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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Why Every Homeowner Should Install Solar Panels By: Prit Patel.

Scene 2 (11s)

[Audio] Empowering Homeowners As the world needs more sustainable energy, people must consider using renewable energy sources. Solar power is a good choice because it’s environmentally friendly and works well. Today, we will talk about how solar energy can help homeowners save money and help the environment..

Scene 3 (33s)

[Audio] Stakeholders Homeowners are the most important people in using solar power. They make the decisions about switching to sustainable energy. Homeowners save money on solar energy, get help from the government, and their homes are worth more. Homeowners play a vital role in reducing carbon footprints, contributing to a cleaner environment and a more sustainable planet. Homeowners who use solar power at home can inspire others in their neighborhood to do the same and make their community eco-friendlier. Homeowners can choose clean and renewable energy sources for their homes to help the environment..

Scene 4 (1m 13s)

[Audio] Environmental Consequences The results are clear with the increase in carbon emissions shown in the graph. These gases, mostly from non-renewable energy, lead to climate change, dirty air, and other environmental problems. Our world is using more energy than ever before. This increase puts pressure on current energy systems and causes a lot of harm to the environment..

Scene 5 (1m 40s)

[Audio] Benefits of Solar Panels Reduced Carbon Footprint: Greatly reduces the amount of carbon in the air, making the planet cleaner and more environmentally friendly. Financial Savings: Solar panels save money by making electricity from the sun, instead of using other types of power. You can get tax credits and incentives to encourage the use of solar energy. Long-Term Investment: Solar panels last a long time and are a good investment because they make energy for many years. It also Protects you from unexpected increases in energy prices in the future by using your renewable energy. Enhanced Property Value: Houses with solar panels are seen as good for the environment, use less energy, and make homes worth more. They also attract people who care about the environment and want affordable, sustainable homes..

Scene 6 (2m 41s)

[Audio] Incentives and Rebates The government can help pay for solar panels, and you can get up to 26% off on your taxes with the Investment Tax Credit (ITC). Depending on where you live, the government in your state might help you pay for solar panels. This can help you save money. Many city governments help people use more renewable energy by giving them money or discounts on permits..

Scene 7 (3m 9s)

[Audio] . HOW DO SOLAR PANELS WORK? Light frorn the sun is rnade up of tiny particles called photons. Photons hit the solar panel, knocking electrons free of the silicon atorns vvithin the solar cells. This electricity then transfers to the building. If the solar panels are connected to the utility rmeter, excess electricity is transferred to the utility grid. This causes the rneter to run backward, crediting the property for surplus generation. The inverter converts the direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC), which is what is used to provide power. These loose electrons are now free to rnove, creating an electric current frorn the positive and negative charges now present. They pass through the layers Of the solar cell. The electric current flows to the edge of the panel into a conductive wire, vvhich leads to the inverter. So I a rPower-g u ide.

Scene 8 (3m 44s)

[Audio] Call to Action Now it's your chance to help the world by using solar panels. Imagine your home running on clean, renewable energy and experience the benefits for yourself. To get started: Start by scheduling a solar assessment for your home. Then, get a solar proposal made just for you, based on how much energy you use. Then, Explore financing and incentive options available to you. After that, see how professionals put solar power in your home. Once everything is done, notice how your energy bills and the environment change quickly..