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Scene 1 (0s)

[Audio] Hello, and welcome to the Distributed Data Collection for Risk Adjustment, including High Cost Risk Pool, EDGE Server Resources REGTAP Page Overview. This overview is designed to assist you in navigating through our program area page..

Scene 2 (17s)

[Audio] This is a snapshot of our program page at first glance, we will highlight the key sections to help you understand their purposes..

Scene 3 (30s)

[Audio] In the top right section, we have our introduction. Here we explain the purpose of our program page. Displayed below are tabs that will help you register for Webinar Session, redirect you to an email list to assist you with certain EDGE Server questions and take you to our program page announcements and E-blasts..

Scene 4 (53s)

[Audio] Recent announcements can be found by clicking on the View DDC Announcements and E-blasts button. This page contains a list of our most recent announcements and the date they were posted, this includes any urgent or time sensitive announcements. If you click on each link, you will be redirected to that document..

Scene 5 (1m 14s)

[Audio] On the left hand side next to the intro section, you can find key dates that will keep you informed on webinars sessions, key EDGE Server submission deadlines, and a snapshot of the most recent EDGE Server Timeline. If you click on the timeline, you will be redirected to a slide deck which houses the most recent EDGE Server Timeline and previous EDGE Server Timelines..

Scene 6 (1m 42s)

[Audio] Under our EDGE Core Resources, we list various supporting documents that are integral to DDC. Under Most Recent Webinar Presentations, we post the most recent slide deck of the previously hosted webinar. If you click on each link, you will be redirected to that document or webinar's slide deck. Click on the View More tab to expand the section. This will provide you with access to additional core resources or webinar presentations that we have available..

Scene 7 (2m 16s)

[Audio] Directly below the EDGE Core Resources and Most Recent Webinar Presentations section is our Most Recent Resources section. This will give you a snapshot of our recently uploaded supporting documents, presentation slides, bulletins and job aids. If you click the View button, you will be redirected to that document. If you select the View and Search All Library Artifacts button in the top right corner you will be redirected to the REGTAP library..

Scene 8 (2m 40s)

[Audio] To the left of the Most Recent Resources section are additional resources you can access by clicking on . You can view our Library and Retired Resources along with FAQs. The Financial Management (FM) Community tab will assist with submitting necessary reports to CMS. Please follow the prompts once receiving your authorization code. The hyperlinks will redirect you to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services CMS homepage, the Centers for Customer Information and Insurance Oversight homepage, High Cost Risk Pool resources and Risk Adjustment resources...

Scene 9 (3m 22s)

[Audio] If you still have questions about our program resource page, feel free to contact REGTAP support at 1-800-257-9520 or by email at Registrar@regtap.info. We hope this video has been informative and has helped answer any questions that you may have about our DDC page..