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Scene 1 (0s)


Scene 2 (6s)

Topics:. MARC SGML XML Schemas DTDs.

Scene 3 (13s)

MARC. (Machine Readable Cataloging) Standards to read and interpret bibliographic data Records are encoded using specific tags and symbols. The encoded data depend on the Cataloguing and Classification Standards for the representation and communication of bibliographic Bibliographic data are encoded using MARC Format.

Scene 4 (28s)

Communication Formats Bibliographic data - identify or control the content and content designation Authority Data - identification and description of different forms Holdings Data - holdings and location data for all forms of material Classification Data - used for the maintenance and development of classification schemes Community Information - information about events, programs, services, etc..

Scene 5 (44s)

Structure of Marc Record. Data elements in MARC Records defines by Standards Anglo American Cataloguing Rules ( AACR2) Resource Description & Access (RDA) Library of Congress Subject Heading (LCSH) Provide guidelines on formulating Bibliographic data in to MARC Record structures International Bibliographic Description Provide guidelines for displaying MARC Records in a standard.

Scene 6 (1m 2s)

INTRODUCTION TO MARC 21 Tag/Field Indicators 050 082 100 245 260 300 1 10 la PZ7.R79835 lb Haj 1999 la [Fic] 12 21 la Rowling, J. K. la Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets / lc by J.K. Rowling ; illustrations by Mary GrandPré. la New York : lb Arthur A. Levine Books, lc 1999. la viii, 341 p. : lb ill. • lc 24 cm. Subfields.

Scene 7 (1m 21s)

Tags most frequently used are:. 0 10 Library of Congress Control Number 020 I nternational Standard Book Number 082 Dewey Decimal Classification 100 Personal Name/Main Entry 245 Title Information 250 Edition 260 Publication Information 300 Physical Description 490 Series Statement 500 General Note 520 Summary Note 650 Subject Heading 700 Added Entry.

Scene 8 (1m 38s)

Josef Baumgartner MARC ME_Cap alat331Z9Y0 *Obu City) 110 Tags (Add d City :tbgmgni Details All Ccpes More Into.

Scene 9 (1m 50s)

MARC – prevent duplication of work and allow libraries to share better bibliographic resources.

Scene 10 (2m 4s)

MARC History 1960 Henriette Avram , the American Computer Scientist.

Scene 11 (2m 16s)

SGML. Standard General Markup Language provide a standard language for marking up the logical structure of textual documents A logical data structure and marking up instance documents following the generic format U sed for data creation, data exchange, data storage, indexing , searching and retrieving, printing out and data viewing T echnique for representing documents in machine-readable form.

Scene 12 (2m 33s)

SGML allows to attach links inside a document or between documents A document coded in SGML has the portions of text marked up by logical beginning and ending tags.

Scene 13 (3m 10s)

Differences of the MARC structure and SGML. - structures expressed in SGML can be very deep compared to the flat structure of MARC data.

Scene 14 (3m 27s)

FINDING AIDS FOR ARCHIVAL COLLECTIONS develop an encoding standard for archive, museum, and library finding aids..

Scene 15 (3m 45s)

Title: California History B Nugget Dates: 1924-1940 Collection Number: CHN Creator/CoIIector: Coy, Owen Cochran, 1884-1952 Bolton, Herbert Eugene, 1870-1953 California State Historical Association California Historical Survey Commission California. Department of Education Extent: 0.21 linear feet Repository: Glendale Library, Arts and Culture. Glendale Central Library History Room Glendale, California 91205 Abstract: The California History @ Nugget began publication in 1923 and ceased publication in 1940. The serial focused on California stories about early pioneers, descriptions and visual images of significant locations, folklore and legends, plant and animal life, and significant events in the history of the state. The publication was produced by the Califomia State Historical Association. Language of Material: English Access The collection is open for research use. Publication Rights Copyright for unpublished materials authored or otherwise produced by the creator(s) of this collection has not been transferred to Glendale Central Library. Transmission or reproduction of materials protected by U.S. Copyright Law beyond that allowed by fair use requires the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any use rests exclusively with the user Preferred Citation @ California History D Nugget. Glendale Library, Arts and Culture_ Glendale Central Library History Room Acquisition Information Unknown Scope and Content of Collection Each issue of the California History Nugget contains short narratives of varying topics, such as biographical sketches of early pioneers; photographs, illustrations, and maps of historically significant locations; Native American folklore as depicted by Anglo historians; descriptions of the flora and fauna of California; and significant events in the @ history of California , including the Mexican-American War, the Gold Rush, and Westward Expansion. The publication is arranged chronologically..

Scene 16 (5m 9s)

Stores and Transfer Data Extremely useful Only a Tool Free to make your own Tags.

Scene 17 (5m 19s)

1993, University of California Berkeley Library. Amro 6. Pacho collection 1945. + Apps YouTube G Gmail Gczgk Maps y zlibrary eookEaon Premium Gale Product Menu Admin W Profile-Zoom ASK A LIBRARIAN DIGITAL COLLECTIONS L13RARY CATALCGS > > Swch > Artwo G. collemon, Arturo G. Pacho collection, 1945-2007 this Findir" Aid Overview Contents ust Index Terms using this Collection Search Results Pnnt,/DownIoad I Collection Summary Reading list Cantacu.15 Coll ection Summary Span Dates Bulk Dates Lang uage Aid permalink CCC N permalink Sum Light rain Arturo G. colection, 1945-2007 (bulk 1+4-2005) Arturo G. 2100 items S Containers plus I Oversize material in English with some Tagalog Chinese Ote gr b;qkrnark this fimding aid as: aSæÜeadasian3*lSD02 LC Catalog record: 'SR4g3R educator Art05, conescqndence, thesis, publications, agendas, flyers, new»aper clippings, organizatice articles bylaws, pamphlets, photographs, cassette tapes. and other research material are arranged accvding to Pachc's work "ith Filipino American organizations career as an author and educator Subjects irclude Chinese-Filipinos, the Chinese in Asia, Filipino FiliÄm American FilipimJ social services and imniqration, and the Tagalog language 160/2022.

Scene 18 (6m 12s)

Interlibrary Loan Automated Search and Print (ILLASAP).

Scene 19 (6m 39s)

Document Type Definition defines the structure and the legal elements and attributes of an XML document. designed for use in an on-line catalog employing SGML as its underlying record format intended to "identify (tag) content- bearing elements down to the subfield level Purpose of DTDs support the conversion of cataloging data from the MARC data structure to SGML (and back) without loss of data.

Scene 20 (6m 58s)

References. Gaynor, E., (1996). From MARC to Markup: SGML and Online Library Systems. Retrieved from http://xml.coverpages.org/gaynorMARC96.html Lazarinis , F. (2015). Cataloguing and classification : an introduction to AARC2, RDA, DDC, LCC, LCSH, and MARC 21 standards. Retrieved from https://www.proquest.com/docview/2132051269/bookReader?accountid=31259. Lupovici , C., (1997). Cataloging in SGML : from tagging to markup. Retrieved from http://archive.ifla.org https://www.librarianshipstudies.com/2017/10/marc-21.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MARC_standards#:~:text=MARC%2021%20was%20designed%20to,Format%2C%20and%20Classification%20Data%20Format http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/FindingAids/.

Scene 21 (7m 34s)