and employs communication techniques to gather, share, and analyse data. It transmits and receive high volume of data at a faster rate via wifi (wireless communication), internet, and other data communication standards and techniques..
[Audio] Methodology This research will adopt a mixed-methods approach. The study will begin with a needs assessment survey to determine the requirements for the laboratory. The survey will be administered to faculty members, students, and industry experts. Data collected will be analyzed using descriptive statistics..
[Audio] Managing Risks While assessing an existing SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system is important, it also carries certain risks that should be considered. Here are some potential risks associated with the assessment of an existing SCADA system:.
[Audio] 1. Lack of Documentation: Assessing an existing SCADA system may uncover inadequate or outdated documentation, such as system configurations, network diagrams, or operational procedures. This can pose challenges in understanding the system's current state and in accurately assessing its capabilities and vulnerabilities. Efforts should be made to ensure proper documentation is available or updated during the assessment process..
[Audio] 2. Lack or Delay Funding. This can cause production and distribution of documents as well mobility of the proponents in commuting to and from to target companies. This can be avoided by advanced planning in terms of proper coordination and submission of requirements to facilitate release of funds, 3. Restricted Access to Company SCADA Systems and Personnel. Companies may enforced restrictions to levels of accessibility to facilities and key personnel. Knowledge with regards to company policies and security protocol and sound coordination can avoid this risk. A reciprocal sharing of the university policy regarding data privacy and confidentiality is also a must..
[Audio] 4. Proponents Teaching Load Schedule and other University Exigencies. This risk affects conduct of classes which may conflict with company visits and conduct of survey. This can be avoided by good class and time management so as not to compromise students' learning learnings and faculty support to operation responsibilities. 5. Legacy systems: Many SCADA systems have been in operation for a long time and may consist of legacy technologies and protocols. These older systems often lack modern security features and may be more vulnerable to cyber threats. Assessing and securing such legacy systems can be particularly challenging..
[Audio] 6. Heterogeneous environments: SCADA systems typically comprise a variety of hardware and software components from different vendors. Assessing the interoperability, compatibility, and security of these heterogeneous components can be complex, as they may use different protocols and interfaces..
[Audio] Study Limitations The research study has a number of limitations and these are: 1. It shall not cover assessment with consideration of SCADA system based on manufacturer. Manufacturers have customized or proprietary design and implementation of SCADA hardware and software components. 2. The integrity and quality of the data collected and transmitted by the SCADA system is covered by the research. These process-specific data and greatly varies based on the nature of the company and how it is operated..
[Audio] 3. The user interface and HMI design of the SCADA system are not within the scope of the research. These are also process specific thus its programming and design are diverse. 4. Alarm management capabilities are not covered by the research. Alarms configuration and design are also process- and operation-specific. 5. System's maintenance practices and documentation are study limitations. Plant maintenance are particular to existing process and are not applicable to laboratory settings..
[Audio] Ethical Considerations When conducting an assessment of existing SCADA systems, it is essential to consider various ethical considerations. Here are some key ethical considerations to keep in mind: 1. Consent and Authorization: Obtain proper consent and authorization from the relevant company before conducting any assessments. This includes obtaining permission from system owners, operators, and other relevant parties who may be affected by the assessment..
[Audio] 2. Privacy: Ensure that privacy rights are respected during the assessment process. Take steps to protect sensitive and confidential data, such as personally identifiable information or proprietary information, that may be encountered during the assessment. 3. Non-Disclosure: Respect non-disclosure agreements and intellectual property rights associated with the SCADA system.
[Audio] 4. Professionalism and Competence: Conduct the assessment with professionalism, competence, and adherence to recognized best practices and ethical guidelines. Ensure that the assessment team possesses the necessary skills, knowledge, and experience to carry out the assessment effectively and responsibly..
[Audio] Major Activities 1. Defining the Research Objective: Clearly define the research objective and the specific aspect of the phenomenon that will be described. 2. Literature Review: Conduct a comprehensive review of existing literature and studies related to the topic. 3. Study Design: Determine the appropriate study design for the research. 4. Sampling: Define the target population and select a representative sample for data collection. 5. Data Collection: Collect data through various methods such as surveys, interviews, observations, or existing records and documents..
[Audio] 6. Data Analysis: Analyze the collected data using descriptive statistics or qualitative analysis techniques. 7. Interpretation and Description: Interpret and describe the findings based on the data analysis. 8. Discussion and Conclusion: Discuss the implications of the findings and their significance in relation to the research objective. 9. Reporting and Publication: Prepare a research report or manuscript summarizing the entire descriptive research process, including the research objective, methodology, data analysis, findings, and conclusions..
[Audio] Thank you.. THANK YOU!.